Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 981 Come to life (4k)

The competition situation is difficult, and the cooperation situation is not optimistic either.

The time is short, the time to react is short, the time to make decisions is short, and the time to communicate with Schmidt is also short.

But Fang Zhuo has a simple logical basis for this major Android manufacturer meeting.

Just assume the worst possible malice about them.

Samsung is the biggest competitor in the camp, and HTC was forced to pay a patent fee. Even if Sony and Stringer were squeezed to delay Sony Ericsson's new phone, would he feel comfortable looking at the prosperous Yike?

How Fang Zhuo speculated on Microsoft's cooperative attitude towards Nokia is how he speculated on everyone in the conference room.

Of course, everyone feels the same way about Nokia.

I have to tell the difference...

Fang Zhuo looked at everyone's confused expressions after he said something, and estimated that they wanted Nokia and Yike to die the most in their hearts, and they could die in front of them.

He emphasized again: "Nokia's alliance with Microsoft this time proves that it has no better way. Yike will insist on countersuing Nokia. As long as Yike can survive Microsoft's wave, Nokia's market will only be increasingly eroded."

Fang Zhuo's voice was sonorous and powerful. From the moment he walked into the conference room today, no one could get used to it. Now he has repeatedly stated his position, which seems to be a real fire.

Except for Schmidt who frowned slightly, the heads of the other three families looked at Mr. Fang with awe in their eyes. What is a real man?

Mr. Fang is a real man!

He was about to be punched hard by Nokia and Microsoft, and he was still yelling to fight back!

Although Li Zaiyong has never seen a good look from Mr. Fang, he still agreed heartily at this moment: "It is true that Nokia has shown signs of decline. We must not relax at this time. Nokia's response has been slow. If we take advantage of the situation this year, The power is very likely to plummet."

Fang Zhuo looked at Samsung like a prince, nodded and said: "Yes, so Samsung will suspend cooperation with Microsoft WM mobile phones this year."

"Haha." Lee Jae-yong laughed twice, "This needs to be discussed. Samsung Electronics' development strategy cannot be decided by me alone."

Fang Zhuo asked unceremoniously: "Then what are you doing here today?"

"Of course I'm here for discussion." Lee Jae-yong responded with a smile, "I'm not here to see Yi Ke's jokes."

Fang Zhuo said coldly: "That's right, if you want to see the joke, I have to come in person."

Schmidt just wanted to touch his forehead. Mr. Fang was in too strong a mood today, and he was probably under too much pressure recently.

He took advantage of Lee Jae-yong's attack and slammed the table: "Okay! Now it's not a matter of one company! It's a matter of the entire Android camp! You all know it in your heart! No matter what, this matter must be dealt with Respond."

"I know that you all have Microsoft system products, but now that you are sitting here, you all understand better who is more worthy of investing in the future."

"Today we sit back and watch Yike being forced by Microsoft. Tomorrow it will be Samsung, HTC, or Sony. By then, do we still want to have such a collective power?"

"If we don't negotiate a suitable condition with Microsoft now, do we want to pay high patent fees in the future?"

Schmidt took an impassioned tone, once again describing what was at stake.

Wang Xuehong, the head of HTC, remained silent. Those present here have the deepest connection with Microsoft. In fact, HTC is Microsoft's largest OEM. It is precisely because of its original partnership with Microsoft that the company can be what it is today.

However, as Lee Jae-yong said, Nokia has shown signs of decline... Not only that, Microsoft's WM system is also declining.

This time she came to New York to witness the entanglements between Nokia, Yike, Microsoft, and Google. A strong feeling emerged in her heart - Qin lost his deer, and the whole world chased him!

Once Nokia is pulled down, this market share will be enough to reach a few points.

If you want to reduce Nokia's market, Yike's attitude and actions are crucial.

Wang Xuehong has been running around during this period, visiting the supply chain and telecom operators. She deeply feels that HTC’s upcoming Android phone will be difficult to compete with the already established Mars. In particular, Yike is also an instant hit in mainland China. This kind of competition pressure……

But now things are starting to get messy, and HTC may have a chance.

Wang Xuehong looked at the other two heads with her peripheral vision, unwilling to express her position first.

Li Zaiyong was even more reluctant to express his position. He found that the man surnamed Fang really looked down on him and repeatedly talked about his family background, especially in front of the heads of several companies in the conference room. This was simply a huge insult!

