Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 879 Home appliances going to the countryside (4k)

Tesco shareholders are happy.

No, most shareholders of Tesco are happy.

Taobao is coming, should Tesco attack?

Of course we have to fight, the market will be created by fighting!

Can you win this time?

I don’t know if I can win, but the opponent always has confidence!

As long as Mr. Fang can strengthen his determination, he can never be worse than now in this rapidly developing market!

The meeting room was full of fighting spirit and morale was high. This time, it was capital that pushed Mr. Fang to fight!

The shareholders' meeting has been held for a long time, and it took a lot of effort to come all the way. We should not only listen to Mr. Fang's hesitations, but also listen to Mr. Su's overview of the business.

At 9:30 in the evening, everyone concluded the mobilization meeting with satisfaction.

Fang Zhuo shook hands with several new friends such as Zhixin, Jinxin, and Tiankai and said goodbye one by one. He made an appointment to meet at the company tomorrow, and then invited his old friends to have a late-night snack to completely lay a solid foundation for the capital.

"Mr. Fang, Tesco needs financing, just say so." Xiong Xiaoge chatted with Mr. Fang on the way to the restaurant.

"Old Xiong, I really want to fight or not, it depends on what everyone wants. As you know, I have been busy with my phone recently. If it weren't for Mr. Ma who wanted to take action this time, I really wouldn't bother everyone." Fang Zhuo said.

Xiong Xiaoge automatically ignored Mr. Fang's sincerity and asked: "I didn't ask you just now in front of so many people. Last time you said that Tesco has been in trouble for three years. If the market is bad this time, forget it. There will be more trouble in the future." A few years, maybe three more years, okay?”

Fang Zhuo said angrily: "Old Xiong, what's your tone? What do you mean?"

Xiong Xiaoge said calmly: "I trust you very much and understand your intentions. I believe that you will be able to go public in another three years."

Fang Zhuo was no longer angry and mused: "Maybe in three years, if the brothers want to fight, I can only fight. However, Taobao has become a trend. The two sides will touch each other to shape the domestic e-commerce order and squeeze out similar small and medium-sized players." , there is no harm in going public.”

Xiong Xiaoge nodded slowly, this was always the truth.

Although he was surprised by the strong signal released by Taobao this time, he was not too worried about Tesco.

Xiong Xiaoge understands the situation of Tesco. Although the investment is high, the warehousing and logistics are extremely solid. This is not an element that Taobao can catch up with in a short while. It is even unclear whether Taobao is willing to follow up.

He doesn't believe that people like Mr. Fang can't do well in Tesco when they have money and scale.

But then again…

"Mr. Fang, you have a lot of changes brewing this year. The global financial market is in turmoil. Yike's mobile phones are facing fierce competition from major manufacturers. I heard that you have a hand in SMIC, and now Taobao is entering B2C. "Xiong Xiaoge is a little worried about the pressure brought by multi-line challenges.

Many enterprises and projects are not without good conditions, but due to strategic mistakes, the ending is not happy.

Fang Zhuo said sincerely: "This year 2008 is indeed brewing a lot of changes. There are opportunities in the financial crisis. Yike Mobile has gained a firm foothold and the e-commerce market continues to develop. SMIC is indeed not having an easy time. However, Bingxin We will introduce new international customers every month.”

Xiong Xiaoge glanced sideways at Mr. Fang.

Fang Zhuo smiled back.

Xiong Xiaoge nodded silently.

There were only five people in the supper party, Fang Zhuo, Su Wei, Xu Xin, Xiong Xiaoge, and Wang Fengyi, all old acquaintances.

While we were having dinner, we didn’t talk seriously about Tesco’s operations. Instead, we talked about industry gossip, including Taobao’s personnel changes. “God of Wealth” Sun Tongyu is definitely very capable, and his wife “Lin Daiyu” Peng Lei Also at the top.

Under this situation, Ma Chen wanted to touch Sun Tongyu, but he didn't know what the inside story was, and he didn't know, but Peng Lei still couldn't do it.

Several people made wild guesses.

Fang Zhuo was not very interested in this. Seeing them gossiping so much, he simply called the departing parties to ask about the situation.

Unfortunately, the other four people wanted to lose face and jointly discouraged such behavior.

They can't expose the gossip behind the scenes to the person concerned like Mr. Fang did.

After finishing the supper, Xu Xin asked a little about the financing this time, but before Fang Zhuo could answer, Wang Fengyi spoke disapprovingly.

"President Fang said that before the soldiers and horses are moved, food and grass go first."

"If you want to fight, then invest money."

"If you don't want to fight, then you can wait and invest money. This pre-IPO race will always require money."

"If you cast in the morning and cast in the evening, you will cast. If you cast in the morning and in the evening, you will cast. Sister Xin, don't you think so?"

