Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 982 Wisdom (4k)

Alliance or confrontation, this is the question faced by many manufacturers in March 2009.

Sony Ericsson, Samsung, and HTC, these three companies are moving very quickly driven by Google.

This is Microsoft. When it received protests from three mobile phone manufacturers equipped with the WM system, the top management was also alarmed.

Although Nokia's intention to cooperate is very happy for Microsoft, there are only four major manufacturers of WM systems in the world today, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG, HTC, and three companies have suddenly appeared...

Moreover, just one day before and after, they all expressed concerns about the Yike patent incident, which is too coincidental.

On March 5, Microsoft CEO Ballmer personally flew to New York to meet with WM's mobile phone manufacturers to show his concern.

Just before he came, thanks to a small report by LG Electronics head Nan Yong, he basically knew what the situation was. He knew that there were factors behind it including Google and Yike, and he also knew that there were some common interest considerations.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Stringer, Li Zaiyong, and Wang Xuehong were already sitting in the conference room.

Five minutes later, they unexpectedly saw Nan Yong walking in first, followed by Ballmer.

Nanyong smiled at the three of them.

Li Zaiyong had no expression, Wang Xuehong's expression moved slightly, and Stringer felt something was not good.

However, although Nan Yong, who had been kicked out by Mr. Fang earlier, appeared at the meeting with Microsoft, Ballmer's attitude on behalf of Microsoft was surprisingly mild.

After some pleasantries, Ballmer talked about Android's patent issues and disclosed detailed figures.

"According to our statistics, Microsoft holds 310 Android-related patents, which is an extremely shocking infringement."

"It's not that Microsoft wants to target companies that run Android systems, but that Google, Yike, and Android ignore Microsoft's legitimate rights and interests."

"The reason why we launched the rights protection action against Yike this time is because it is one of the founders of the Android company. We believe that Yike must pay a price for this. This is where Yike is different from everyone else."

310 patents!

Yike is the culprit!

When Stringer heard this, even though he was shocked by so many patents, he still interrupted: "Ballmer, do you mean that Microsoft will never negotiate patent fees with Sony Ericsson, Samsung, and HTC?"

Ballmer glanced at the old guy and smiled: "Microsoft is always willing to maintain a cooperative relationship with everyone, and also understands the new system models you launch based on market considerations. The global mobile phone market is huge, and WM and Android can coexist. .”

"Microsoft definitely offers a reasonable patent licensing fee to its partners, which is also different from Yike."

HTC's Wang Xuehong fell into deep thought. Microsoft's communication attitude was very good, which was unexpected. Its goal was also very precise, which was to target Yike.

Lee Jae-yong spoke up on this occasion: "Yike holds many important patents for touch screens. How many of Microsoft's 310 patents can be circumvented? Even Nokia is also troubled by this. In other words, can Microsoft Cooperate with Apple?"

Ballmer did not answer immediately. After a few seconds, he said: "Microsoft will try its best to cooperate with Apple."

Microsoft's relationship with Apple isn't a pretty one.

Wang Xuehong also said "try your best" after hearing this: "No matter what, we need Yike's key patent authorization. This is an important reason why we are sitting here today."

HTC finally joined the Pro Alliance, and she doesn't want to see this alliance collapse.

Moreover, compared to Microsoft's WM system, HTC is indeed more optimistic and has more expectations for the Android system. This is an important internal shift.

All three companies have expressed their opinions, and this is indeed the key point that is not easy for Microsoft to solve.

Ballmer was not disappointed.

He continued to talk about the problems of Android since its birth, emphasizing that it is not Microsoft that makes trouble out of nothing.

Seeing that everyone's position had not changed, Ballmer said calmly: "As for the patent infringement, Microsoft will communicate with Yike. I believe this matter can be resolved smoothly, but it will take time. I hope this period Time will not affect everyone’s development.”

Stringer asked directly: "How does Microsoft plan to communicate with Yike? What is the direction of this matter?"

Ballmer was a little surprised that Stringer appeared here on behalf of Sony Ericsson. He looked at the British knight and said gently: "I want to solve the matter smoothly and without any trouble. This is what Microsoft has done this time." The principle of doubt, we all need time.”

"Let's see what happens."

Ballmer said this vaguely.

Present here are LG Electronics Namyong who is making a small report, Microsoft's partner Sony Ericsson, and Samsung and HTC who are taking care of both systems.

When the Microsoft CEO made this statement, all four people felt a hint.

Let's see what happens.

