Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 858 Christmas Speech

Fang Zhuo and Zhang Rujing had a pleasant conversation.

Although SMIC is in trouble, Fang Zhuo and Zhang Rujing have many topics to talk about. For example, Zhang Rujing never forgets his complaints about ice core poaching, and often makes new complaints. Fang Zhuo can also talk about things such as the Ice Core Wafer Service Alliance. Speak a lot of ideas.

Although Zhang Rujing gave a high praise of "South and North", the mainland's semiconductor manufacturing industry is actually "East and West". Zhang Rujing admires Bing Xin's wild spirit, and Fang Zhuo respects Cong Bao even more. Industry seniors from the island come to the mainland.

On December 24, Fang Zhuo, who flew from the United States to Germany and back again, simply put aside his scheduled tasks, not only to accompany Zhang Rujing, but also to relax his busy nerves.

One day later, on Christmas, it was still the Moscone Conference Center where Yike released its mobile phone in June. However, this time in order not to delay the holiday reunion, Fang Zhuo gave a speech at 10 o'clock in the morning to talk about Yike Company and Report your results to friends and opponents on your Yike mobile phone.

Billionaires want to share their successful life experiences and product insights, which is relatively common and sought after in Silicon Valley.

Moreover, due to the outstanding performance of Yike Mars this month, this long-announced speech can be said to have a large number of guests. Many company executives who have no contact with each other in Silicon Valley are also very interested in seeing the founder who single-handedly created Yike.

In addition, Google CEO Schmidt, who has been on vacation, made a special trip to support the event.

The achievements of Yike Mobile are the achievements of Android system and Google. After multi-dimensional efforts and cooperation, Mars has great expectations, but its actual performance in December is still surprising.

At 9:50 a.m., Fang Zhuo updated his social media updates and posted a selfie photo of him and Schmidt arm-in-arm on Facebook. The latter showed his teeth and smiled, and it looked like he was in a good mood.

At ten o'clock, the head of Yike, who is one of the top 50 richest people in the world and is expected to continue to climb the rankings, stood at the center of the stage on time and gave the audience and camera a relaxed smile.

"Hi, everyone, I am Fang Zhuo from Yike. I am very happy to talk about the development of Yike Company with all the friends who care about us on Christmas Day."

"On the 10th of this month, we officially launched the Yike mobile phone Mars in the US and European markets."

"As we expected when we gave it this name, from the 10th to the 25th, until I stand here now, Mars has achieved an outstanding result that I can't even believe."

Fang Zhuo talked about Mars when he came on stage, thus attracting the attention of the audience. However, he did not immediately announce the sales volume.

There are still consumers buying phones at T-Mobile stores in Europe and the United States. Amazon has launched a new batch of Mars phones that have just arrived at the warehouse. Yiko products, which have been pre-sold since October, continue to impact the mobile phone market. .

"The market performance of Mars is actually something we did not expect when we were hesitant, uneasy and even painful at the time."

“Eco’s mission is to keep progressing, but that’s not an easy thing.”

"For me, it takes a lot of courage and determination to hurt or replace the company's well-run player business with a mobile phone project with an uncertain future."

"I used to lie awake at night, wondering whether this decision was the right one and whether it was the way forward for Yike Company."

"However, when I continue to observe all walks of life, I find that maintaining progress and self-innovation is something that is always worth doing."

Fang Zhuo was quite emotional: "An enterprise's self-innovation is the internal driving force to maintain progress. Even if this kind of innovation and progress may temporarily harm the company's current interests, it must still be done firmly."

“Because if you don’t innovate and make progress, sooner or later you will be replaced by the other side of innovation and progress.”

"To this day, I still have respect for Nokia, I still like the N95 it launched, and I still think Nokia is the king of the era. However, I have to make a judgment that Nokia's era may be gradually passing. "

Fang Zhuo named his competitors. This was the first time since the release of Mars that Fang Zhuo publicly responded to Nokia's overt or covert comments such as "toy" and "unusual". His last "minority" video was just a euphemism. answer.

"The success of Mars is inseparable from the Android system installed on mobile phones. This new system is an open source intelligent system jointly launched by Yike and Google in conjunction with many manufacturers and global R\u0026D personnel."

"Yike could have chosen Microsoft's WP platform, adopted TI's platform, or even obtained Nokia's Symbian license. This might have saved us the suffering, self-doubt, and self-denial in the process of developing mobile phones. A lot, but…”

"From the perspective of progress and innovation, the increasing demands of mobile phone users require a system with stronger scalability. The majority of mobile phone manufacturers and numerous mobile phone models increasingly require a more inclusive system."

"This is the biggest reason why we and Google have decided to invest in and continue to develop the Android system!"

Fang Zhuo softened his tone after being decisive, and recalled: "There is a story in the East called the Burning Cauldron, and I think it is very appropriate to use it here. Yike mustered up all the courage, bet all the development, invested all the funds, and sorted out the internal situation. Against all odds, and coupled with the decision-making responsibility I had to bear, I finally made the decision to make Android.”

"Is it progressive? Can it reduce the high costs of manufacturers? Can it be mutually understood by users?"

"Today, I stand here, and I am very happy to answer the questions I asked myself. The Android system is progressive, can reduce costs, and can understand each other with users!"

"Embrace open source, don't be complacent, don't be self-conscious, this is the meaning of the Android system, and it is the common expectation of Schmidt and I."

Fang Zhuo smiled: "Standing in Silicon Valley today and seeing you, I am very happy that Yike has received a lot of help here. Silicon Valley is a place of global innovation. You can meet talents from all states in the United States, France, Experts from Germany, China, and Japan can obtain the support of many knowledgeable people. This is the open spirit of economic globalization. This spirit gave birth to the birth of Android. This is why Yike and many partners around the world have The success of collaboration.”

I talked about Yike Mars, talked about Android system, and praised globalization.

Fang Zhuo finally mentioned all the confidence in his speech today, revealing the final number of pre-sales + 15-day sales this month: "So far, Yike Mars has sold a total of 2.45 million units."

"This is the success of Yike, the success of Google, the success of Android, and the success of Schmidt and I and many partners."

"Android is a system that has all the elements for success, and it is a system that welcomes cooperation from more manufacturers."

"2.45 million units is just the beginning, and it is far from the end."

"I hope to be able to report back to you next year, the year after tomorrow, and even ten years from now on the dazzling achievements we have made with Android."

Fang Zhuo ended his speech.

However, the audience in the audience delayed for several seconds before applauding. They once suspected that they had heard the wrong data.

2.45 million units.

It’s only been 13 days since Yike last announced sales of 1 million units...? An average of 110,000 units per day?

If Yike's two-month pre-sale since October was full of water for sales exceeding one million, then the sales of 1.45 million units in 13 days is enough to make people awe-inspiring.

What is the significance of this number?

This is a number that can ignite the Saipan system, and a number that can make many friends who care about Yike restless.

The force majeure of working's the weekend, so I'll finish the 4k chapter at noon tomorrow.

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