Wang Fengyi was babbling, holding back everything Xu Xin and Fang Zhuo wanted to say.

Xu Xin is a little funny, this guy...

Fang Zhuo raised a glass of wine and praised, "Brother Wang, you know how to invest."

Wang Fengyi nodded reservedly and clinked his wine glasses. Even in front of Mr. Xiong and Mr. Xu, he knew how to invest.

Xiong Xiaoge and Xu Xin didn't speak, and they also had a drink.

"Let's just leave it at that. I've said all that needs to be said. If there are no surprises in the subsequent financing, Tesco will not consider bringing in new investors." Fang Zhuo said, "Taobao will not be able to reach the door for a while, and Tesco's warehousing The logistics system still needs to be built, and the prospect of listing is not good now. In two or three years, we can get a better price on Nasdaq."

Xiong Xiaoge finally asked: "There is no problem with Tesco's financing. Do the electrical appliance cooperative brands also need to be maintained to avoid being pried away by Taobao?"

Fang Zhuo raised his wrist and looked at the time: "Zhang Xuebin should be on the plane now. Tomorrow, several brand executives will come over to have a talk. With Taobao's traffic, it is impossible to completely block the brand cooperation it wants. , Tesco just needs to stabilize the electrical appliance brands that are most suitable for online."

Not all electrical appliance brands are suitable for today's e-commerce.

For example, Tesco and Gree also had symbolic cooperation when fighting against Gome, but this did not deepen and was only superficial.

The biggest reason is that Gree is vigorously building its own channel system and does not want online sales to impact its own dealers.

Fang Zhuo once had a good chat with Dong Mingzhu, but the reality of the two companies was based here, and there was no closer contact.

On the contrary, Changhong and Meiling, owned by the two former leaders Ni Runfeng and Zhang Xuebin, are exactly the most suitable electrical appliance companies for Tesco.

When e-commerce is engaged in e-commerce, especially in the initial stage, one of the biggest problems is how to obtain products that are cheap enough to benefit consumers as much as possible.

On the one hand, centralized procurement has bargaining power. As traffic increases, this part of the bargaining power also increases. On the other hand, the inventory products of those home appliance companies are naturally easy to hit.

Changhong's large inventory caused by previous strategies is a major source of profits from Tesco.

However, Changhong's inventory has gradually been exhausted, and it has also begun to face a problem of new product channels and prices. However, compared with Gree, this communication between the two parties is much less difficult.

Changhong does not have a large dealer system like Gree, so there will not be so many concerns about profit distribution.

Gree and Changhong are the two extremes of cooperation between Tesco and electrical appliance brands. The relationship between other brands such as Haier, Midea, and TCL is within this range. The intensity of cooperation depends not only on their own situation, but also on each other's sincerity.

When Fang Zhuo and e-commerce executives discussed this kind of cooperation, they still used the old method - rapid development allows both parties to tolerate small problems.

Tesco is actively increasing B2C e-commerce traffic, and brands always need more traffic.

This is the biggest basis for everyone's cooperation.

The next morning, Fang Zhuo met Zhang Xuebin, who arrived in Shanghai at night, before the formal meeting with institutional shareholders.

Zhang Xuebin is now quite prosperous. Changhong and Meiling, which he manages, have emerged from the haze and become the first-tier LCD TV brands.

The former head, Ni Runfeng, found a way to clear inventory before retiring, and forcibly established the direction of switching to LCD TVs. He supported Zhang Xuebin first at Meiling and then at Changhong. This almost paved the way for him to shine.

Zhang Xuebin himself is also very capable, and he lived up to Ni Runfeng's series of actions. Even if he encountered a foreign anti-dumping crisis, he still landed smoothly and orderly. Such achievements also allowed retired Ni Runfeng to gradually gain a better reputation.

Fang Zhuo has a good relationship with Lao Ni. His son Ni Boren is now working well in Yike's supply chain, but he is relatively distant from Zhang Xuebin.

This time when he met Zhang Xuebin, he also had certain expectations in his heart. Tesco needed to establish a more solid brand cooperation relationship after stabilizing the investment intentions of shareholders.

However, as Changhong and Meiling gradually become outstanding LCD TV brands, whether they will also build a dealer system with greater efforts like Gree is a matter that requires communication.

Zhang Xuebin, who arrived at the CEO Office on the 23rd floor of Hang Lung, was a little unexpectedly polite.

Fang Zhuo originally thought that the leader who had achieved outstanding results for the company would be more... "high-spirited".

The two sides were simply polite, but Zhang Xuebin took the initiative to mention business, and from an angle that surprised Fang Zhuo.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think about the subprime debt crisis?" Zhang Xuebin asked after putting down his tea cup.

