
Chapter 1585: Accidental acquaintance

Looking at it this way, Academician Song couldn't help but suffocated his expression, and suddenly he froze in place. with

When Chen Fei saw Academician Song in front of him, he was also stunned, and his face was astonished, "You, you are—"

Xu Junshan didn't expect this situation, and he couldn't help but looked at the two curiously, "Academician Song, Xiao Chen, do you know?"

Academician Song stared at Chen Fei, and said in a questioning tone: "Xiao Chen, Chen Fei. Are you not a colleague of Song Yi's company?" Chen

Fei scratched his head, some not knowing how to explain it.

It turned out that the academician Song in front of him was no one else, but Song Ganlin, the father of singer Song Yi.

That time, Chen Fei sent Song Yi home. As a result, Zhao Yue was secretly prescribed the medicine, and almost had a fight with Song Yiyun. Finally, Song Yi's father went home suddenly and interrupted things. Chen Fei and Song Yi lied together, saying that Chen Fei was a colleague of Song Yi's company and came home to talk about work, and then left in a hurry.

At that time, Chen Fei only vaguely remembered that Song Yi said that his father was engaged in scientific research. Unexpectedly, Song Ganlin's scientific research was so high-level that it was a secret mission of the military. "

Uncle Song, I, I just—" Chen Fei laughed, not knowing how to explain it.

Song Ganlin gave him a white look and said: "Forget it, working hours, let's not talk about these things."

You developed the ephedra oral liquid? "Song Ganlin asked. Chen

Fei nodded and said, "I developed it."

Song Ganlin showed a little surprise in his eyes, then pointed to the wolf in the transparent room, and said: "This is the main subject of our research, gene-enhancing drugs."

"Gene-enhancing drugs! Could it be—" Chen Fei heard this name and couldn't help thinking of the gene drugs in various science fiction themes, which can make people powerful and even mutated. Song

Gan Lin saw Chen Fei's thoughts and said: "The genetic medicine we have developed is roughly the same as you imagined. It is the kind of medicine that stimulates the human body's potential and strengthens the body's strength, speed, and response."

However, the direction of our research is somewhat different. "Song Ganlin said, "This kind of gene-enhancing drugs, basically, all the world's powerful countries are secretly researching. Among them, the United States is naturally walking in the forefront. It is said that their use of genetic modification technology has already achieved initial results, and the first batch of drugs developed have been able to quickly create experimental soldiers comparable to warriors in the prefecture-level realm. "listen

At this point, Chen Fei couldn't help being surprised.

As a martial artist, he naturally knows that martial arts is not easy to practice. An ordinary person, who wants to reach the realm of a territorial warrior. It requires good talents, abundant resources for practice, and at least two to thirty years of penance. It is possible to become a big boss. and

Now, the genetic drugs in the United States can quickly create experimental fighters comparable to Earth-level warriors. Once there is a war, or a local conflict. Meter

The country puts these powerful experimental soldiers into the battlefield, and the effect can be imagined how powerful. On Huaxia's side, ordinary soldiers might not be able to deal with it. The elite team composed of prefecture-level warriors is really scarce, and every death in battle is a huge loss. If you continue to fight like this, China will definitely not be able to bear it.

Song Ganlin looked at Chen Fei's changing face and said: "It's almost as you imagined, in order to prevent possible wars and conflicts in the future. We must also make breakthroughs in the corresponding fields, try our best to catch up, and develop our experimental fighters. "Chen

Fei nodded, expressing understanding.

Song Ganlin sighed and said: "It's just that, if we use modern genetic technology to study purely. We will definitely not be able to keep up with the speed of the United States. After all, in terms of technology, the United States is ahead of us for at least 20 or 30 years. Even if we barely do so. To catch up, but the experimental soldiers developed by the same method as them may not be as capable as the opponent."

After a pause, Song Ganlin continued: "So, if we want to catch up in a short time, we can only find another way."

"The direction we find now is to use genetic technology to combine China's traditional Chinese medicine to develop our unique gene-enhancing drugs." Song Ganlin said, "You developed the ephedra oral liquid, as well as the medicines for health wine, I They have all studied and analyzed, and the effect is very good. Especially the health-care wine, if the effects of strengthening the body and relaxing the muscles and collaterals can be strengthened and refined to specific areas, it will be very helpful to our genetic medicine research. This is also my order to Xu Junshan Find your reason."

Hearing this, Chen Fei understood.

The so-called gene-enhancing drugs, to put it bluntly, are to stimulate the human body's potential, improve physical fitness, and become a super soldier in the eyes of ordinary people.

The health wine developed by Chen Fei has the effect of nourishing and strengthening the body. To some extent, this is consistent with the direction of gene-enhancing drugs.

As long as Chen Fei strengthens and purifies these strong effects to meet the experimental requirements, he will be able to create experimental fighters with Chinese characteristics. "

Now, would you like to join our plan? "Song Ganlin looked at Chen Fei. Chen

Fei did not hesitate, nodded and said: "I am willing."

Hearing this, Song Ganlin, who had always been stern, smiled, and immediately took a bunch of materials and came to Chen Fei, "You first understand the results and progress of our current research."

"Also, the biggest problem and problem we have encountered at present is that the uncontrollable and side effects of the drug will damage the experimental body and eventually lead to the death of the experimental body."

"These are some of the experimental programs we have put forward. You can see if these drugs are feasible..."

After starting work, Song Ganlin immediately immersed himself in it, and directly forgot Xu Junshan. Xu

Junshan didn't mind, smiled, and took the initiative to retreat.


While Chen Fei was busy at the experimental base, Zhao Donglin, who had returned to the Zhao family, looked gloomy and went to the courtyard of the old man Zhao Enze behind. old

An old man with white beard and hair lying in a chair in the ancient Beijing courtyard, dangling a sip of tea, looking very leisurely. "

Dad, I'm back. "Zhao Donglin hurried in, suppressing the anger and dissatisfaction in his heart, and greeted him.

But the old man still felt his anger and couldn't help but say: "What's the matter?" Zhao

Dong Lin took a breath and then explained what was about to happen in the Ding's villa, and finally said: "It failed to deal with the kid surnamed Chen. Xu Junshan finally came forward..."

Xu Junshan has come forward! This—" The old man couldn't help but squinted his eyes.

"Dad, Xu Junshan will come forward. Let's deal with that kid again, is it a bit troublesome, or else, we--" Zhao Donglin said with some worry.

The old man raised his right hand and said, "Don't worry, I will find out some things first."

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