Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 878 Food and grass first (4k)

Taobao is about to do the last game.

It has sent an extremely clear signal.

This is not sudden, but there have been many subtle signs. The electrical appliance brands that are now widely contacted by Taobao have briefly talked about the brand's entry before, and now the competitive boots have really taken off.

Fang Zhuo’s recent main focus has been on Yike mobile phones, but this does not mean that Yigou, which has become one of the synonyms of domestic e-commerce, is not important.

On March 19, three days after Taobao’s coaching change, Tesco held an internal discussion meeting to study how to deal with the country’s No. 1 rival.

"Taobao wants to introduce brands. Is it B2C? I don't see this being clearly mentioned there."

"Whether it's B2C or not, the business it involves is our current core area. This is unbearable."

"If Taobao wants to take our B2C business, we can also try its C2C or B2B business. It's all competition anyway!"

"I haven't heard of Taobao acquiring land to build warehouses. What is its competitive strategy? A big fight or a small fight?"

There were various opinions in the conference room. Some were talking about branding, some were proposing C2C, and some were discussing warehousing and logistics.

No wonder there were so many reactions.

Taobao's number one position in the country was achieved through hard work. Not counting Alibaba's series of competitions, Taobao itself has succeeded eBay and Paipai. The former is an international giant with strong capital, and the latter is the communications overlord with the largest traffic volume.

Today, TOM and Paipai, which eBay sold to Hong Kong, are still half-dead, while Taobao is becoming more and more prosperous after devouring the fortunes of both companies.

Compared with Taobao's competition, Tesco's competition is relatively smooth. When it was first launched, Dangdang and Amazon itself were not very successful. On the contrary, Dangdang has made great progress after being surpassed by Tesco. develop.

Fang Zhuo listened for a while, and when he was about to speak, Su Wei next to him handed over his notebook, and then she announced the latest news.

——Taobao officially launched Taobao Mall.

There was another uproar in the conference room.

It seems that this is coming straight to Tesco.

Fang Zhuo briefly took a look at Taobao Mall, which is not yet very mature, and summed up the rules he saw: "Taobao Mall must offer a fixed price, sell genuine licensed goods, issue invoices, and provide unconditional refunds within 7 days without any reason. Well, it’s like B2C.”

After saying this, he said: "Now, everyone should have no doubts about Taobao's involvement in new models. I just listened for a while, and now what is before me is how Taobao will play B2C, how will it compete, and how should we reaction."

Fang Zhuo did not ask for comment by name, but went on directly: "To engage in B2C, it is either like us or platform-based B2C. Taobao is almost like this. It invites brands to their platform to create attraction. It is also an upgrade to Taobao itself.”

Taobao is indeed developing very fast, and the GMV of last year’s June 18th promotion was quite impressive.

However, with its development, the reputation of counterfeit and shoddy products has lingered, and it has been criticized. It is undoubtedly an evolution to separate a Taobao mall as a regular brand.

He suddenly paused here and asked, "What is Lu Zhaoxi's nickname in Alibaba?"

Logistics director Jacky Dong knew this and replied: "He is Temujin."

"It's interesting. The one who left was the God of Wealth. Well, peace brings wealth. The one who came up was Temujin. He was the one who fought and killed." Fang Zhuo laughed, "I don't know if it is the God of Wealth who presides over peace, Temujin." Zhan, Mr. Ma is still awesome, this Taobao CEO will change whenever he wants."

Jacky Dong nodded, maybe it was a coincidence, but this coincidence really suited the situation.

However, more people did not dare to speak out their feelings. Mr. Ma is awesome, and Mr. Fang is not bad either. If anyone in the company can resist the boss, I am afraid that only Mr. Su Weisu can withstand Mr. Fang's conquest.

"What I heard Sun Qi say just now makes sense. Taobao has not yet acquired land to build warehouses. The B2C it wants to do is still based on the C2C idea. C2C brings together many merchants to activate the market. This B2C is a collection of Many brands." Fang Zhuo said this without continuing.

Su Wei pondered: "Taobao has traffic, which has been confirmed by its 618 data. This is attractive to brands, but platform-based B2C has advantages and disadvantages, and self-operated warehousing gives consumers a different experience. Yes, centralized procurement also has cost advantages.”

Several executives from the home appliance division nodded. The cost advantage is very important.

"I think Taobao Mall is not necessarily limited to electrical appliances. We cannot limit our thinking to such a scope. We have spent a lot of effort to cooperate with electrical appliance brands, including cost, price system, and unified after-sales. This cannot be done in a short time. Done." Fang Zhuo said thoughtfully, "Taobao's B2C does not necessarily focus on electrical appliances, it is just contact. The brands it is most familiar with and has the most experience with are still clothing brands, and this is where consumers are gradually forming inertia. choose."

