
Chapter 1512: Injured cousin

With that said, Chen Fei walked over, pretending to go to Qu Hui to heal his injuries.

The nursing doctor originally invited by the Qu family frowned upon seeing this, and took a step forward, trying to stop Chen Fei's movements.

But before Chen Fei spoke, Mu Qianying's uncle and aunt spoke directly, "Doctor Wang, let Mr. Chen show Huihui!"

They had long learned from Mutian Hankou that Chen Fei was a martial arts master. Faced with such a high class, the husband and wife naturally choose to believe. king

Although the doctor's face was puzzled, the employer spoke directly. He had to step back, standing aside with a slight sullen expression, pursing his mouth and watching Chen Fei's movements.

Chen Fei came to the bed, looked at the silent girl, and said, "Can I get your pulse?"

The girl seemed to be hit hard, forcing her mouth to remain silent. wood

Qianying's uncle and aunt hurriedly respectfully said: "Mr. Chen, don't hesitate to see, Huihui can get Mr. Chen's treatment, that is her blessing."

When Chen Fei heard the words, he nodded, and then put his fingers on Qu Hui's right wrist, which was in a plaster cast, to get her pulse.

A few seconds later, Chen Fei released his hand and said: "The injury is not minor, not only the arm is broken, but the internal organs are also damaged."

In other words, Mu Qianying was even more anxious.

At this moment, Chen Fei lifted off the quilt on Qu Hui, revealing a body dressed casually inside. Suddenly, everyone saw patches of bruise and reddish purple on Qu Hui's neck, waist and abdomen. To be

When Chen Fei opened his clothes a little, Qu Hui suddenly showed a large amount of redness and bruise on her body. It was obvious that she had been severely beaten. wood

Seeing how her cousin looked like this, Qianying couldn't help it anymore. Tears dripped down, and she cried out, "Sister, how do you do this? Uncle, aunt, what's the matter? How could the cousin? Become like this?"

"Oh, this--" The couple sighed for a while, their faces looked very ugly. and

At this time, Chen Fei said: "Qianying, stabilize your emotions. We will talk about the course of the matter later. Now, let me treat Qu Hui for her injuries first!"

Rule now? "Mu Qianying's uncle and aunt are a little puzzled.

Dr. Wang, who had just retired, spoke with dissatisfaction: "I have given Ms. Qu medicine for treatment. What I need most now is rest. Don't mess around, otherwise Ms. Qu's injury will get worse."

Chen Fei ignored Dr. Wang's words, and just said, "Trust me." Mu

Qianying's uncle and aunt naturally chose to believe in Chen Fei, the martial arts master, "Trouble Mr. Chen." Chen

Fei nodded, and then the palm of his hand fell on Qu Hui's broken arm. A layer of plaster directly circulated the vitality breath and injected it into Qu Hui's arm to promote the healing of the broken bones.

About five minutes later, Chen Fei retracted his palm and nodded: "The right arm is healed, and the plaster can be removed."

What are you kidding about, the bones are broken, at least two or three months of recuperation. You are only a few minutes away, how could it be--" Doctor Wang didn't believe it.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei lightly flicked his fingers on the plaster, and immediately flicked the hard plaster to pieces and fell off Qu Hui's arm. Of course

Afterwards, everyone was surprised to find that Qu Hui's arm was really healed. Qu Hui tried to move a few times, but it was no different from a normal arm. pause

When the room was full of surprises, everyone looked at Chen Fei incredulously, their faces full of disbelief. special

Don't be Dr. Wang, his mouth is open and speechless. Chen

Fei didn't say much, using the same method, Qu Hui's left arm was also healed.

Afterwards, he took out a bottle of ointment, opened it and applied it to Qu Hui's neck, and then infused it into his palm to run the vitality aura to dissolve the power of the medicine. After a while, Qu Hui's original bruised neck skin was restored to its original whiteness and tenderness. But it is shiny, and there is no trace of injury at all. Crowd

Upon seeing this, people were shocked again. Chen

Fei handed the ointment to Mu Qianying's aunt and said, "Apply this ointment to the injured skin and it will heal within about a week."

Aunt Mu Qianying quickly took the ointment and bowed her thanks, "Thank you Mr. Chen."

On the contrary, Mu Qianying, with a puzzled expression at the moment, asked aloud: "Brother Chen, didn't you just take a few minutes? Why did it take another week?"

Chen Fei glanced at Qu Hui who was lying on the bed, coughed, and replied: "Qianying, I just used the true vitality of my palm to catalyze the effect of the medicine, so the speed is much faster. If the effect of the medicine is played slowly by yourself , It will take a long time." Wood

Qianying heard the words and immediately said: "Then Brother Chen, please give my sister some help. I can't bear to have her continue to suffer for a week."

Keke, this--" For a while, Chen Fei didn't know how to answer, "Qianying, catalytic medicinal effect, needs contact. This is not very convenient for me. ""

Why is it inconvenient? "Mu Qianying hadn't recovered her senses at first, but then she saw the strange eyes of her uncle and aunt, and then she understood the meaning of Chen Fei's words.

Just now, Chen Fei treated Qu Hui for a neck injury. It took the palm of his hand to apply the medicine to the skin of his neck, and the effect was so fast.

And Qu Hui's injuries were almost all over his body, if Chen Fei were to contact and dissolve the medicine. That almost required Qu Hui to be naked in front of Chen Fei, which was obviously not suitable for a woman who had not yet been married. So

Therefore, Chen Fei didn't mention this point, but gave the medicine to the other party and let them apply the medicine themselves for treatment. "

Ah, it turned out to be like this, I--" Mu Qianying understood at this moment, her pretty face suddenly became ruddy, but at the same time she was a little tangled. After all, she didn't want her cousin to continue to suffer for so long. Mu.

Qianying's uncle and aunt also changed their expressions, not knowing how to decide.

Just when they hesitated, Qu Hui, who had been silent on the bed, said to herself, "I'm fine."

"Ah!" Everyone was a little surprised, their eyes all looked over.

"Huihui, what are you talking about?" Mother leaned over. Qu

Hui said, "I said, I don't mind if Mr. Chen can heal me."

"But, Huihui, in that case, you would—" Mother hesitated.

Qu Hui said: "I know how to treat it. But I don't want to continue the pain, I hope to get better soon."

"But—" Mother still couldn't decide.

Instead, my father nodded and said, "Just do what Huihui said!"

That is, the husband and wife looked at Chen Fei with an inquiring look, "Mr. Chen, I don’t know if it’s inconvenient for you--"

Chen Fei nodded and said, "Since you have decided, then I'm fine."

Thank you Mr. Chen. "Mu Qianying's uncle and aunt thanked again, and immediately took everyone in the bedroom out, leaving only Chen Fei and Qu Hui on the bed.

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