
Chapter 1531: Tiaohulishan

"Let go of me--" The bully leader wanted to struggle, but when Chen Fei's right hand began to press his throat with a slight force, his complexion suddenly changed and he squeezed out a few words from his throat in panic, "I Answer, I will answer your question.""

Say! "Chen Fei said coldly, "Who are you?" Why are you here to make trouble? "mix

The mixed leader said: "We are members of the Three Tigers."

"Three Tiger Gang?" Chen Fei was very unfamiliar with this name, and couldn't help looking at Qu Hui and Qu Heng.

Qu Hui immediately explained: "The Three Tigers Gang is a small gang nearby. There are dozens of people under it. They are doing some protection fees nearby."

Hearing that the Three Tigers were only a small gang that charged protection fees, Chen Fei couldn't help but frown, staring at the leader of the gangster, and said coldly: "Why are you here to make trouble? Did someone instigate you?"

The gang leader nodded quickly and said: "That's it. Yesterday, someone found us and said that as long as I lead people to surround the forest bar, without fighting, and delaying at least an hour, I can give us 50,000 yuan. "

Fifty thousand yuan is definitely not a small amount of money for a small gang like the Three Tigers. Besides, they just surround the bar and don't even have to fight. Such an easy way to make money, the Three Tigers would naturally not refuse, and immediately took the order.

"Who is looking for you?" Chen Fei asked. three

The head of the tiger gang shook his head and said, "I don't know, it's a new face, I've never seen it before."

"Really?" Chen Fei stared straight at the gang leader, and asked harshly. mix

The mixed leader said with a firm face: "It's true, I dare not say a lie in front of you. Otherwise, the sky will thunder and strike--" Listen

At this point, Chen Fei believed the bullshit's words. If this is the case, the other party's intention does not seem to be aimed at the forest bar, nor is it aimed at Qu Heng and Qu Hui. Instead, the focus is on the requested delay of at least one hour.

"Procrastinate time, is there something the other party wants to do?" Chen Fei thought, his heart suddenly shook, and the whole person was shocked, "Take the tiger away from the mountain!" thought

At this point, Chen Fei couldn't help being shocked, and his thoughts turned quickly. If the other party wants to adjust the tiger away from the mountain, naturally he has to do something with the people around him. and

Now, the people around him, Qu Hui, Qu Heng and Mu Qianying, are all at the bar. There is no need to worry about Chen Mochi's strength at the pinnacle of the earth level. And on Doctor Qin Yue Qin, there was also Chen Mochi over there. miss you

At this point, there is only one person, and that is Chen Ziling. One

Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't help but get worried. He quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Chen Ziling's phone number. At the same time, he kept chanting, "Although Ziling has a good level of cultivation, she is in her current condition. When you meet a real martial arts expert, you can't resist at all."

After the beeping signal, no one answered the phone.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's heart almost sank. He immediately dialed Chen Mochi's mobile phone number, "Senior Chen, how is your situation there now?"

Chen Mochi said, "I have already arrived at the hospital, and the situation is fine. The troublemakers just surrounded Qin Yue with verbal threats, but didn't do anything." Listen

At this point, Chen Fei felt familiar, and couldn't help but glance at the gangsters of the Three Tigers around him, and then continued: "Senior Chen, catch a troublemaker and ask. Did someone give them money to make trouble yesterday? of."

"Give money to make trouble, this—" Chen Mochi faintly felt something, "Xiao Chen, wait a minute."

Soon, Chen Mochi responded, "I caught someone and asked clearly, that's it. It's a small local gang with only a few dozen people. Yesterday, they collected 50,000 yuan from people and came to the hospital to surround Qin Yue. Yes. Xiao Chen, how do you know this?"

After listening to Chen Fei, the expression on his face became serious at the moment, and he said solemnly: "Senior Chen, because my situation is like this. Someone deliberately moved the tiger away from the mountain to lead us out."

"What, move the tiger away from the mountain!" Chen Mochi was shocked, and then thought of something, exclaimed, "In the hotel, is Zi Ling okay?"

Chen Fei suppressed the worries in his heart and tried to calm himself as much as possible: "I just called Ziling and no one answered. I will rush back to the hotel now."

"What!" Chen Mochi was shocked and hurriedly said, "I will go back too." Chen

Fei calmly said: "Senior Chen, don't worry, calm down. I'm worried that the other party will adjust the tiger away from the mountain again, and we will be hit again."

"This—" Chen Mochi was still very worried. Chen

Fei analyzed: "Senior Chen, it has not been long since we arrived in Nanze City. We don’t know many people, and we have offended not many people. It seems that only the Xu family sect caused by the Qu family, and then Doctor Qin. The Kou Wu Xiong Kou boss caused by the incident."

"It's only possible for these two families. If it is the Xu family, it is close to the official house, and they will not directly use some crude methods, at least they will not use it themselves."

"If it is Kou Wuxiong, it is possible to use force directly. Approaching, Kou Wuxiong is also a prefecture-level martial arts expert, and his strength cannot be underestimated. If this is the case, the safety of Doctor Qin needs your protection from Senior Chen. Up."

Chen Fei’s analysis is very reasonable. Chen Mochi agrees in his heart, but he is still worried about Chen Ziling, "But, Ziling's side—"

Chen Fei said firmly: "Senior Chen, don't worry. I am Zi Ling's senior, and even her brother. I will not let her be harmed, I will definitely bring her back."

After a short silence, Chen Mochi said, "I believe you, you will be able to protect Zi Ling."

I must! Chen Fei said firmly, and then said, "Senior Chen, if it is convenient for you, can you bring Dr. Qin to the forest bar." I am worried that the tricksters will do something to Mu Qianying and them. "

"Okay, I'll bring someone over right away." Chen Mochi said, then hung up the phone. Follow

That is, Chen Fei looked at Mu Qianying and the others, and said: "If something urgent happens, I want to go out. You call the police first and wait for the police to arrive. Then stay in the forest bar and don't go out. Wait a minute, Senior Chen Mochi will bring Doctor Qin over. Then, you will listen to his arrangements. Do you understand?"

"--Yes!" Although there were all kinds of doubts in their hearts, Mu Qianying and Qu Hui saw Chen Fei's anxiety and did not ask further, they just nodded firmly and agreed.

Immediately, Chen Fei walked out of the forest bar, created an invisible protective gas shield at the entrance of the bar with true vitality, then moved quickly and hurried back to the hotel.

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