Just like now, you can buy electrical appliances from Tesco, clothes from Taobao, and books from Dangdang and Tesco. In the past few years, e-commerce websites have formed a certain awareness.

Fang Zhuo doesn’t think Taobao will rashly launch its efforts, and believes that it will still start from areas where it has experience.

He raised a question: "Taobao is very strong, but in the B2C field, especially in the electrical field, which one is stronger, Taobao, or us?"

The answer to this question is no doubt.

Fang Zhuo then asked: "Taobao's attack on eBay is to attack its localization. The most deadly thing about its attack on Paipai is that it uses a two-part strategy. Can these two tactics be used to attack us?"

The answer to this question remains certain.

Tesco is a local company, and it cannot be threatened by Taobao's choice of brands in the electrical appliance field where it has strong traffic.

Fang Zhuo concluded: "In this case, this newly launched Taobao mall is destined to take time to grow. It will be an outpost and trial within a year or two. At most, it will make a wave of low-intensity competition before and after our Double Eleven this year. .”

The big boss gave the final word.

This comes from his judgment of the situation and information, and it can also be regarded as a kind of emotional comfort. After all, he is facing the number one in the country.

Fang Zhuo went on to talk about the important part: "But this doesn't mean we don't need to be vigilant. Mr. Ma would rather replace a president and start a B2C business. His determination is very strong. It's not that he doesn't want to knock down Tesco now. But the status quo doesn’t allow it.”

"The current situation is not good, what about the future?"

"Our advantages in the B2C field need to continue to deepen. This time it is not only our own motivation, but also the pressure from the outside world that we will die if we don't move forward."

Fang Zhuo ended the internal meeting with a warning. Tesco still needs to focus on its own track. No matter C2C or B2B, attacks on the Alibaba system are temporarily undesirable.

Just internal meetings and analysis and discussions are not enough to deal with Taobao's competitive signals.

In the evening, Tesco's institutional shareholders will be invited to gather to discuss the company's development.

The last time the institutional shareholders headed by Xiong Xiaoge were invited by Su Wei, this time Fang Zhuo wanted to hear the opinions of his friends in person.

In the evening, IDG, Zhixin Investment, Tiankai Venture Capital, Capital Today and other institutions arrived at the hotel one after another.

Fang Zhuo heard Su Wei mention something on the way to the hotel.

"Do you still remember Tang Shangde?" Su Wei asked.

Fang Zhuo came back from his thoughts and was a little surprised: "Why don't you remember? Vice President Tang."

Not only Vice President Tang, but also a veteran, a direct descendant, and a senior brother.

However, because he was responsible for the channel cooperation in Beijing and there were economic problems such as rebates, the position was taken down and the person was sent away.

Su Wei said: "He should have come out after the Spring Festival. I heard Hu Meili mention it accidentally."

"There is still contact between them?" Fang Zhuo looked outside the car and said, "Tang Shangde didn't make a lot of money. The small money he made should be enough for the family. Why did he suddenly mention him to me? You want me to learn from his predecessors. , also create a second Sun Hongbin?"

Su Wei shook her head: "That's not true. I just heard Hu Meili mention that he wanted to open a Yike mobile phone brand store in his hometown. I thought that his case has been used for supervision within the company, so I think this It doesn’t mean I can’t agree to join.”

The three people who went in with Tang Shangde were often mentioned within the company for their mistakes.

"Well, let's leave it to the company for review." Fang Zhuo agreed to the matter and did not let Tang Shangde's past affairs become an obstacle to joining.

He didn't have any mood swings because this name appeared in his ears again, he just felt that time was really running like water...

Some people go in and out, and some people are still there.

"Mr. Xiong, come on, come on, long time no see, I have to shake your hand hard!"

"Mr. Xiong is here, he is here to take charge of the overall situation, and my anxious heart is relieved!"

By the time Fang Zhuo arrived at the hotel, the agency's bosses had already arrived.

When he saw his old friend Xiong Xiaoge, he was very happy and acted very enthusiastically.

Xiong Xiaoge shook hands calmly.

Including him, everyone was shocked by the news of Taobao entering B2C.

Okay, why is there a fight?

You do your C2C, and I do my B2C, and everyone is happy on their own, right?

After Fang Zhuo said hello to Xiong Xiaoge, he also said hello to the other eight shareholders one by one.

From its establishment to the present, Tesco has successfully completed three financings. Most of the funds have been used to develop its warehousing and logistics, and the development results it has delivered are also satisfactory.

Before the shareholders' meeting began, Ning Junxia, ​​the president of Jinxin Capital, asked a question: "Mr. Fang, you once said that it would take almost three years for Tesco to burn money and expand, that is, by 2008 this year. The current situation..."

Fang Zhuo did say this.

That was what I said when I was trying to win people over by selling Dangdang shares.