There is nothing to rush. Now is the stage for Nokia and Yike. The ITC has changed the judges and the results are less than 2 months away.

The atmosphere in the high-end business conference room suddenly relaxed.

A patent dispute involving Nokia, Yike, Microsoft, Google, Apple, Samsung, HTC, Sony Ericsson, and LG will eventually make way for two players who are really hot.

Let's see who survives and how many breaths are left.

As the meeting came to an end, Ballmer asked his last question: "Which one do you think is more promising, Android or WM?"

Stringer said sincerely: "WM."

Li Zaiyong nodded: "Sir, you are right."

Wang Xuehong also nodded: "Indeed."

Nan Yong agreed without hesitation: "Of course it's a Microsoft system."

Ballmer looked at these four people and felt that sincerity was hard to replace.

For example, Stringer from Sony, who has been working with Fang Zhuo from Yike for a long time, will probably launch an Android phone soon.

That's all, Ballmer won't force it and won't talk about this issue again.

He planned to call Nokia and Yike respectively in the evening to ensure that Nokia would pursue Yike's infringement issues and to express to Yike that they would negotiate to resolve the patent licensing of the Android system.

These two companies, one is Symbian and the other is Android, it is best to weaken each other and let Microsoft WM grow stronger.

"Ballmer is in New York."

"Three manufacturers have already had a round of talks with Ballmer, and there is also LG. This is basically Microsoft's current basic platform for mobile phone systems."

"Tomorrow, Ballmer will have another round of talks with Schmidt."

“When he called me, he clearly believed that Yike’s infringement could be resolved through negotiation, and he hoped that both parties would be patient.”

"Mr. Yu, what do you think of 'patience'?"

Late at night, after taking the call from Microsoft CEO, Fang Zhuo also called Yu Hong to report the latest progress.

Yu Hong thought for a while and said: "The Android camp is showing influence on manufacturers and giving Microsoft an opportunity to respect itself. Since we have to be patient, let's talk slowly. Microsoft will take time to see what happens next between us and Nokia." Variety."

There is not much time left for Yike.

Similarly, the time left for Nokia will not exceed half a year.

Such a duel and the determined attitudes of both parties... If Nokia really can't keep up with this year's development, Microsoft can have deeper cooperation with the mobile phone giant.

Fang Zhuo likes Mr. Yu's description of "nurturing bandits to respect themselves".

He smiled: "Microsoft may have more interest in Nokia. Anyway, now, after mixing multiple factors, the chaotic situation has become clear again."

Microsoft's power to hold hundreds of patents is truly astonishing.

But what it values ​​​​is still the development of the WM mobile operating system, and it needs to take into account the manufacturer's response, and it also has Xiao Jiujiu's concern for Nokia, a declining giant.

If Yike cannot exert enough influence this time, perhaps Microsoft will adopt another resolute attitude.

Fang Zhuo continued: "This time, I still thank Samsung Lee Jae-yong and the others."

Yu Hong said "hmm": "Those three companies all have influence with Microsoft."

"Now that the obstacle has been cleared for the time being, in order to express my gratitude to Lee Jae-yong, I will try my best to show the same talents as his father." Fang Zhuo said sincerely.

Yu Hong suddenly sighed.

"What? Lack of confidence?" Fang Zhuo asked.

"It's not that I don't have confidence in you, I just feel that I am quite powerless in this patent dispute." Yu Hong said sincerely.

This time, the influence of major manufacturers is really taking turns. Microsoft Ballmer, Google Schmidt, Apple Jobs, Nokia Kallasvuo... HTC is still a small player. In addition to the movements of manufacturers, Wall Street's arrogant short seller John Paulson moved Yike's share price with just one sentence.

Yu Hong still has a certain influence with Yike America.

However, with these globally resounding names and related changes before her eyes, she did feel troubled and powerless.

"Mr. Yu, everyone is good at something different." Fang Zhuo said, "If I were to do your job, the U.S. market might not be able to develop today. Likewise, now it's you in my position and Shi Mi If they compare against each other, they may also fall into a disadvantage."

"This time, I also feel a lot of pressure. After all, I am facing Microsoft and Nokia."

Fang Zhuo was so comforting and then changed the topic: "Having said that, everyone has played a big role by doing what they are good at. Do you think Google would still support us so much if there was no outstanding market performance?"

"The better the market performs, the more pressure we get and the more support we get."

"It's okay if you want to drink soup, but if you want to eat meat and eat meat in large quantities, these will inevitably be put in front of you."

