
Chapter 1370: apologize

Luo Shuang sneered and said, "Chen Ziling, don't pretend. I tell you, this is sister Han Yuyu, from the Han family in Beijing. It is my future sister-in-law, my brother's fiancee. Now, do you understand?" listen

When Luo Shuang said this, Chen Fei and Chen Ziling immediately understood. It seems that this Han Yu misunderstood that Chen Ziling and Luo Feng were close, so he came to warn him to find fault.

Chen Ziling quickly explained: "Luo Shuang, Han Yu. You have misunderstood, I--" No

When Chen Ziling finished speaking, Han Yu interrupted her in a cold voice, and said, "No excuses, I see a lot of things like you, a low-level woman who wants to curry favor with the children of the rich family to climb up."

"Whether you go out to sell or find someone else, I don't care. But Luo Feng is not someone you can contaminate. Luo Feng's status and status are so different from you, it's not something a low-level **** like you can delusion. You are the best. Recognize your own identity and status, don't want to think, the toad wants to eat swan meat."

Chen Ziling, who originally wanted to explain it well, couldn't help but sink when he heard this. Chen

Fei was even more angry. He stood up, stared at Han Yu, and said solemnly: "Looking at your relationship with Luo Feng, I won't do anything. You immediately apologize to my sister."

apologize? Oh, what are you guys, want me to apologize. "Han Yu was full of disdain," Luo Feng called you a friend. You really thought you were on the same level as Luo Feng and became his friend. "

"I'm telling you, you are Luo Feng's dog, a pug wagging his tail behind him. And I, Luo Feng's fiancee, that is, the future mistress of your pug. I am now you guys, do you hear that? "Han Yu condescendingly said to Chen Fei proudly.

Luo Shuang also sneered with her arm on the side: "Haha, my brother said something to you, do you really think you are a human being? It's ridiculous."

After speaking, Luo Shuang immediately turned around and said to Han Yu and Tan Shan: "Sister Yu, Ashan, let's go. No matter how much we stay with such low-end people, we will all be laughed at."

Immediately, the three of them prepared to leave together. but

Just when they were about to leave, Chen Fei flickered and appeared in front of them with cold eyes, staring at the three of them, and said coldly: "I asked you to apologize, did you hear that?"

Do you dare to block our way! "Han Yu frowned and shouted, "Get out of the way, do you hear it?" "Luo

Shuang also said in deterrence: "Are you trying to offend our Luo family and Han family? Don't let me go!" Chen

Fei Shen said: "If you don't apologize to my sister, you can't leave today."

"Haha, apologize to that **** woman. Stop telling jokes." Han Yu glanced at Chen Ziling, then sneered.

Immediately, she stepped towards Chen Ziling, stretched out her right arm, and slapped directly at Chen Ziling. At the same time, she arrogantly said, "This is my apology, any more?"

After all, Chen Ziling is a master of martial arts, so naturally he would not be slapped by Han Yu's slap. He leaped slightly to avoid Han Yu's slap. But his face immediately sank, "What are you doing!"

"I want to teach you a shameless bitch!" Han Yu didn't expect his slap to come to nowhere. He was taken aback, and then he slapped again. This

Chen Fei was really angry, no matter if Han Yu was Luo Feng’s fiancée, he immediately moved his figure and pulled out an afterimage, appeared in front of Han Yu, then slapped Han Yu in a decisive way, and drew it on Han Yu’s face. There was a very crisp sound.

Han Yu was stunned for a moment. After a few seconds, she came back to her senses, clutching her swollen cheeks, looking at Chen Fei in shock and resentment, gritted her teeth and said: "You, how dare you hit me!"

Snapped! "Chen Fei slapped his hand again, slapped Han Yu's cheek unceremoniously, and sternly said at the same time, "Apologize." "

"You--ah--" Han Yu cried out in pain.

Luo Shuang, who was next to him, came back to his senses at this moment, rushed over and shouted: "What are you doing? You dare to beat Sister Yu, you are looking for—" Chen

Fei stared coldly and fell on Luo Shuang, and said coldly: "Shut up, just roll away if you don't want to be beaten."

You, how dare you let me go. I, I—Ashan, hurry up and teach this guy who doesn’t know good or bad. "Luo Shuang was angry and anxious again, and hurriedly called to his boyfriend Tan Shan.

Tan Shan immediately glanced at the corner of his mouth, with a sneer, creaking his fists, and walked towards Chen Fei, "Boy, I just shaded me. Now, it's time for me to get it back."

Do you choose to catch it yourself, or you want me to do it! "Tan Shan looked at Chen Fei proudly.

Fei glanced at him and spit out a word, "Get out!"

Later, Chen Fei's eyes continued to fall on Han Yu, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Apologize!"

Ignoring his appearance, Tan Shan suddenly became really angry. He stared at Chen Fei fiercely, and slammed into him, "Looking for death!"

Next to him, Luo Shuang pulled Han Yu with swollen cheeks back and looked at this side with resentment.

"It's too much, this guy is too arrogant. How dare you beat Sister Yu? I'll let Ah Shan teach him a lesson."

"Teach me a hard lesson, and that bitch, they are together." Han Yu said resentfully.

At the same time, the movement here naturally attracted the attention of other people, and they couldn't help but look over here, and at the same time there was a lot of discussion.

"What's going on over there? It's about to fight."

Didn't Luo Shao bring those two people? Why did you confront Han Yu and Luo Shuang? ""

I heard that it was the woman's impropriety who seduced Master Luo. I was met by Han Yu and Luo Shuang, so I have to learn a lesson. "

"It's Tan Shan! The Tan family is a martial arts family, and Tan Shan is a warrior in the early stage of the Xuan rank. That kid will suffer."

"Hehe, that woman doesn't know good or bad, she doesn't know her identity. It's ridiculous to want to hook up with Luo Shao. It's time to be taught now!"


A group of people watched the show and didn't mean to come over to intervene in reconciliation at all. and

At this moment, facing Tan Shan's fierce offensive, Chen Fei didn't pay attention to him at all, and kicked it out, accurately kicking Tan Shan's lower abdomen. gas

The menacing Tan Shan, before he smashed his fist, suddenly wailed, and immediately flew upside down, knocking down a lot of tables and chairs, and finally hit a tree in the courtyard, which stopped.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help being shocked. They didn't expect that this guy would really dare to do something against Tan Shan, and that Tan Shan actually lost, so quickly.

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