
Chapter 1340: Xia's Second Young Master

Xia Han's gaze fell on Zhang Qiuyue at this time, showing a stunning color, and a greedy color in his eyes, and couldn't help but lick his tongue gently.

As the rich and young of the Xia family in Beijing and the owner of Tianhan Entertainment, Xia Han is naturally surrounded by women, and many of them are well-known actresses in the circle, which can be said to have enjoyed a lot.

But seeing Zhang Qiuyue such a young, tender, and innocent girl at this moment made his heart tremble fiercely, and a greedy possessiveness was born in an instant, wanting to take Zhang Qiuyue as his own and enjoy it. Look

Looking at Zhang Qiuyue, Xia Han smiled softly and said softly: "Miss Zhang, hello, this is Xia Han. I have heard of Miss Zhang’s name a long time ago, and I also appreciate Miss Zhang’s singing. If Miss Zhang If you are willing to come to our company, I can promise to give you the best treatment to Miss Zhang."

After a while, Xia Han added: "If you join now, you can be treated the same as Liu Xinqi from our company." Xia

When Han said this, everyone including Huang Yi couldn't help being surprised, showing a look of surprise.

After all, this Liu Xinqi is the top artist of Tianhan Entertainment. In the past two years, relying on a few traffic dramas, she has become a hot little flower, as if she is on the front line.

And now, since Xia Han said that to give Zhang Qiuyue such a newcomer first-line treatment, this is a huge premium. One

Over time, everyone looked at Zhang Qiuyue more and more curious. Of

Some people who hadn't observed Zhang Qiuyue in detail at the moment looked intently, and suddenly looked surprised and started talking in a low voice.

"This face, at first glance, is not that dazzling and stunning. But on closer inspection, the pure and clear breath can't be concealed, and it is unforgettable."

"This fresh temperament, acting in a current hot campus youth drama, without makeup, is definitely hot."

However, even so, it is not worth the first-line treatment! Xia Er Shao, it's time to spend. "

"Haha, is Xia Ershao the one with poor money? Besides, do you really think that what Xia Ershao fancy is really her ability?"

"Hehe, that's true. Xia Er Shao must be thinking about that aspect. Everyone understands the unspoken rules."


In the sound of the film's discussion, Zhang Qiuyue said: "Thank you Mr. Xia for your importance, but I'm sorry, I don't want to sign a contract yet."

"Really don't want to? As long as you sign now, I can immediately promote you to be a star. Moreover, you can continue to talk about the treatment." Xia Han also spared no expense.

However, Zhang Qiuyue was not tempted by these at all, shook her head firmly, and said: "I'm sorry, President Xia, I'm not interested."

"This—" Xia Han didn't expect that there would be girls who would not be tempted by fame and fortune. He couldn't help but froze for a moment. Then he drew out a business card and handed it to Zhang Qiuyue, "It may be early to sign the contract, so let's take it. With this business card, when the party is over, I will invite Miss Zhang to dinner."

This—" Zhang Qiuyue was taken aback, and then she saw Chen Fei wrinkled. She immediately understood the other's bad intentions and coldly refused, "I'm sorry, Shao Xia, I'm not hungry. ""

Er--" Xia Han didn't expect Zhang Qiuyue to refuse her rejection so simply, her brows frowned. Her expression was a bit cold, and she said displeasedly, "Ms. Zhang is looking down on me, don't you want to give me face? "

The words were very heavy, and Xia Han's dissatisfied tone was clearly expressed. Zhang

Qiuyue frowned, not knowing how to respond for a while. this

At that time, Chen Fei stood up, looked at Xia Han, and said unceremoniously: "Qiuyue has said it, and is not interested in your company or you. Are you blind or can't understand people!"

"You—who are you?" Xia Han stared at Chen Fei fiercely, with an angry expression on his face. yellow

Yi immediately whispered in Xia Han's ear, and Xia Han's expression became even more unhappy. versus

At the same time, Chen Fei held Zhang Qiuyue's hand, squeezed, and smiled at her, showing an encouraging smile. Zhang

Qiuyue's complexion was reddish, but her face was full of smiles, and she nodded shamefully. two

This intimate little movement of people fell in Xia Han's eyes, and suddenly made him jealous like a gushing magma, bursting out with a bang.

He glared at Chen Fei fiercely, then looked at Zhang Qiuyue, gritted his teeth and said: "You really want to reject me? You know my identity and status, do you want to figure it out?"

Zhang Qiuyue's eyes were firm, and she said coldly: "I'm sure." Listen

After Zhang Qiuyue's words, Xia Han's eyes shrunk, and then he straightened up, his eyes were cold, and he said coldly, "If that's the case, then, don't get involved in the entertainment circle from now on!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone could not help being surprised. This seems to mean to block Zhang Qiuyue.

If it is another medium-sized entertainment company, it may be difficult to block an artist. But it was Xia Han who spoke now, he was the second youngest of the Xia family, and his status was extraordinary. he

With such an opening, even if Tianhan Entertainment is not large in scale. But as his Xia Ershao, other companies in the circle would give him some face, and would not have a relationship with Zhang Qiuyue. complete

After all, no one in the circle would like to offend Xia Ershao for a newcomer. That is purely asking for trouble for myself.

All of a sudden, there was a sigh. Everyone couldn't help feeling that Zhang Qiuyue, such a good seedling, would be strangled in the soil before he debuted.

Song Yi's complexion changed drastically, anxious, and angry. He looked at Xia Han and said, "Mr. Xia, it would be too much to do this! Qiuyue is very talented and I will recommend it to Mr. Ji her."

Song Yi wanted to find another opportunity for Zhang Qiuyue. but

After hearing the words, Xia Han said coldly: "Do you want Dongyang Entertainment to sign him? Don't worry, about this, when the next season comes out, I will talk to him personally. I believe that the season will sell. My Xia Han has a face, and I sell my Xia family's face."

This time, Xia Han not only moved out of himself, but even moved out of his entire Xia family. With such a firm attitude, it seems that Zhang Qiuyue is really going to be banned to death. One

Time, the sigh sounded again.

Song Yi was angry and helpless at the moment, his fists were clenched, and the expression on his face was very complicated.

On the contrary, Zhang Qiuyue, with firm eyes, showing stubbornness and anger in her eyes, gritted her teeth and insisted: "Even if I don't enter the entertainment industry, it won't be what you want!"

is it? "Xia Han had a crazy look in his eyes," I heard, you study at the Beijing Conservatory of Music, right? I know a few people over there. At that time, I will let them treat you well. "

This is already a naked threat. Xia Han not only wants to ruin Zhang Qiuyue's career as an artist, but even her daily life is not going to be let go. He wanted to directly destroy Zhang Qiuyue's whole person by relying on his identity and relationship.

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