
Chapter 1339: Ailan find the fault

Therefore, after returning, Song Yi directly approached Ailan, wanting to ask the matter clearly. As a result, Aylan denied categorically and did not admit those things at all. Song Yi was angry, and the two parties quarreled, and the relationship broke down. very

It can be said that in the company, the two have become enemies.

It's just that the two usually work outside, and they don't have much chance to meet. This time, at the opportunity of the company's anniversary celebration, the two met, but they didn't expect that Ailan really didn't give any face, and they met Song Yi as soon as they met.

Song Yi frowned, thinking that today was the anniversary of his company and didn't want to cause trouble, so he didn't respond to Ailan, and directly grabbed Zhang Qiuyue, picked up the wine glass, and turned to leave: "Let's go!" Ai

Lan didn't expect Song Yi to be so disrespectful, angry and annoyed, and immediately chased after him, "Why, dare not confront me! Those things are all true?"

Seeing that Ailan was about to get started, Chen Fei stepped forward and stopped Ailan, and said coldly, "Isn't it painful enough to draw your face last time? Would you like to do it again?"

Ailan was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Chen Fei. In an instant, her eyes shrank suddenly, her complexion changed drastically, she stared at Chen Fei fiercely, and gritted her teeth and said, "It's you!"

"It's me! If you don't want to be beaten, go away!" Chen Fei was not polite to her. Ai

Lan was angry and angry, but didn't dare to do anything with Chen Fei. His expression changed. Then he thought of something and shouted: "Okay, I said why some people would hit me for no reason. It turned out to be Song Yi. You ordered it!" This

Words are equivalent to dropping a stone in the calm lake, which instantly stirred up a wave, attracting everyone's attention. complete

After all, two celebrities quarreled and it involved beating, which was big news. Song

Yi, also had to turn around to respond at this moment, staring at Ailan, frowning and saying: "What are you talking nonsense? When did I instruct someone to hit you?"

Ailan glanced at Chen Fei, then lifted up her hair, revealing her somewhat red cheeks, and said: "Did you see it, my face is still red and swollen. It was he who hit it. If you don't believe it, you can ask him," Did you hit me?" Song

Yi looked at Chen Fei with a look of confusion, with a questioning look on his face. Chen

Fei said lightly: "I did hit her and slapped her twice. It's just—" No

When Chen Fei finished explaining, Ailan yelled, "Have you heard. He admitted that he hit me. Song Yi, now, what else do you want to explain!"

Ailan deliberately confuses the two matters without letting Chen Fei explain easily. In order to create a misunderstanding and illusion for everyone, Song Yi sent Chen Fei privately to beat her Ailan.

If this news comes out, her Alan’s image can naturally improve. Even if Dongyang Entertainment Company decides to support Song Yi in the end, she can also use this to hype up her declining heat again. and

At this moment, hearing the live conversation, many people were really misled, thinking that Song Yi really sent someone to beat someone. One

Time, there was a lot of discussion.

At this moment, Chen Fei gave a cold snort, looked at Ailan, and said: "I want to fish in troubled waters and create illusions. Do you think you can succeed?"

That is, Chen Fei looked at the people around him and said loudly: "I did fight Ailan, but that matter has nothing to do with Song Yi. It was in a jewelry store of my friend called Qingmei Jewelry. Understand People should know this company.""

This Miss Ailan was unreasonably making trouble in my friend's shop. After trying on the company's 20 million jewellery necklace, she didn't want to take it off. She wanted to use her endorsement fee to cover the bill. Finally, facing her unreasonably making trouble, I had to do it. "

Chen Fei explained the whole thing loudly, and by the way also promoted Yu Qingmei's green plum jewelry. week

As soon as the crowd heard, they couldn't help but talk, and pointed at Ailan.

Some people understand Ailan's private conduct, and believe Chen Fei and Song Yi's words, and stand on Song Yi's side.

Some people have a good relationship with Ailan and choose to support Ailan.

As for most people, they cannot know the truth of what the two sides said. But he still chose to stand on Song Yi's side. After all, Song Yi is now a first-line female singer in China, and a powerful candidate for the next generation of queens.

And Ailan, a female singer who gradually passed away and slipped to the third line. double

In contrast, Fang didn't need to think about anything. Everyone was an insider and knew how to stand in line. One

Over time, many people spoke up for Song Yi, and persuaded Ailan to accuse him.

Ailan didn't expect such a result. She couldn't help but gave Chen Fei and Song Yi a fierce look. He gritted his teeth and said, "Wait for me, wait a minute, there will be your good show."

After that, Ailan left dingy amidst all the accusations and laughter. and

On Song Yi's side, many people gathered around. Some expressed their trust in Song Yi, and some took the opportunity to show their favor to Song Yi.

After some excitement, the lively scene calmed down a bit.

Song Yi and Zhang Qiuyue were idle, ready to ask Chen Fei about Ailan. but

At this moment, two figures, a man and a woman, came over. its

In the middle, that woman is surprisingly the same Song Yi's friend that Chen Fei met yesterday, Huang Yi, the manager of Tianhan Entertainment's artist department.

Seeing Huang Yi, Chen Fei and the three of them had their faces darkened at the same time.

But immediately, seeing the young man in his twenties next to Huang Yi, Song Yi's expression became darkened, and he introduced to Chen Fei and Zhang Qiuyue in a low voice: "That is Xia Han and Xia's Second Young Master. The son of the Xia family, the boss behind Tianhan Entertainment."

Unexpectedly, Xia Han would also come forward. I'm afraid things are a bit troublesome. "Song Yi looked worried.

Chen Fei patted Song Yi on the shoulder and said: "Sister Song, Qiuyue. It's okay if I'm here."

At that time, Huang Yi and Xia Han had already arrived in front of the three of them. yellow

Yi glanced at the three of them with a sneer, and said: "Meet again." Song

Yi's face was cold, "I don't want to see this face!"

is it? "After the fallout yesterday, Huang Yi returned to her true face in front of Song Yi. She no longer concealed it as before, and said unceremoniously, "Anyway, I didn't come for you." "

After speaking, Huang Yi's eyes fell on Zhang Qiuyue, and said: "Zhang Qiuyue, right? What did you think about what you said yesterday? Sign our Tianhan Entertainment, sign now!"

Then, Huang Yi threw out another contract and asked Zhang Qiuyue to sign it on the spot. Zhang

Qiuyue was stunned for a moment, and was speechless for a while.

Huang Yi pointed to the man next to him, and said, "This is the owner of our Tianhan Entertainment, the second master of the Xia family, and the manager of Xia Han Xia."

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