Fang Zhuo was startled, feeling as if he was in New York. The situation in Syria, ah no, the subprime debt crisis, it is very dangerous...

Seeing Mr. Fang pondering, Zhang Xuebin continued with a solemn expression: "Mr. Fang, do you think this crisis will have a wider impact? Since last year, our overseas orders have been declining. At the end of last year, there were also Lu and Pilot projects for home appliances in rural areas in Henan and Sichuan provinces..."

He knew that Mr. Fang was often abroad, and he also knew that Mr. Fang had deep administrative relationships. First, he came here because he was invited, secondly, he wanted to hear Mr. Fang's judgment, and thirdly, he wanted to cooperate with Tesco.

Fang Zhuo glanced at Zhang Xuebin, who was still very keen.

Bringing home appliances to the countryside is not only about home appliance companies, but also about Tesco, which takes this direction as its core selling point.

Originally, I wanted to talk about the factors of the times that can drive the development of both parties. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xuebin also had this consideration.

This actually makes it easier to talk about.

The pilot notice issued on November 15, 2007 will start work in the three provinces of Shandong, Henan, and Sichuan from December 1 to the end of May this year, and will provide subsidies for farmers to purchase subsidized home appliances. 80% of the total, 20% will be borne by the local government.

This subsidized home appliance category includes color TVs, refrigerators and mobile phones.

Fang Zhuo did not say how to judge, only the results: "This pilot will definitely extend the time, expand the scope of provinces, and also increase the types of subsidized products."

Zhang Xuebin listened to Mr. Fang's confident words with bright eyes. Such an attitude and information brought about a different business strategy.

He was thinking about it. It was so important that he couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Fang, are you sure?"

"Yigou finalized new financing intentions yesterday, and there is a formal meeting today. The biggest use of this financing is to build a logistics system so that Tesco's service scope can be wider and faster." Fang Zhuo After talking about his own situation, he said, "I am very sure that the development of enterprises must follow the trend. This is an opportunity for home appliance companies, an opportunity for Changhong and Meiling."

Zhang Xuebin nodded slowly, Tesco is raising funds again.

Tesco is now the No. 1 e-commerce B2C company. Is this financing not only to cope with Taobao, but also to prepare for new demands?

Zhang Xuebin believes that this logic is smooth, and the news can be easily verified.

Chunjiang Plumbing Duck Prophet, people like Mr. Fang will always have more sensitive news.

"Mr. Fang, you know that we, Changhong and Meiling, are both making LCD TVs. We have studied repeatedly and believe that Meiling can continue to focus on both TVs and refrigerators, while Changhong can diversify into electrical appliances." Zhang Xuebin directly changed the subject. When it comes to his own business, "Mr. Ni often tells me that if I have any doubts, I should come and ask Mr. Fang for advice. This time, I took this opportunity and I really have a lot of questions that I want to ask the teacher for advice."

Fang Zhuo waved his hand: "Hey, what are you asking for advice on? I am a layman, and you and Mr. Ni are both experts. There is no way for a layman to give advice to an expert, but I have to say that this time the home appliances going to the countryside can greatly promote the development of the enterprise. And what stimulates product demand, just use this one to summarize, no matter how big the difference is."

"Specifically when it comes to the division of labor between Changhong and Meiling, you still have to talk to Lao Ni more. He is on the outside now and sees everything more clearly."

Fang Zhuo said what he could say and did not want to mislead others, but he felt that Mr. Zhang's idea was right. Changhong and Meiling had overlapping businesses. This was a problem that needed to be solved. He could make a fuss based on the high, medium and low points of the product. , and can also expand the boundaries of products.

The country is a large market that can accommodate the success of more companies and products. If you dare to take action and invest at this stage, you will have a great advantage.

Zhang Xuebin silently remembered Mr. Fang's instructions and planned to visit Mr. Ni after this trip. He knew that Mr. Ni and Mr. Fang had a better relationship, so he could take advantage of the situation and ask for more news from there.

The meeting at 9:30 am is about to begin.

Zhang Xuebin took the initiative to express his position at the end of this meeting: "Mr. Fang, Taobao has contacted us three or four times, and recently again. Every time, my attitude was very clear. We have a strategic cooperative relationship with Tesco. This Nothing will change.”

Fang Zhuo showed a smile, nodded lightly and said, "Well, cooperation will benefit both sides. Mr. Li and the others will arrive this afternoon, and I'll invite everyone to visit our No. 1 warehouse in Kunshan, which has been expanded even more beautifully. , I think the logistics that Tesco insists on building will be a powerful complement to our cooperation."

He stood up and shook hands with Zhang Xuebin, further consolidating the willingness of important partners for Tesco after financing.

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