"Market performance is like a knife. The sharper your knife is, the more confident I will be in wielding it against my competitors."

Yu Hong said sincerely on the phone: "If you don't say anything else, Mr. Fang will do the talking."

There was a smile in Fang Zhuo's voice: "It should be, oh yes, Mr. Yu, we will focus on improving the business ecology of the product in the US market in June this year. While everyone's attention is on Symbian, WM, and Android, We're trying to tap into BlackBerry RIM's business market."

The three mobile operating systems of Symbian, WM, and RIM were the top three before the emergence of iOS and Android. In particular, BlackBerry's RIM was special. Although it also suffered impacts, its decline was the least.

Fang Zhuo believes that there is room for expansion in this area, and he can try to start with the business ecosystem. This is a direction that Samsung has not paid attention to yet.

"Okay, we can do targeted optimization after research now." Yu Hong understood the answer and agreed.

Fang Zhuo still had a lot to say, but he felt that he needed to let Mr. Yu digest the information at this time, so he scheduled a meeting for tomorrow afternoon and planned to discuss it then.

There will be an interview between Schmidt and Ballmer tomorrow morning. Although there may not be anything new, we can wait until it comes out to analyze it.

Microsoft respects itself and sits on the sidelines. Now it must respect the time given by the giant.

It's time for the Gasoline Man to return to New York.

Fang Zhuo quietly sorted out the recent situation in the early morning. No news from Microsoft has been leaked for the time being, and Nokia did not seem to immediately mention the intention of cooperation between the two parties. Such bad news can be brought out at the right time.

In the next few days, Mr. Yu’s American market, Mr. Pan’s European market, and Dongzi’s Chinese market will all release good news, taking advantage of the rebound momentum to further push up the stock price.

Then it’s time to look at the mainland’s trends.

Fang Zhuo made two preparations. First, Xiangjiang Universal respects the laws of capital. Second, if it really supports Yike as Director Liang said, then it needs to invite people to New York to entertain it.

At noon the next day, just after Fang Zhuo finished chatting online with the heads of the three major markets about this year's new goals and public opinion actions, secretary Liu Zonghong came over with a new mobile phone, which was entered by Wang Fengyi from Shenxin Science and Technology.

"Hey, Brother Wang."

Wang Fengyi didn't speak very directly on the phone, but he expressed his meaning clearly: "Mr. Fang, everything is fine here."

"Well, that's good. Yike's fundamentals are pretty good. There may be problems, but I'm still confident." Fang Zhuo said.

"I'm also confident." Wang Fengyi pondered for a few seconds and asked, "Mr. Fang, Shenxin may have a new income in the near future. I heard that Bingxin has been financing recently. What do you think about me investing part of it in Bingxin?" Sample?"

Fang Zhuo naturally knew the profits that Brother Wang was talking about. Although he, the "No. 1 investor in China," was a joke, his two investments in Yike and Penguin were the envy of the industry.

This time, Shenxin Kechuang realized the profits by selling Yike shares.

However, he had no idea that Brother Wang would consider investing part of the money realized in ice cores.

This operation was extremely unexpected.

Fang Zhuo hesitated and said: "This..."

Wang Fengyi asked simply: "Mr. Fang, just tell me if Bingxin has any plans to go public, even if it's not in the near future."

"Yes." Fang Zhuo gave certain information and said frankly, "Brother Wang, Bingxin is very good from an investment perspective. However, I will tell you the truth, it has additional risks."

Wang Fengyi laughed twice and asked a question: "Mr. Fang, do you know the biggest difference between me and Xiong Xiaoge?"

Fang Zhuo is willing to hear the details.

"I make the investment decision. Sometimes I just look at whether the project is needed. No matter where it is, if a project like ice core requires money, I can definitely tell the superiors that the money must be invested." Wang Fengyi said easily, "As for The additional risks you mentioned are really encountered, who can blame me?"

Fang Zhuo sighed: "Brother Wang, you have changed, you have become wiser."

Wang Fengyi smiled and said: "Those who are close to wisdom are wise."

Fang Zhuo put down his emotion and said: "Okay, in this case, the third factory that Bingxin has recently cooperated with Sony in Shanghai does need money. Moreover, I am also very optimistic about the prospects of the third factory. In addition to this funding, it will be used in the future." The planning is also relatively clear.”

"Mr. Fang's words will put my mind at ease." Wang Fengyi said, "Then I will fly to Luzhou in a while."

Fang Zhuo ended the call and felt that Brother Wang's super left hand and right hand were really sweet to his heart.

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