Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 980 Union (4k)

On the evening of the first day of March, British Sir Stringer stood in the chairman's office of Sony's US headquarters building, overlooking the crowds of people in New York City.

The frightening financial turmoil is still lingering, but the policies of countries around the world are very strong, and we can vaguely look forward to future recovery.

Just like myself, we can continue to lead Sony on the road to recovery.

Stringer felt very emotional and felt a sense of crisis.

This year's financial report can be seen, but this is due to external funds rather than internal improvements. In the new year, we still need to face the problems of various businesses, otherwise, there will still be a serious deficit in the coming year.

Having said that, you cannot blame yourself for the net loss in 2008. The global economy is in a downturn and the yen has been soaring. This external environmental factor has greatly affected Sony's exports, making the declining LCD TV, game console, and mobile phone businesses even worse. .

If someone else were in this position, they would be worse off than themselves.

Stringer felt a lot more relieved when he thought about it.

In fact, if possible, I would rather not use external funds to improve financial reports, so as to awaken the factions within the company, and achieve the greater self even at the expense of the small self.

However, this funding comes from its own directors, and both parties have good cooperation in multiple businesses. This is another matter.

Stringer shook his head, returned to his desk, and picked up the latest reform plan.

This year we will continue to lay off 16,000 people, consolidate production bases, and reduce the scale of investment. Only in this way can we reduce costs, improve profits, and get out of the predicament.

Just as he was looking at it, the screen of his phone lit up.

Stringer took a look and saw that it was Yu Hong, the president of Yike America.

This is Yike’s finalized deal with Sony Music, and he’s about to make money.

Stringer had enough time to press answer button.

However, the cold content on the phone shocked him extremely.

"What? Suspended the acquisition? Why? Whose decision was this? Have you told Mr. Fang? Impossible!"

Stringer could never believe that the acquisition that had been negotiated would be suspended!

"This is my decision." Yu Hong said lightly, "I will tell Mr. Fang that Yike is facing a new situation and must reduce expenditures."

"Impossible!" Stringer raised his voice, "Mr. Yu, this is something that Mr. Fang and I have decided!"

"Now is the latest notice. Yike is in trouble. He will agree with my decision." Yu Hong said with certainty.

Stringer captured the information accurately: "Yike is in trouble?"

Yu Hong immediately replied: "Yes, Microsoft is cooperating with Nokia and believes that Yike's mobile phone infringes on many of Microsoft's patents and is very likely to file a lawsuit. In view of this situation, Yike needs funds and must be wary of people in the Microsoft camp." , I don’t think it’s time to give your money to another company running Microsoft’s mobile system.”

To put it simply, if Microsoft fights me, I will fight Sony.

Stringer was stunned: "This...Microsoft, what does this have to do with me, Sony?"

He knew about the turmoil between Nokia and Yike, but why did Microsoft suddenly show up?

As a result, Sony was slapped by Microsoft?

Yu Hong said again: "This is my decision, it is Yike America's decision. The board of directors will also be convened to renegotiate our cooperation strategy."

Stringer paused for two seconds: "I want to see Mr. Fang! I want to see Mr. Fang!"

"He's in the office, but even if you come, he will think about the overall situation." Yu Hong hung up the phone after saying this.

Stringer held the phone and was stunned for a while.

No, Sony can't live without this external funding!

If you have never seen the hope of profit, you may still have to accept the predictable criticism from all walks of life, but now...

Sacrifice the small self to fulfill the greater self!

I am the bigger me!

Stringer hurried downstairs and went straight to Yike.

There was a traffic jam all the way, but he also took the opportunity to think through his thoughts and clear his head. Nokia was competing with Yike, Microsoft was sidetracked, and Yike cut off Sony's funding. What do you want?

What else does Mr. Fang want from Sony?

Now it can only be a Sony Ericsson mobile phone equipped with Microsoft WM system.

Sony Ericsson Mobile Phone is a joint venture between Sony and Ericsson, but it has always been operated by Sony and has absolute dominance.


When Stringer arrived at Yike and walked into the president's office where he had been recently, he saw that Mr. Fang had already poured coffee in advance.

"Mr. Fang, are you threatening Sony?" Stringer closed the door first, and then expressed his emotions angrily.

Fang Zhuo stood up, asked the old Sir to take a seat, and asked a question: "Sir, Microsoft informed Yike that we have hundreds of patent infringements and are considering taking legal proceedings to sue us. What do you want me to do?"

"Microsoft even said that if Yike insists on countersuing Nokia, it will not consider negotiating patent licensing at all and will also file a lawsuit in the ITC. What do you want me to do?"

"Obviously Nokia is seeking to ban the sale of Yike's mobile phones, but Microsoft came up and asked Yike not to use the same means to fight back. What do you want me to do?"

Fang Zhuo didn't say it was Mr. Yu's idea and directly talked about his difficulties.