He answered the question calmly: "E-Go has become the number one player in B2C. Because it is still expanding its scale and there are profitability problems in domestic listings, it can be listed in the United States. However, the current stock market in the United States has been declining, and this year is not a good time to go public. "

"Plans always fail to keep up with changes. I didn't expect that 2008 would be like this."

"I didn't expect that Taobao would actually become a B2C business. This is completely different from its past strategy."

Fang Zhuo naturally used this answer to extend the topic to more serious matters.

Ning Junxia could finally accept the answer from the richest man in the Mainland, and returned his attention to today's business. Alas, indeed, this situation in 2008 was unpredictable.

Fang Zhuo introduced the latest situation of competitors today.

Finally, he said hesitantly: "Mr. Xiong, Mr. Xu, Mr. Wang, Mr. Ning, Mr. Yan..."

"Taobao became the god of wealth and Temujin. I heard from Changhong and Meiling that Taobao's invitation was very sincere and promised to attract a lot of traffic. It defeated Paipai last year and this year it is facing Tesco." It’s coming with force.”

"What should we do? Fight or not fight?"

As the head of a company, Fang Zhuo must respect the opinions of shareholders.

The nine investment institutions present here are all well-known in the industry, and they are all well-known figures. He must listen to everyone's opinions.

Xiong Xiaoge was too lazy to speak, while Wang Fengyi blew tea leaves.

Xu Xin, who has also been cooperating with us for a long time, still said in a flattering tone: "Mr. Fang, it's not your character not to fight. This is not a provocation from Tesco. It's Taobao that insists on coming over. How can we not fight?"


Fang Zhuo doesn't like to impose moral standards on corporate business practices. This is by no means related to Tesco's early adopter cosmetics.

He hesitated for a few seconds and said sincerely: "Sister Xin, we are all our own today. Let me make it clear. If Taobao hadn't suddenly made some moves, I would have been in Silicon Valley by now. Yike's mobile phones have been selling well recently, but Apple , LG, etc. all have new phones, and major mobile phone manufacturers are also taking action.”

"On the one hand, I need to pay more attention to the mobile phone. On the other hand, I feel that Taobao may not be able to invest much energy this time. Can we wait and see? Can we observe it for a while?"

Fang Zhuo confessed the situation.

People's energy is limited. His current allocation is mobile phones and ice cores. Su Wei is in charge of Tesco, and she manages it well.

However, this time the situation seems to be either light or serious.

Several people in the conference room had slightly subtle emotions when they heard Mr. Fang's words.

It's okay to invest in Yike. Zhixin Investment, Jinxin Capital, Tiankai Venture Capital, etc., who only invested in Tesco because of the Dangdang incident last time, have some opinions. Yike mobile phone is good, Yike Not a bad purchase either.

Your Yiko mobile phone is also supported by Nokia, Samsung, etc. Yikou can raise the ceiling in the B2C direction in China!

Ning Junxia said tactfully: "Mr. Fang, I think this matter cannot be taken lightly. Ma Chen is not a good person. was fooled by the second choice. Taobao cannot be just a small move! We must be vigilant. It’s nibbling!”

Fang Zhuo looked at Mr. Ning and frowned slightly: "Mr. Ning, you mean, we also have an alternative to Taobao Mall?"

Ning Junxia: "Uh..."

Anyway, it’s a choice between two options, so it’s not impossible.

Yan Honglin, the president of Zhixin Investment, also advised: "Mr. Fang, I know that the market for Yike Mobile Phones is good, but really, Mr. Ning and I agree that Taobao must be guarded against, this is even a life and death battle!"

Fang Zhuo frowned and repeated the word: "Life and death battle..."

Seeing this, Xu Tubin of Tiankai Venture Capital immediately added fuel to the fire and said: "In my opinion, whether it is B2C or C2C, although the names can be clearly distinguished, in the final analysis they are all e-commerce. Others are snoring? Taobao will have a big fight sooner or later. It is better to fight early than to fight late. After all, it has already gained ground during the June 18th event last year."

Last year’s June 18th was almost twice that of Double 11, and the growth rate was even faster.

"Well, Taobao is indeed better than Tesco now, but it was also built with a lot of money. I think this time B2C will also have to burn a lot of money." Fang Zhuo said slowly, "Since everyone means to pay attention to it, we must fight against it. , If you want to fight, then...the troops and horses have not moved, but the food and grass go first."

Fang Zhuo was persuaded and listened to the shareholders. If the shareholders want to fight, then we will fight. Since we want to fight, let’s pay first.

Ning Junxia and Xu Tubin nodded one after another. It would be great if Mr. Fang could pay attention to this reason.

Xiong Xiaoge and Wang Fengyi looked at each other and suddenly felt sympathy for each other.

The novices are still chanting slogans, while the veterans are already silently counting the money in their wallets.

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