Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 857 South and North

Fang Zhuo didn't expect to see Zhang Rujing in the United States, but he understood why he was here.

He had heard before that Tai Ji had some changes in style after changing its head, and the entanglement with SMIC was a reflection of this.

When I met Zhang Rujing this time, I learned more about the situation. SMIC had once reached a settlement agreement with Taiwanese reporters to end the lawsuit. However, Taiwanese reporters now have no intention of resolving the problem with an agreement. They just follow the U.S. International Trade Let the ITC make a thorough ruling.

The core content is three patent infringements, and the demand is a product ban.

Fang Zhuo is relatively familiar with the procedures of the International Trade Commission (ITC), and a large part of his focus on Yike mobile phone patents is related to this department. It does have the right to ban products from the US market.

The problem is that this ban on sales is related to patent infringement. He knows that SMIC’s 90nm process technology was introduced from the Belgian Microelectronics Center. Logically speaking, there should be no disputes with Taiji on this process.

If it involves the 130nm process technology, this part is relatively backward after all, there is an upper limit to the loss, and the ban on sales is also banned.

"SMIC has a very good foundation in process technology. At the beginning, it only partially introduced Belgian technology." Zhang Rujing answered, "But Taiwanese journalists want to use the Section 337 investigation procedure to force our products to be banned. We are confident of winning the lawsuit. Confidence."

"However, we have to admit that this entanglement has damaged the confidence of our international customers to a certain extent. Even if the ITC has not yet made a ruling, Taiwanese journalists have achieved some of their goals."

The purpose of bloodletting!

Zhang Rujing frowned and said, "I came here this time because the reporter filed a new lawsuit with the Northern California Court. I need to do some new communication with the law firm."

Fang Zhuo was thoughtful, and after roughly understanding the situation in this regard, he changed to a more relevant topic. Bingxin needs to apply for a purchase and introduction license again next year, and SMIC has already obtained it twice.

"It was more difficult when we ran for the first time. I believe Mr. Fang has experienced it before leading the team. The second time we were approved without any obstacles." Zhang Rujing said relatively relaxedly, "There is no problem in this aspect."

Fang Zhuo asked: "Will there be any targeted changes because our craftsmanship has reached the international first-tier level?"

Zhang Rujing was about to answer when he suddenly choked and sighed: "I want to say there is no problem, but SMIC has not tried this level yet."

Bingxin's 65nm has been mass-produced, and more than one million mobile phones equipped with the chip have been sold, but SMIC's process has still not been implemented.

Thinking about it more carefully, I came here in a hurry just to get entangled with Taiwanese reporters, but Mr. Fang opened up the industrial chain with high spirits. It was really a very sharp contrast between the two.

Zhang Rujing is happy to see the progress of mainland semiconductors, even if it is not SMIC.

However, the sadness between the two is also human nature.

"Then I will explore the way first. You used to explore the way, and now I find the way. It can always be used." Fang Zhuo adjusted the atmosphere with one sentence. When he took people to the United States for permission, he asked Mr. Zhang for permission. Experience.

Zhang Rujing smiled and thanked him in person again: "Dr. Jiang told me that Bingxin was willing to raise funds, which helped us a lot."

Bingxin's willingness to raise funds is seen as a signal of cooperation, which is a good thing. In addition, Bingxin's appearance means that Mr. Fang is behind it. No matter which field it is, his little name will have an effect.

"It's just a small favor." Fang Zhuo shook his head.

He is not being modest. In view of the amount negotiated between SMIC and Datang, it would be no problem for Bingxin to take over completely, but... firstly, it involves SMIC's own internal considerations, and secondly, it has to take into account the external situation.

There are only two wafer manufacturing companies in the mainland that have licenses to purchase equipment and introduce technology. Suddenly one company becomes the major shareholder of the other, which can easily lead to some sensitive chain reactions.

This is also the main reason why Fang Zhuo only offered a symbolic 5% when meeting Jiang Shangzhou before.

After all, he has to prioritize ensuring the healthy operation of the ice core, and risk assessment is a very important one.

However, like the inspection in Berlin a few days ago, whether it was a simple negotiation with the administration there or he discussed the idea of ​​building a factory abroad with Qiu Ciyun, the results on both sides were not very satisfactory.

If Bingxin invests in Germany, according to Fang Zhuo, the local government will have to pay for a joint venture. There is a big difference on this point. Qiu Ciyun, the president, is opposed to foreign investment, especially in Germany, and believes that it is unnecessary, even if it is necessary. Opening a new factory is far less favorable than the favorable time, place and people in the Mainland.

