
Chapter 155: Lightning wedding

.., Rejuvenation

Chapter 155

Carrying Qi Jian, Chen Fei came to the place where Xie Jinjie and the others left the car before, but did not see the van.

Under such a situation, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel puzzled, and secretly guessed whether the other party had a helper that he hadn't discovered by himself.

Traveling all the way, thinking all the way, after walking for a while, Chen Fei saw his car from a distance, couldn't help speeding up, and walked over with Qi Jian.

But when he walked to the car, he couldn't help but chuckle. Because of my original brand new car, the car was covered with bullet marks at this moment, and there were blood stains in the middle of the car.

After inspecting the car, Chen Fei found that the car's engine had also been damaged and could not be started at all.

All of these things made Chen Fei frown even deeper, and he started thinking quickly.

There is no other way but to continue walking with Qi Jian all the way.

When Chen Fei was walking hard, the top floor of Long'an City's most luxurious five-star hotel was lively and festive.

The entire top floor has been wrapped up, and busy staff are arranging tables, chairs and various decorations. From the white veil, fragrant flowers, and various posted "囍" characters, we can see that a wedding is about to be held here.

And downstairs in the five-star hotel, a series of luxury cars came one after another, and a rich and powerful man named in Long'an City walked in with a smile on his face.

They chatted about this time while greeting each other.

"This time Shao Zhang's wedding really came suddenly!"

"Yes, it was just announced yesterday that the wedding will be held directly tonight. What a blitz!"

"To say, Zhang Yuanhao and Lin Qiuhan's wedding had been decided long ago. Later, it seemed that there was an accident. Lin Qiuhan found another husband. Now, how can he get on with Zhang Yuanhao again? It is really unintelligible. what!"

"Speaking of Lin Qiuhan's husband, it seems to be called Chen Fei! I still remember that at the banquet of Mr. Wu, he was very popular."

"What's the use of showing up anymore, now my wife is going to marry someone else, and his people can't be seen at all. Let alone a trace, there is not even a bit of news."

"What do you know, then Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan were originally married in a fake marriage. Now that Zhang Shao and Lin Qiuhan's wedding is going on normally, he will naturally quit."

"Let me say that Zhang Shao and Lin are the best match. They are equally young and promising, a handsome and handsome, and a beautiful and generous, but we are the golden virgin of Long'an City."


The discussion was lively, and the atmosphere seemed quite lively.

But at this moment, in the dressing room of the hotel backstage, Lin Qiuhan, who was doing her hair, stared at Zhang Yuanhao in front of him angrily, and said, "I have agreed to your request. You should let Chen Fei go?"

Speaking of Chen Fei, Zhang Yuanhao's eyes flashed with anger, but then he sneered and said: "No hurry, wait for the wedding tonight."

"After you become my woman, I will naturally let Chen Fei go." At this point, Zhang Yuanhao couldn't help but look a little fiery, staring at Lin Qiuhan's delicate and beautiful face and curvaceous figure, and couldn't help licking his tongue.

I have to say that Lin Qiuhan is a stunner. Thinking of such a stunner, which will be his own plaything in the future, Zhang Yuanhao couldn't help but get excited, unable to control the heat in his heart, and rushed towards Lin Qiuhan.

Lin Qiuhan was shocked and backed away quickly. He took out a pair of scissors and stabbed him on his neck. He threatened with a serious expression: "If you dare to move me now, I will show you to death."

Zhang Yuanhao's enthusiasm cooled down for a while, he stopped his movements, looked at Lin Qiuhan, and sneered: "Now you don't give it to me, wait for the night, you are still mine."

"There are still two and a half hours before the wedding. Prepare yourself. I don't want any accidents at the wedding tonight. Otherwise—" Zhang Yuanhao snorted coldly and turned away.

At this time, Lin Qiuhan put down and decreased, and the eyes of the beautiful eyes were filled with tears.

This strong woman, who has always been strong, finally couldn't help crying in the face of such a situation.

She bit her lip, looked at the darkening sky outside the window, and resolutely said: "Chen Fei, you saved me before. This time, I will save you. Although you and I are only nominal Husband and wife, but I won’t let other people touch me. Tonight, Zhang Yuanhao dared to move me, so I committed suicide on the spot. Anyway, without you, maybe I would have died long ago."

A tragic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, Lin Qiuhan lost his look in his eyes, like a puppet, letting the hair stylist and makeup artist play with him.

When the hotel was busy, Chen Fei with Qi Jian at the moment finally walked out of the range of Shanlin.

He took out the phone and looked at it, and there was a signal. Chen Fei was overjoyed and quickly dialed Lin Qiuhan's number, but after a beep, the signal was cut off again. Chen Fei changed several places one after another. After the signal got better, he finally made the call.

But on the other end of the phone, there was a sound of shutting down.

Chen Fei couldn't help but "cock" in his heart, and he was even more disturbed. He hung up the phone, flipped through the address book, and then dialed Wei Ling's number.

After a long voice, the call was finally connected. Before Chen Fei could speak, Wei Ling's questioning voice came over the phone: "Chen Fei, where have you been?"

Chen Fei was startled and quickly said, "Wei Ling, what's wrong? By the way, what's wrong with Qiu Han? How did her mobile phone turn off?"

When Wei Ling heard this, she couldn't help being surprised, "You don't know about Qiu Han?"

"What's the matter?" Chen Fei felt a little uneasy.

Wei Ling seemed to hesitate, and said after a moment: "Qiu Han is getting married, and Zhang Yuanhao is tonight, on the top floor of the five-star hotel."

"What?" Chen Fei asked in shock, "What the **** is going on?"

"You don't know what's going on? I still want to ask you?" Wei Ling also exclaimed, "Yesterday Qiu Han suddenly announced the news. I went to her to inquire, but she didn't say anything. I contacted you. In the end, you couldn't get in touch. Chen Fei, what is going on?"

Chen Fei took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and then slid these things through his brain one by one, linking the last clues together.

Suddenly, Chen Fei roughly sorted out a clue.

First, Xie Lingfei failed to purchase the health wine formula, and then called his third uncle Xie Jinjie. Xie Jinjie may have discovered the great benefits and prospects of health wine, so he formulated a series of plans.

He first kidnapped Qi Jian, which seemed to be used to threaten Chen Fei to hand over the health-care wine formula. But along the way, he deliberately left clues that led Chen Fei to rescue.

Moreover, Xie Jinjie deliberately took Qi Jian all the way to go deep into the mountains. On the surface, it seems to be looking for places where personally inaccessible, but in fact, it is to lead Chen Fei as far as possible. 【】

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