
Chapter 1369: Greetings and provocations

Following Luo Shuang's voice, a young man in his early twenties walked over. The man is tall and has sharp muscle lines. At first glance, he has worked hard. male

After Zi came over, he proactively greeted Luo Feng, "Brother Luo, you are here."

Luo Feng nodded lightly, and then wanted to introduce it.

But at this time, Luo Shuang spoke first and introduced the man: "Ashan, they are friends brought by my brother. One is called Chen Fei and the other is called Chen Ziling."

Not to mention the names of "Chen Fei" and "Chen Ziling", Luo Shuang's tone deliberately increased a bit. The man immediately seemed to understand something. He looked at the two of them, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. "

Hello, my name is Tan Shan. From the Tan family, I am Luo Shuang's boyfriend. "As he spoke, this Tan Shan smiled and proactively extended his right hand to Chen Fei.

Luo Feng introduced Chen Fei to the side: "The Tan family is a family of martial arts in our capital. It has been rooted in the capital for more than 60 years."

Chen Fei knew what Luo Feng meant and wanted to make some friends. Both

However, Chen Fei stretched out his hand and prepared to shake hands with Tan Shan.

But the moment the two of them shook their right hands together, Tan Shan's complexion suddenly changed, and his right hand suddenly exerted force and squeezed it down towards Chen Fei fiercely.

He is a martial artist, and his strength is not bad, reaching the early stage of the profound level. Under such sudden force, if the average person is caught off guard, it is very likely that the palm of the hand will be crushed directly. Observe

Feeling this unexpected move by Tan Shan, Luo Feng couldn't help but froze, then frowned and shouted: "Tan Shan, what are you doing? Mr. Chen is my friend!" Tan

Shan joked and said, "Brother Luo, I just said hello to a new friend and just made a joke. What are you doing so nervously?"

"Tan Shan, you--" Luo Feng frowned.

At this time, Chen Fei made it clear that the other party's bad intentions, and immediately he was not polite. He used his right hand, but his expression was calm as usual, even with a smile of greeting, "Hello, my name is Chen Fei."

"Hey, I want to compare my strength with me. The guy who is looking for death--" Tan Shan noticed Chen Fei's strength in his palm, and he sneered in his heart, and then continued to increase his strength, wanting to teach Chen Fei a little lesson.

However, without waiting for his strength to come out. Immediately he felt that Chen Fei's palm was like cast steel, and no matter how hard he used, he couldn't pinch the opponent's palm at all.

On the contrary, it was Tan Shan's own palm that was pressed down by the strength of Chen Fei's right hand a little bit, feeling that the bones seemed to be cracked little by little, making a clicking sound. "

You--" Tan Shan was shocked, gritted his teeth and wanted to resist. But it was useless at all. Instead, he ushered in greater strength and more severe pain.

A torrent of intense pain made Tan Shan no longer be able to bear it, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in pain, "Pain, pain! You let me go, you let me go." Chen

Fei let go of his right hand unhurriedly, Tan Shan immediately backed away, rubbing the pinched right hand, staring at Chen Fei fiercely, and gritted his teeth and said: "You dare to yin on me, I'm going to kill-- "

Before he finished speaking, Luo Feng let out a low anger, "Tan Shan, be careful when you speak. Mr. Chen is my friend."

I--" Tan Shan wanted to say anything else. At this time, Luo Shuang pulled his arm and winked him. This made Tan Shan calm down. He didn't say much, and followed Luo Shuang to the side. .Look

When his sister and boyfriend left, Luo Feng couldn't help but frown, sighed, then walked towards Chen Fei and apologized: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I didn't expect my sister and them to—" Chen

Fei said lightly: "It's okay, the child is just messing around, I didn't take it to heart."

Luo Feng expressed his gratitude, and then took Chen Fei and Chen Ziling to walk around the courtyard, chatting with one or two people from time to time, which is also considered to expand the personal relationship.

However, Chen Fei was not interested in these so-called contacts at all. After walking a few steps, he turned his head back and found a corner to sit down and eat.

On the contrary, Chen Ziling, as if really interested, greeted Luo Feng with a smile and greetings.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but became curious, and muttered: "When did Zi Ling change sex? Doesn't she usually dislike these red tapes the least? Why has it all changed now? Could it be that Zi Ling really likes Luo? Wind?" One

At the time, Chen Fei frowned and lowered his head to think. Do not

After knowing how long, Chen Fei noticed movement around him, and when he looked up, he found that Chen Ziling had sat beside him at some point, skewered a piece of steak, and ate a lot.

"Why are you back?" Chen Fei asked in surprise.

Chen Ziling said, "Luo Feng and his friend are going to discuss some business. I didn't even look interested, so I came back. I was hungry, so I should have something to eat."

"What's wrong, brother? What do you mean by that look? Don't you want me to come back?" Chen Ziling asked rhetorically.

"No, of course not. I'm just talking about it casually." Chen Fei shook his head, suppressing the doubts in his heart, and prepared to go back to ask clearly what is going on. During this time, the younger sister seemed to have changed her sex, and she was a little bit different from her.

Immediately, the two brothers and sisters simply hid in a corner to eat and drink.

Just as the two were enjoying their food, a sneer rang out in front of them, "Poor ghosts are poor ghosts. They haven't eaten any good things. Look at how they eat! It's a laugh!"

Hearing the sound, Chen Fei and Chen Ziling raised their heads, and suddenly saw Luo Shuang standing in front of them with his arms in arms, with a mocking and disdainful expression on his face.

At Luo Shuang's side, her boyfriend Tan Shan naturally followed, with a resentful expression at the moment, staring at Chen Fei fiercely. "

Do you usually smell like this at home? Chen Fei frowned, stared at Luo Shuang, and said coldly.

"You--" Luo Shuang wrinkled his expression and gave Chen Fei a fierce look, but then he withdrew his gaze, fell on Chen Ziling, and said, "Sister Yu, it's her, she's the one who haunted my brother. Woman." Sui

With Luo Shuang's voice, beside her, a gentle and elegant woman with shawl and long hair came over. However, the woman's look at Chen Ziling was fierce and fierce, completely inconsistent with her gentle dress. Female

Zi stepped up to Chen Ziling, looked at Chen Ziling with a condescending appearance, and then said coldly: "From now on, you'd better leave Luo Feng right away. Otherwise, I'm not polite to you." "

Uh—I—" Chen Ziling heard the words, confused, a little unclear.

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