Fang Zhuo talked about his considerations about supply chain risks and also talked a little about the priority administrative factors in this plan. However, Qiu Ciyun still did not agree with the direction this time. From the current situation and a foreseeable period, he believed that the boss A little too worried.

Both ends are not good. Fang Zhuo has always respected the opinions of professionals in Bingxin. After all, the company has just entered the fast lane of development. He cannot emphasize his "unfounded worries" and can only keep such a plan first. Take a look at the situation.

When the private plane arrived in San Francisco, Fang Zhuogang and Zhang Rujing ended a relaxing topic while talking and laughing, and he suddenly had a response to his previous thoughts.

"Mr. Zhang, Taiwanese journalists filed a new lawsuit in the Northern California court. We should pay attention to this. The ITC International Trade Commission's ruling process takes a long time, but it may be affected by the federal court's decision."

Fang Zhuo connected the Taiwan reporter's new actions with ITC.

Zhang Rujing was slightly startled, but he did not consider this. ITC's independence may not be that strong.

He nodded solemnly and accepted the reminder from Mr. Fang.

The group went to Yike’s Silicon Valley R\u0026D Center.

Christmas is approaching, and all foreign employees are on holiday. Many domestic employees also take this opportunity to relieve their tense mood. Currently, there are two types of people in the R\u0026D center who are maintaining normal working conditions. A small number of domestic employees and all employees of Morningstar Semiconductor Co., Ltd. staff.

People from Morning Star never change their curl color from the treasure island to the mainland to Silicon Valley.

"Mr. Fang, how many Yike mobile phones have been sold now?" Zhang Rujing followed Mr. Fang for a walk, remembered the recently popular Yike products, and casually asked about the situation.

"2.32 million units." Fang Zhuo gave the latest number.

Zhang Rujing had just taken two steps and suddenly turned around and asked in surprise: "How much? Isn't it more than one million?"

"We have to wait and see with admiration after we have been away for three days. What's more, this is the 12th day of separation." Fang Zhuo smiled slightly and quoted an evaluation he had seen from PCMag, a well-known IT magazine, "After all, our Mars is an alien creature. It’s the light of Android.”

Zhang Rujing was really impressed.

This three-day separation suited not only his perception of ice core, but also Yike, which had greatly increased sales in a short period of time.

He praised: "Mr. Fang's Android Light really has the style of Samsung in the Mainland."

"Samsung? It's just Xiaoyike from South Korea." Fang Zhuo joked, "Mars is now the most capable touch-screen phone on the market."

There are only two models on the market now, and LG’s co-branded model has not even entered the United States.

Zhang Rujing gave a thumbs up, took out the newly purchased Mars, and said with a smile: "When will Qualcomm distribute the order to our SMIC, and let Mars try our technology."

"SMIC is constantly exploring." Fang Zhuo encouraged, "Comrades still need to work hard."

Zhang Rujing wrote a letter of instruction: "Listen to the teachings from the first person in mainland semiconductors."

Fang Zhuo poured a cup of tea and saw that Mr. Zhang actually clicked on "Fruit Killer" and shook his head: "I am a layman, but I am just following the trend."

"The mainland's semiconductors are not following the trend." Zhang Rujing gave his former junior brother a high evaluation, "The south is the north and the south is the north, that's all."

Fang Zhuo laughed: "It should be east and west, and Luzhou and Shencheng are almost the same in the north and south."

Zhang Rujing clicked start, ended the game five seconds later, raised his head and said seriously: "I'm not talking about my Zhang, but the Zhang in the south."

It was the retired Taiwan reporter Zhang Zhongmo.

This person has been involved in the semiconductor industry for more than 50 years. He even pioneered the wafer foundry model. He is a real godfather.

Although Zhang Rujing is a competitor with the other party, he also has a very high opinion of this old acquaintance.

"Old senior, you're broken." Fang Zhuo raised his eyebrows.

Zhang Rujing ended the second game and said with a smile: "It's true, Lao Zhang is 76 this year. No matter how prosperous he is, I think the future will be dominated by the north."

Although he praised it, he also really felt that the waves behind the Yangtze River were so fierce. Let’s look at the future.

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly: "If Zhang Zhongmo hears such words, I am afraid that he will be able to fight another journey just by helping him up."

Zhang Rujing shook his head. Nan Zhang had retreated. How could he survive a second life?

It's too late to come back today, I'll make up for it over the weekend.

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