
Chapter 1511: Nanze Qujia

"But—" the companions still complained.

Xu Mo said, "It's nothing. This forest bar is not bad. My uncle once mentioned it to me. He also said that the owner of this bar is a nice beauty. You can take a good look."

Speaking of beautiful women, several boys suddenly became excited. "

Beautiful boss, this one is very good! ""

See how it is enough. Today is Mo Shao's 20th birthday. The boss must be accompanied by Mo Shao! ""

Pei Mo, isn't that just a sentence? At that time, Mo Shao reveals his identity, and I don't know how many beautiful women will post upside down. "

"Okay, don't be mean. Let's go in. Today is my birthday, everyone is not drunk." Xu Mo waved his hand, and then led everyone into the forest bar.


On the provincial capital of Ze Province, just three days passed. The Cai family completely withdrew from the provincial capital. The Mu family quickly took over the territory of the Cai family and quickly emerged as the first family of the provincial capital of Ze Province.

Chen Fei and the three of them were almost shopping around in the provincial capital, and then they were about to leave. original

Ben Chen Fei was planning to return to the capital directly, but Chen Mochi said that he had something to do and he was going to Nanze City. Chen Ziling chose to go to Nanze City with his father. In this case, Chen Fei also passed by with them. This

At noon, Chen Fei and the three came to the Mu Family Hall, preparing to bid farewell to Mu Tianhan and Mu Qianying. but

When they walked into the Mu's lobby, before they could speak, they heard Mu Qianying's cry: "How could this happen, how is cousin Qu Hui hurt?"

Later, Chen Fei heard a voice of discussion and Mu Qianying's worried voice. sheet

After the engraving, Mu Qianying and Mu Tianhan walked out anxiously, and when they saw Chen Fei in the lobby, they were taken aback for a moment, "Mr. Chen (Big Brother Chen), why are you here?" Chen

Fei said: "Patriarch Mu, Qianying. We have been outside for long enough to bid you farewell and leave."

What, Brother Chen, are you leaving? "Mu Qianying exclaimed. Chen

Fei nodded and said, "Qianying, did something happen? You just--"

When asked about this, Mu Qianying couldn't help but look worried, and said: "Brother Chen, my cousin was injured by someone. It seems that the situation is a bit bad. I am very worried and want to go and see."

"What! Where is the person? How is the situation? Is it serious?" Chen Fei asked.

Mu Qianying said: "My cousin is in Nanze City. I still don't know the situation, but I heard that it is a bit serious. So I am going to visit my cousin in Nanze City."

Tian Han also added: "I can't walk away from the provincial capital for the time being. I will let the steward Wang accompany you. People from my Mu family must not be bullied."

When he said this, Mu Tianhan's words were domineering. After all, the Mu Family is now the first family in the provincial capital, and it should have its own confidence. Chen

Fei was a little surprised when he heard this, "Qianying, is your cousin in Nanze City?"

Mu Qianying nodded and said, "Yes, my cousin's name is Qu Hui, and their family is from Nanze City. Brother Chen, what's wrong?"

Chen Fei said, "I didn't expect such a coincidence? The place where we left the provincial capital to go is also Nanze City."

"Ah, Brother Chen, you are also going to Nanze City!" Mu Qianying said in surprise, "Why don't we join us!"

Mu Tianhan also looked at Chen Fei expectantly at this moment, "If it is convenient for Mr. Chen, Qianying she—"

Chen Fei naturally understood what Mu Tianhan meant, and if he walked with Mu Qianying, there was no need to worry about Mu Qianying's safety.

Anyway, Chen Fei likes the little girl Mu Qianying. If you drop by, you can go to Nanze City together. There is no problem, so Chen Fei nodded and said, "If this is the case, let's be together! Qianying, when will you leave?"

Mu Qianying said, "I'm worried about my cousin, and I can leave now."

Chen Fei nodded and said, "In that case, let's prepare a little bit. Let's set off in an hour."

Well, thank you Brother Chen! "Mu Qianying said.


An hour later, Chen Fei, Chen Ziling, Chen Mochi, Mu Qianying and Wang Guanjia, a total of five people, drove a seven-seater jeep and drove directly towards Nanze City. three

An hour later, in the afternoon of the same day, the group arrived in Nanze City. No

There was a delay, everyone rushed to Mu Qianying's cousin's house.

The cousin is called Qu Hui, the daughter of Mu Qianying's mother's eldest sister, 28 years old this year. Although Qu Hui is nearly ten years older than Mu Qianying, the two sisters have played very well since they were young and have deep affection.

It is precisely because of this that this time when Mu Qianying learned that her cousin was injured, she was very anxious and rushed over immediately. One

Pedestrians came to Qu's house, and there was a three-story luxury villa with an area of ​​over 1,000 square meters in a high-grade villa area in Nanze City.

The Qu family has a family like the Mu family, plus the family is in business, and the family is in a good family. In Nanze City, it can be regarded as the home of the rich. car

Zi drove into the Qu's garage, Chen Fei and the others got out of the car. Mu Qianying had already notified the Qu family, so the Qu family had already welcomed them. special

Don't be when Chen Fei got out of the car, he saw a dozen densely packed people standing in front of him, and greeted him respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Chen!"

Obviously, the Qu family should have learned something about Chen Fei from the Mu family. I also know that the Mu family can defeat the Cai family and become the first family in the provincial capital. Therefore, they have exceptional respect for Chen Fei. Chen

Fei waved his hand and said: "You are welcome, let's go and see the injured first!"

Mu Qianying also leaned in front of a middle-aged couple and said, "Uncle, aunt. Where is the cousin? How is she? Take us over and have a look!"

Speaking of her daughter, Mu Qianying's uncle and aunt's expressions suddenly sank, sighed, and said, "Huihui is inside. Go in and take a look."

Immediately, the group came to the bedroom on the first floor of the villa. In the spacious room, a woman with long hair and shawl was lying on the hospital bed. At first glance, you can see that the woman is tall and looks very good. She should be a big beauty.

However, at this moment, this beauty, with plaster bandages all over her arms, was fixed on both sides of the bed and could not move at all.

"Sister, how could you be like this?" Mu Qianying saw it, tears rolled in her eyes, and she almost rushed onto the bed.

However, Chen Fei grabbed Mu Qianying at once and reminded out loudly: "Her arm is broken, so you can't touch it casually. I'll come!"

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