"Let me say a few words."

After all, it was Stringer, the leader of ZTE, who broke the silence.

He is a special person today. There is no news about Sony Ericsson mobile phone equipped with Android system. Instead, it has already confirmed cooperation with Microsoft. Moreover, his status is extremely high and his social circle is also quite high-end.

"Android is developing very well, and Sony Ericsson plans to cooperate with us this year."

"Yike and Apple have reached a consensus to block Nokia's patents."

"I'm sure you're all happy to see Nokia not keeping up with the times."

"If you want to see this scene, how can it be possible without any effort?"

"The three of us are fully capable of putting pressure on Microsoft. Even if we don't terminate the cooperation as Mr. Fang said, it's just a temporary delay, and we can let Microsoft know our attitude."

The old knight's voice was unhurried and very calm. He was taking people's money to eliminate disasters for them, that's all.

Besides, he was also happy to see the tenacious side of Yi Ke and Mr. Fang.

Schmidt immediately said: "Yes, it's a rare opportunity. With Nokia standing in the way, how far can Samsung's market grow? You carry Symbian, and as a result, Symbian is synonymous with Nokia. You carry WM, and everyone Just remember Microsoft, only the open source Android has the greatest degree of freedom, and has already defeated Symbian and WM. This year is the best time to compete."

He said this to Li Zaiyong, but Li Zaiyong remained silent.

Wang Xuehong looked at the British and Americans, then looked at Mr. Fang, and asked: "Even if we express our attitude to Microsoft, Microsoft may not give in, so what should we do?"

"Microsoft will measure the value of its cooperation with Nokia." Fang Zhuo said seriously, "Nokia is Symbian and Microsoft is WM. The cooperation between the two companies can only be very limited. The president of Nokia is not a Microsoft person, how could he not measure it? Severity."

Wang Xuehong nodded slightly. This makes sense. Microsoft and Nokia were competitors before. However, Android was rising too fast and Yike held the patent, which forced the two companies to join forces.

All business matters can be discussed.

On the contrary, the desperate efforts of Nokia and Yike are very surprising.

Wang Xuehong considered it: "HTC can put forward some opinions to Microsoft, but this opinion must also be within the scope of the company's interests."

Cooperation can be postponed for a certain period of time, and this certain period of time is measured by oneself.

Fang Zhuo understood Mr. Wang’s statement.

Schmidt looked at Lee Jae-yong again and urged: "Samsung has common interests with the Pro Alliance, Android system and even now Yike. Mr. Lee, the opportunity to overthrow Nokia is rare now."

Li Zaiyong stared at Fang Zhuo.

Fang Zhuo looked at the medicine jar expressionlessly.

"After all, Yike still wants us to help withstand the pressure from Microsoft." Lee Jae-yong's expression became playful, "Samsung and Microsoft have a very good cooperative relationship. Just a few words from you, President, let me Taking huge risks so that you can reap the greatest benefits, why?”

"Samsung is willing to carry Android, but if Google insists that it doesn't want Samsung to use it, then Samsung won't use it."

"Samsung can withdraw from the Pro Alliance, and I can go to Microsoft and Apple to cross-license, and there will be no problem."

Lee Jae-yong supported the table with one hand, stood up and leaned forward, asking aggressively: "So, why?"

Unlike loss-making Sony, small-player HTC, and banned LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics and Samsung Group are powerful and resourceful, and have many bargaining chips with Microsoft, Nokia, and Apple.

Fang Zhuo sat still and said what the three people present more or less had in mind: "Only because of you can you hope to replace Yike in Android."

Wang Xuehong frowned slightly.

Stringer turned his head and looked at Mr. Fang.

Li Zaiyong heard this and sat down again: "Oh? What Mr. Fang said is interesting. So, Mr. Fang believes that Yike can still occupy the leading position?"

It seems that Mr. Fang is very sober. Does this mean he has confidence in Yike?

Do you think Yike can maintain its current development trend despite competition from manufacturers such as Nokia outside and Samsung inside?

"Why not?" Fang Zhuo asked back, "Even if Yike encounters a temporary situation, I will get a new phone in June, the Chinese market will continue to rise, and there are already user groups in Europe and the United States. Why don't I believe it?"

Lee Jae-yong felt an extremely strong belief that he would be better than me.

Fang Zhuo made a faint metaphor: "Just like Chairman Li Jianxi pointed his sword at DRAM, I have the same confidence as him. If you think Samsung can catch up at this time, then give it a try."

