
Chapter 1530: Distress

However, they said that Chen Fei and the others stayed at Doctor Qin's house until almost ten in the evening, and several people got up and said goodbye, and returned to Mu Qianying's cousin Qu's house.

The next day, Chen Fei came to the hospital again and continued to treat Qu Heng. Qu Heng's broken leg was completely recovered. He was immediately discharged from the hospital and the group returned home together.

The Qu family’s parents prepared a grand thank-you banquet at home, and thanked Chen Fei enthusiastically for their help to the Qu family. feast

After the meeting, Chen Fei, Chen Ziling, and Chen Mochi came to the hotel and prepared to stay for another day. After bidding farewell to Doctor Qin and the others, they left Nanze City.

After all, their purpose in coming to Nanze City was to get back the stored things from Doctor Qin. Now that the matter is over, it is natural to prepare to leave.

But just after the three of them arrived at the hotel, they received a call and it was Mu Qianying who opened it.

"Qianying, what's the matter?" Chen Fei answered the phone and asked. wood

Qianying said anxiously: "Brother Chen, it's not OK. My cousin is in trouble!"

what happened? Chen Fei's expression sank and asked immediately.

Mu Qianying said: "Brother Chen, just this afternoon. After we finished our meal, didn't my cousin and cousin get hurt? My cousin couldn't let go of her bar, so they went to the forest bar together and prepared to tidy up the bar. So as to reopen as soon as possible.""

But what I didn't expect was that some gangsters were making trouble at the bar, and they had a conflict with their cousin, and now they were almost fighting. "

"What, there is such a thing! Is it a ghost from the Xu family?" Chen Fei thought of the Xu family for the first time. After all, the injuries of Qu Hui and Qu Heng were caused by Xu Mo. wood

Qianying anxiously said: "I, I don't know yet. I am rushing to the bar with my uncle and the others."

Don't worry, wait for me to come over and go together! "Chen Fei exhorted. He was worried that the Xu family arranged to retaliate for those gangsters. If this is the case, Mu Qianying will go straight over, I am afraid it will be in danger.

"Okay, Brother Chen, I'll wait for you. Come here quickly." Mu Qianying said anxiously. "

Okay, I'll be here in ten minutes. "Chen Fei hung up and was about to go out.

When Chen Mochi and Chen Ziling saw this, they couldn't help but say, "Is there a problem with the Qu family?"

"Yes, someone at the bar is looking for faults. I'm worried that it is from the Xu family. Let's take a look now." Chen Fei quickly introduced.

"Brother, I will go with you." Chen Ziling heard the words and said. Chen

Mochi also got up immediately, preparing to go there together. but

At this moment, Chen Mochi's cell phone rang. When he saw the number, Dr. Qin Yue Qin called. He was taken aback for a moment, and then connected the phone, "Qin Yue——"

As soon as he spoke, Qin Yue heard a panicked voice on the other end of the phone, "Mochi, they are here again, and this time there are more people. They are all surrounded by the hospital, and I dare not go out."

"What, who's here? Are these people from Kou Wuxiong last night?" Chen Mochi immediately said solemnly.

Qin Yue said: "It's them. They are blocked at the entrance of the hospital, and our work has been affected by him."

You call the police first, and then you're in the hospital, don't go out. I will be right over. "Chen Mochi said, after finishing speaking, Chen Mochi also got up, ready to go out.

Next, Chen Ziling didn't know what to do. Should he follow Chen Fei to Mu Qianying's cousin, or follow his father to Doctor Qin's side. still

Between Henan, Chen Fei said, "Ziling, just stay in the hotel. After we solve the problem, we will come back soon."

"Yes-um!" Chen Ziling originally wanted to go there together, but then thought of something, nodded and agreed. in

Yes, Chen Fei and Chen Mochi rushed out of the room and ran in their respective directions.

The hotel is not far from Qu's home. Chen Fei and Mu Qianying soon joined together, and then came to the forest bar together. when

When they arrived, a group of punks with tattoos and tigers gathered around the entrance of the bar, making a bustling noise, although they looked scary. However, Chen Fei's imagined miscellaneous bar, hitting people did not happen. "

Fortunately, people are okay! "Chen Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and then directly rushed in, pushed the group of punks away, and rushed directly into the bar.

In the bar, Qu Hui and Qu Heng looked a little ugly at the moment. After all, the two had just recovered from an injury, and now they encountered this kind of thing again, it is inevitable that there is some shadow in their hearts. "

Mr. Chen, here you are! The two said in unison, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Chen Fei.

Chen Fei nodded, and then asked: "What the **** is going on? Did they do anything?" Qu

Hui shook her head and said, "As soon as we arrived at the bar at noon, this group of gangsters gathered around. We were worried that they would hit someone, so we notified Qianying. However, they just surrounded the bar and did not take any further action." "

That's it! "Chen Fei felt a little strange, "Do you know who they are?" "

"I asked, they didn't say. I also called the police, but the police have not come yet." Qu Heng added. Chen

Fei nodded, then turned around and walked out the door, "I'll go and see what is going on."

The group of gangsters at the entrance of the bar was full of hustle and bustle, knocking on the steel pipes and baseball bats in their hands, and there was a loud noise in their mouths. "

Just quiet down for me! "Chen Fei shouted sharply, startled the gangsters at the scene, and fell silent.

However, immediately they burst into even greater noise and scolded Chen Fei angrily. All kinds of foul language and threatening words rushed towards Chen Fei one after another. Chen

Fei was not moved at all, and said coldly: "Who are you and why are you here to make trouble?"

Boy, our business is beyond your control, get out of here now! ""

We just think this forest bar is not pleasing to our eyes, can you control it? "

"Lao Tzu fell in love with the lady boss and wanted to sleep with her. So I brought someone to propose a marriage, haha!"


Chen Fei frowned as he looked at the playful group of punks again, feeling even more wrong. mouth

He glanced at the corner and let out a cold snort. Chen Fei grabbed it with a big hand, and grabbed the leader of the most happiest gangster in the crowd, and asked in a cold voice, "Answer my question."

The head of the detained gangster stared at Chen Fei and threatened: "Fucky boy, do you dare to move me and die? Quickly put me down."

Let go of our boss! "

"Looking for something dead, let go."

"Damn, don't you understand human words?"...


Chen Fei strangled the throat of the leader of the small **** and lifted him directly, and then said with a serious face, "Answer my question, otherwise, you will die here."

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