"Sir, if Nokia really succeeds and if Microsoft continues to add insult to injury, Yike will have no choice but to survive the winter. What can I do if I don't cut expenses at this time?"

Stringer looked at Mr. Fang: "I don't think you will get to that point. It's just a matter of mutual authorization and patent fees."

This is what he expected from experience, having seen ups and downs over the years.

"Has LG been banned from selling?" Fang Zhuo simply gave an example, "Has Yike been banned from selling in South Korea? Myself and my opponents have reached that point. What do you want me to do?"

Stringer didn't want to say what to do. This was something that Mr. Fang needed to solve.

Moreover, he had already thought about this matter on the way here: "Mr. Fang, after you have said so much, do you really want to cut expenditures, or are you looking for leverage in negotiations with Microsoft? The impact of Sony Ericsson mobile phones on Microsoft is not that big." big."

Fang Zhuo looked at the old Jazz with bright eyes: "No, Sir, don't underestimate Sony."

"Microsoft's WM has released version 6.5, which supports capacitive screens. However, there are only a few major manufacturers with global influence. HTC, the original OEM manufacturer for Microsoft, has now also invested in Android, as well as Samsung. Like HTC, there are also models equipped with WM, but more resources are placed on Android."

"Nokia is declining, Microsoft is also declining in the mobile market, and BlackBerry's RIM is also declining."

"Sony Ericsson mobile phones are of great significance to Microsoft's mobile phone ecological layout!"

Listening to Mr. Fang's narration, Stringer suddenly felt that he might as well vote for Android.

Fang Zhuo took a sip of coffee. Compared with Nokia's well-known decline, the decline of Microsoft and BlackBerry was a bit quiet.

Last year, Nokia fell 10 points, Microsoft fell 4 points, and BlackBerry fell 3 points.

However, Nokia has a big business, and Microsoft finally managed to expand to 11.8%. The market share fell by 4 points, that is, a 34% decline, which can be said to have plummeted to 7.8%. BlackBerry is similar to Microsoft, and it is now 10.6%.

Microsoft has been cultivating the mobile market for a long time, but the results are not outstanding, and it was severely impacted last year.

Throughout 2008, mobile operating systems such as Symbian, WM, Blackberry RIM, and Linux were all in decline, and the two growing systems, iOS and Android, took away their share.

Stringer looked at the calm Mr. Fang and said, "Then should I be happy now?"

Fang Zhuo looked at the old knight, and suddenly brought out the most important point of the matter, and said directly and bluntly: "After all, the money is my money."

Money is my money, I can spend it however I want, I can give it to you if I want to give it to you, I won’t give it to you if I don’t want to give it to you, I don’t care if you are happy or not.

With just such a sentence, Stringer seemed to be hurt and stood up from the sofa, almost glaring at Fang Zhuo.

Without Sony's music copyright, Yike would have died long ago. How could he be so successful now?

Now that Sony is in crisis, Fang Zhuo, who used to keep calling him Sir, has finally torn off the veil of warmth?

Do you really think that you can control Sony's strategy by suppressing your concerns about financial reports?

Stringer said coldly: "Mr. Fang, this will not happen again."

Okay, I’ll take your money first this time, and let’s see Sony climb out of the bottom next year!

"Sir, I'm not asking Sony Ericsson to break up with Microsoft. I just need to slow down your new models. The 6.5 version launched by Microsoft WM is in urgent need of supporting products. I just want Sony Ericsson to delay it a little." Fang Zhuo sighed, "I don't either. The only solution is to ask Big Brother for help."

Stringer was stunned, huh? I told you earlier...

I thought it was a more intense way.

His expression softened: "Mr. Fang, we are friends. You can tell me directly instead of asking Mr. Yu to call me and say it was her decision. This is what makes me most angry today."

"Actually, it was Mr. Yu's suggestion, but I should have called Sir first. I didn't do it well." Fang Zhuo admitted his mistake, and the atmosphere became warmer.

Stringer nodded slightly. There is one thing that needs to be clarified: "Sony Ericsson mobile phones equipped with WM6.5 are planned to be launched in mid-March. Now is this postponement?"

Fang Zhuo said simply: "You and Microsoft do not set a time limit, but in fact it will take up to two months for the lawsuit between Yike and Nokia to come out."

Stringer frowned. Two months is a long time, especially for current Sony Ericsson mobile phones, which need to enter the market in time.

Fang Zhuo hasn't finished yet: "The communication between Sony Ericsson and Microsoft needs to be more straightforward. After all, Microsoft is also very straightforward with us. They don't want Nokia to be stuck by patents."

Stringer pondered over and over again, and finally decided to agree. If Mr. Fang needed two months, then give him two months. This way, the friendship between them would be restored.

He slowly put forward one of his conditions: "Sony Music can sell another $100 million worth of shares."