Lee Jae-yong felt criticized again.

But this time, he endured it himself. Faith is faith. ITC will not talk about faith with you. The more this happens now, the more he wants to see how Yike will end up.

The person named Fang is very arrogant, and this year will be the beginning of Yike's decline.

"Very good, Mr. Fang, I will see how Yi Ke targets Nokia." Lee Jae-yong expressed his stance, "I will also let you know why Samsung mobile phones are where they are today."

Fang Zhuo was noncommittal.

Seeing the gratifying progress in the process, Schmidt quickly took over and said: "Since everyone has a consensus, Google will negotiate with Microsoft on behalf of the Android company. First, Microsoft will not be allowed to use the ITC channel for manufacturers equipped with Android systems. , Second, both parties authorize each other or have a reasonable price.”

"Third, you all expressed concerns about Microsoft regarding Yike."

"Microsoft's behavior is extremely detrimental to the development of the industry. It is difficult to win people's trust based on the other party's verbal promises alone."

Schmidt looked around and heard no objection.

He took advantage of the situation and talked about the development of the Android system and this year's goals.

Although Yiko and Nokia are involved in a patent dispute, Android still hopes to gain 20% of the smartphone market share this year.

This number is second only to Nokia.

The atmosphere of the meeting was dull, as each of the four leaders was evaluating the next direction of the situation and the opportunities available to them.

When it was over, Lee Jae-yong left first. After a brief greeting, Wang Xuehong hurried back to consider her stance on Microsoft. Schmidt enthusiastically grabbed Stringer and promoted the installation of Android system.

He knew that Stringer, who represented Sony Ericsson Mobile Phones, was brought in by Mr. Fang. No matter what method was adopted, this probably proved that Sony Ericsson Mobile Phones had a certain interest in Android.

Stringer listened politely to Schmidt's pitch and said he would go back and think about it.

When there were only two people left in the conference room, Schmidt complained and the other party always said: "Mr. Fang, why are you so stubborn? Does Yi Ke really not consider negotiating and settling with Nokia?"

He still believes that reconciliation between the two companies is the biggest expectation. If this continues, it's really hard to tell which company will be worse off.

"Here today, if I give up one point, Samsung will move forward ten points, and nothing can be discussed." Fang Zhuo first expressed his attitude, and then said, "From the beginning to the end, it was Nokia who persisted in the lawsuit. Open your mouth, the situation is no longer under my control."

Schmidt stared at Mr. Fang and said sincerely: "If Yike is really banned from sale, even if you launch a new model in June, it will still be a huge harm to Android and Yike, and there will still be a steady stream of lawsuits. , Mr. Fang, stopping the loss in time may not be the best way.”

"Ask Kallasvuo, is he willing?" Fang Zhuo said.

Schmidt sighed. Kallasvuo seemed extremely determined, and the situation was indeed somewhat out of control.

He patted Mr. Fang on the shoulder: "Mr. Fang, no matter what, the Android camp is Yike's most solid backing."

Fang Zhuo nodded, thanked him, and left the conference room.

Schmidt waited for a while, then took out his mobile phone and called Lee Jae-yong. He wanted to discuss greater cooperation with Samsung. This time it would be great if Samsung could be completely drawn into the Android camp.

Stopping losses in time may not be the best way.

Shanghai, Shenxin Science and Technology Innovation Office.

Wang Fengyi was carefully reading recent investment project research reports when his cell phone suddenly displayed an incoming call from a foreign number.

He was refreshed and came to life!

The phone call was concise, but the content was shocking.

Microsoft patent?

Why are there still Microsoft patent issues?

There has been no news from foreign media.

Wang Fengyi was very sure that he paid close attention to overseas information during this period. There was no mention of patent infringement between Yike and Microsoft.

There is no suspected information, not even sources.

This is a major negative for Yike.

Wang Fengyi thought for a while, picked up the landline, called his secretary, and named two vice presidents he promoted to come to the office.

Regarding the handling of Yike stock, this is a major matter for Shenxin Kechuang and must be made collectively.

Even if I am the top leader of Shenxin Science and Technology, even if I am China's number one investor, I often have to respect everyone's opinions. When necessary, I have to shed tears and kill Yike.

It's a pity that he was originally a little taller than Xiong Xiaoge. After crying like this, he might be a little taller than him.

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