
Chapter 1584: Secret test

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei could guess without saying more. The man in front of him who does not seem to be special should be Xu Junshan, the first person in the Huaxia Army, who is known as the God of the Huaxia Army. in

Yes, Chen Fei also got up and saluted: "The chief is good."

Xu Junshan smiled lightly, appearing to be very approachable, "Okay, you are welcome. Just relax." Although

Although they said so, Zhu Kuishan and Mu Ning were still tense in front of Xu Junshan, and they looked very nervous.

Xu Junshan looked at Zhu Kuishan and said, "Kuishan, this time, I have worked hard for you."

"I don't have to work hard for the head," Zhu Kuishan said hastily.

Xu Junshan then looked at Mu Ningbian again and said, "Ningbian, thank you for your care of Xiao Chen."

"Serve the chief." Mu Ningbian seemed quite nervous.

Xu Junshan smiled, and then said: "I have something to talk to Xiao Chen."

People understood Xu Junshan's meaning, and immediately took the initiative to leave the reception room.

The two left, leaving only Chen Fei and Xu Junshan in the room. Xu

Junshan didn't speak, his eyes rolled, looking at Chen Fei. Chen Fei didn't have diversity either, and he looked at Xu Junshan on the opposite side without any shy, with a look of doubt and curiosity in his eyes. Such as

After this silence, Xu Junshan first smiled and said, "Yes, it's a good disciple of Senior Xuanyuan."

Chen Fei immediately understood what Xu Junshan said. It seems that this time the military **** came out to support him, and it was the old man who supported him behind his back. Otherwise, with Chen Fei's current identity, it would be impossible for such a big man to come forward.

"Thank you Senior Military God!" Chen Fei thanked. Xu

Junshan smiled and said, "You are welcome, if you don't mind, just call me Uncle Xu."

This-Uncle Xu! Chen Fei paused slightly, then said.

Xu Junshan laughed when he heard the words, and looked at Chen Fei and said, "I think you should be a little curious, why would I help you?" Chen

Fei nodded, and then said: "Jun-no, Uncle Xu, do you know my master?" Xu

Junshan nodded and said, "I have the honor to meet senior Xuanyuan." Tan

Starting from Xuanyuan Jiangshan, Xu Junshan's attitude was very humble, even with a look of yearning in his eyes. This

Chen Fei had to be more curious about the strength and identity of the old man. How strong the old man really is, makes the military gods so respectful to him. Moreover, it now appears that the mysterious figure at the top of the Shenlong list is most likely an old man.

"Uncle Xu, do you mean my master for helping me?" Chen Fei asked.

Xu Junshan nodded, then shook his head again and said, "You can say that, but you can't say that."

This contradictory attitude made Chen Fei feel a little confused, "Uncle Xu, this—" Xu

Junshan smiled and explained: "I'll tell you this. This time I came out to protect you, and it was indeed Senior Xuanyuan's face. However, I didn't protect you purely because of this. I have one thing that I need. Your help."

"Need my help?" Chen Fei was even more curious, "Uncle Xu, in your capacity, how come there are things that need my help, I—"

Xu Junshan waved his hand and said: "Everyone holds me so high, what military god, what is the first person in China. But I am only a person, there are too many things I can't do. This time, I need your help."

"What's the matter?" Chen Fei asked.

Xu Junshan's face became serious, and he said: "This time the level of confidentiality is very high. If you don't agree, I can't tell you."

This—" Chen Fei hesitated. Xu

Junshan reminded: "Don't worry, it's not about letting you use force to participate in some secret person. It's about your medical skills."

Hearing this, Chen Fei didn't hesitate much, and nodded, "Uncle Xu, I promised this mission."

you sure? "Xu Junshan looked at Chen Fei solemnly.

Chen Fei nodded earnestly: "I'm sure." Xu

Upon seeing this, Junshan smiled at the corner of his mouth, and immediately took out a contract and handed it to Chen Fei, "After signing this agreement, I will explain the situation to you in detail." Chen

Fei looked at the contents of the agreement, mainly for Chen Fei to assist in a research conducted by the military, and required strict confidentiality. As for the specific content of the study, there is nothing to be seen in the agreement. Do not

However, Chen Fei did not hesitate. After reading it, he did not hesitate to sign his name. Xu

Junshan put away the agreement and smiled: "Let's go, I will take you to the laboratory."

That is, Xu Junshan personally took Chen Fei to leave the military headquarters and drove to a secret laboratory on the outskirts of Beijing.

The laboratory is built in a protected area, and the name of the research and research protection institute is hung outside. However, after entering it and taking the elevator to the bottom, Chen Fei discovered a different world. bottom

There is a lot of space underneath, and inside are all scientific research staff in white coats. Various scientific research instruments that Chen Fei had never seen before.

Under the leadership of Xu Junshan, Chen Fei came to a large laboratory. Before entering the laboratory, Chen Fei could hear a "bang-bang" impact sound from inside, as if there was a heavy hammer hitting the ground continuously.

When Chen Fei walked into the laboratory, the scene in front of him couldn't help but stun him.偌

In the center of the large laboratory is a transparent closed room, inside the room, a wolf is closed. only

Yes, this wolf is obviously a bit bigger than an ordinary wolf, and the hair on its body is much shiny. The wolf's originally faint green eyes, at this time, exudes a scarlet light. this

For a moment, the extremely violent wolf slammed into the transparent wall of the room frantically. huge

With great force, a rumbling sound made the entire transparent room tremble. This is also the source of the sound Chen Fei heard outside. with

At time, the various instruments installed in the transparent room continuously recorded various data, and the staff in white coats around them continuously recorded various data while adjusting the corresponding equipment. "

This—" Chen Fei couldn't help being a little curious.

Xu Junshan said: "This is a study we conducted. I don't know the specifics. I will let Academician Song come and talk to you."

While talking, a middle-aged man wearing a white coat and glasses, holding a notebook, walked towards Chen Fei.

"You have brought someone here!" The man, seeing Xu Junshan, just nodded, without any extra words, and seemed very ordinary, as if the Chinese army **** in front of him was not just an ordinary person. "

Someone is coming, please introduce Xiao Chen! "Xu Junshan is also accustomed to the attitude of the other party, and said.

Academician Song put away his notebook and looked up at Chen Fei's side.

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