Fang Zhuo is very sensitive to such figures. 100 million US dollars. Isn't this the last 100 million US dollars that the old Jazz was asked to solve the 1 billion US dollars loss by himself?

He only thought for two seconds and said, "I want sensors, not music."

Stringer thought for two more seconds.

However, there are only 0 and countless times to exchange shares for money.

Anyway, I've already sold my shares, that's all.

"Okay." Stringer agreed, "Sony Music's strategic cooperation should be implemented quickly."

Make a deposit first and then do the work.

Fang Zhuo called Mr. Yu in front of the old jazz and asked to strengthen cooperation with Sony Music within two days.

Stringer shook hands with Mr. Fang and walked out of Yike's president's office with his head held high.


"Sony made reverse profits in the financial crisis, and Stringer is the well-deserved master of ZTE!" 》

Sony is taking action.

Google is also taking action.

This time Microsoft took advantage of the situation and aimed at both Yike and Android systems.

This matter must be resolved.

If Microsoft is allowed to be intimidated like this, any subsequent Android manufacturer will have to pay more.

After Schmidt learned the news and repeatedly confirmed it, he held a team meeting. Everyone believed that the patent fee was not unpayable, but required a reasonable price.

How to obtain this "reasonableness"? Is it reasonable to start a lawsuit with Microsoft?

Now there is a good opportunity. Yike, the leader of the Android camp, has important patent chips in its hands. It can use this to gather more manufacturers to negotiate with Microsoft to find a suitable position.

If Nokia and Microsoft can't get around Yike's patent for the time being, it will be difficult to lower the price if they want to negotiate in the future.

This is the common interest of important manufacturers in the Android camp.

Therefore, Schmidt immediately contacted Samsung, HTC, and even LG, which had previously tried to persuade them but ignored them, notified them that they planned to join forces with Yike to negotiate with Microsoft.

All three companies have products equipped with Microsoft systems.

As for how they will choose this time...

Schmidt attaches great importance to the maintenance of the Android camp and a giant rival like Microsoft. He has already communicated with Mr. Fang. If Samsung and HTC are unwilling to put pressure on Microsoft, then there is no need for the cross-patent licensing PRO Alliance to exist. .

If Microsoft wants to sue, then Samsung and HTC are also waiting to be sued.

Microsoft wants high patent fees, and Samsung and HTC are also waiting to be charged patent fees by Yike.

As for the subsequent various mutual prosecutions, that will happen later.

Anyway, if you don't want to put pressure, let's go off together and have a big brawl.

Schmidt was extremely decisive, and his telephone communication with the head of the manufacturer was also extremely tough. After all, doing this was beneficial to everyone.

On March 3rd alone, HTC head Wang Xuehong, Samsung Electronics Lee Jae-yong, and LG Electronics Nam Yong rushed to New York to discuss important matters.

However, what they didn't expect was that they also saw Stringer, the head of Sony, in the conference room.

Led by Google, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, HTC, LG, plus Yike, five mobile phone manufacturers sat together in a short period of time.

However, even though they sat down, all the families with entangled interests were not united.

Fang Zhuo was the last one to walk into the conference room because he was answering the phone.

As soon as he sat down, he heard the strange voice of Nam Yong, the head of LG Electronics who had a long history of grudges.

"Mr. Fang, you should have sat in the conference room earlier. This is not the way to ask for help."

LG and Yike are the kind that see red on the bayonet, banning each other's sales.

Nan Yong felt happy when he saw that Yike was being repeatedly intimidated, and planned to use this opportunity to resolve Yike's lawsuit against LG's new mobile phone.

Fang Zhuo glanced at Nan Yong: "Get out, we don't need LG here, just wait for the ITC's continued ruling, it will be soon."

Nan Yong said angrily: "You!"

Fang Zhuo raised his voice: "Didn't you hear? You are not welcome here."

Lee Jae-yong, who is also Korean, said leisurely: "Mr. Fang, are you so angry? Seek common ground while reserving differences."

Fang Zhuo looked at Li Zaiyong: "Stop talking and get out too."

Li Zaiyong glared.

Schmidt saw this and quickly smoothed things over: "Mr. Fang, Mr. Li, we are here to solve the problem,"

He said to Nan Yong again: "Mr. Nan, you go out first."

Nan Yong: "..."

Why is it different?

He waited for a while, but before anyone could stop him, he stood up and left the conference room embarrassed and angry.

In the first ten minutes, six alliances lost one of their own.

The competition outside is complex, and people on the same front also have different dreams.

Fang Zhuo glanced at the Android manufacturers present and expressed his attitude directly: "Yike will not give in. No matter what, we will insist on countersuing Nokia."

Everyone in the conference room had no expressions, but their hearts were filled with excitement.

Yi Ke bled Nokia, a good thing.

At the same time, Nokia also bled Yike, a double happiness.

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