
Chapter 154: Detoxification

.., Rejuvenation

Chapter 154

Hearing the words "Tianwu Mountain", Uncle Bai was stunned for a moment, with a shocked expression on his face, completely devoid of any thoughts of resistance, looked at Chen Fei blankly, and muttered: "Tianwu Mountain, Tian Wushan. Could it be that you came from—from—that—heaven-level force—Tian Wuzong!"

Even Xie Jinjie, who is not a martial artist, was shocked when he heard the words "Tian Wu Zong" at the moment, with an incredible expression on his face.

Chinese martial artists are divided into the four realms of Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang from high to low, and the related forces of the martial artists are also divided into four levels of Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang from high to low according to their overall strength.

Among them, as the highest level of the power in the entire China, there are only a handful. One of its zhongs is Tianwu Zong whose sect is on Tianwu Mountain.

Tian Wuzong is quite strong. In the 50 years since China's entry into the WTO, masters have emerged one after another, and they have met many top rich and powerful people. Up to now, Tian Wuzong itself has become a representative of top strength.

Every disciple who descended from Tianwu Mountain, even the lowest existence, would be scrambled by the rich and powerful.

Let alone a small place like Long'an City, even in Longjiang City, the provincial capital, Xie Jinjie has never heard of a disciple that has recruited Tian Wuzong.

And now, such a disciple from the Tianwu Sect had actually appeared in front of them, and he had become their enemy.

Therefore, at this moment, Uncle Bai looked at the palm of Chen Fei's hand that was slapped on top of his head, without any thought of resisting at all. Because he knew that when he met a disciple of Tian Wuzong, he would undoubtedly die.

Then, with a "pop", Chen Fei slapped a palm on the top of Uncle Bai's head, and there was a crisp noise. Uncle Bai's neck broke directly, and his whole body lost his breath and fell to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Xie Jinjie collapsed to the ground, completely stupid. At this time, he no longer had the arrogance and complacency he had before. He knelt down in front of Chen Fei and said, "The master of Tianwu Sect, I was wrong. I didn't know who you were, and I ran into you. I really did. I know I'm wrong, please, give me a chance, I—"

Chen Fei shook his head and didn't say much. At the center of his palm, he felt vigorously hesitating, with a surging breath.

Raising the palm of his hand, rushing vigorously, turned into a sword of energy, and shot Xie Jinjie's heart.

Seeing death come, Xie Jinjie's eyes widened and exclaimed: "Don't kill me, Lin Qiuhan—"

"Uh—" Chen Fei couldn't help frowning when Xie Jinjie mentioned Lin Qiuhan. But at this moment, the qi sword had penetrated Xie Jinjie's heart, causing him to lose his breath and fall to the ground, his whole being dead too much.

All of Xie Jinjie’s people were dealt with. Chen Fei let out a sigh of relief, then looked at the bodies of Xie Jinjie and Uncle Bai. His lips moved slightly, and he said lightly, “I do come from Tianwu Mountain, but I didn’t say that I am the sky. A disciple of Wu Zong."

Immediately, Chen Fei began to circulate the vitality aura in his body, and a red air flow suddenly appeared in the middle of his palm.

This true vitality aura, compared to the previous inner vitality aura, seemed much more powerful and vigorous, constantly beating, like a ball of flame.

When Chen Fei's breath shot onto the corpse, it suddenly burned, and the pouring rain couldn't even extinguish the red flame.

In less than three minutes, the two corpses were directly burned into a cloud of white ash, and then completely washed away by the pouring rain, without a trace.

After solving the two men, Chen Fei turned his head and returned to the middle of the cabin, dragging the corpses of the four thugs out, and then turning them into a mass of ashes.

Fortunately, Qi Jian passed out in a coma, otherwise, Chen Fei would not be able to deal with these things in front of him.

Looking at the dark sky and pouring rain outside, Chen Fei felt a little uneasy, because Xie Jinjie had known his wife's name before he died. Moreover, he said before that he would definitely get the shares of Autumn Group, which made Chen Fei worry about Xie Jinjie's plans.

If it was Chen Fei himself, it would not be a problem to walk alone. But now with Qi Jian, it is a bit difficult.

After thinking about it, Chen Fei lifted Qi Jian up and infused him with some vitality, wanting to wake Qi Jian quickly, and then take him back with him.

But not long after Chen Fei breathed in, Qi Jian suddenly coughed, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his entire face turned into a strange blue.

Chen Fei was shocked, and immediately checked Qi Jian's body carefully. Under investigation, he couldn't help getting furious, because Qi Jian actually contained a toxin called "Lan Youcao" in his body.

This toxin is not strong, and will only slowly erode the human meridians. Generally speaking, after an adult man is poisoned, it will take more than half a month before he slowly dies.

But this Lan Youcao toxin has another characteristic, that is, when it encounters the martial artist's inner yuan and true vitality, the toxin will act faster. Therefore, this Lanyou Grassland was originally a toxin used to deal with warriors.

Now, they used toxins on Qi Fitness, which Chen Fei didn't expect. As a result, after Chen Fei injected Qi Jian with a breath of true energy, he accelerated the effect of the toxin.

"Damn it!" Chen Fei gritted his teeth, wishing to gather the ashes of Xie Jinjie and their corpses again, and kill them again fiercely.

Although the toxin of Lan Youcao was not a problem for Chen Fei, it was more difficult to detoxify in a short time under the current situation. Because Chen Fei couldn't use his true vitality breath to detoxify Qi Jian at all, so he could only find herbs to configure antidote to detoxify.

As a result, Chen Fei's desire to rush back in a short time could only be in vain.

Putting Qi Jian away, Chen Fei immediately entered the mountain lin zhong in the rain, and began to search for herbs to heal Lan Youcao all over the mountains and plains.

In the dark night, coupled with the pouring rain, it was difficult for Chen Fei to find herbs. In addition, several herbs are not so easy to find. In the end, Chen Fei searched for a few hours, and it was not until the sky was dark that he could find all the herbs.

Then, Chen Fei started to boil the medicine directly in the cabin, and he was busy for another hour. After the medicine was boiled, he took it for Qi Jian.

Chen Fei immediately checked Qi Jian, and after confirming that the drug worked, he was relieved. However, it will take several hours for the drug to take effect.

In this way, Qi Jian faintly woke up until midday.

Without waiting for Qi Jian to ask what happened, Chen Fei briefly said something about saving him, and then immediately took Qi Jian out of the mountain.

With Qi Jian, he couldn't get up fast. After walking for more than two hours, Chen Fei walked out of the mountain. 【】

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