
Chapter 1587: Accompany shopping

Chen Fei, who was holding the tea, raised his gaze inadvertently. He happened to see the beautiful scenery and was taken aback, especially the original unobstructed scenery. Let Chen Fei sneer, almost didn't squirt out the tea in his mouth, and finally relied on the martial artist's strong will to finally hold back.

But Chen Fei's abnormality still made Song Yi notice the abnormality, and couldn't help but raise his head to look at Chen Fei, "What's the matter? I choked—""

Sister Song, I'm fine, I'm fine. "Chen Fei waved his hand again and again to tell Song Yi not to come near.

Because, at this moment, Song Yi was concerned about Chen Fei's posture, so he just leaned over and couldn't help making the scenery that Chen Fei saw more fascinating.

Although Chen Fei's eyes almost flashed past, Song Yi still caught Chen Fei's strange look. I couldn't help but look down, and suddenly found out what was wrong with me. Suddenly

At that time, Song Yi's cheeks flushed, and he quickly pressed the collar, got up and walked to the bedroom, "I, I'm going to change clothes." Ten

Minutes later, Song Yi walked out of the room neatly and wrapped herself tightly. Although still beautiful, Chen Fei couldn't help but sigh softly. "

Keke, Chen Fei, you, do you want something to eat? I'll go shopping and cook for you at noon. "In order to ease the embarrassment, Song Yi quickly found a topic and said.

Chen Fei returned to his senses, remembered the business, and quickly waved his hand: "Sister Song, no, no trouble, I'm not here to eat. I'm here to give you something."

Send things, are these? "Song Yi pointed to the huge plastic bag Chen Fei put on the ground."

that's it. "Chen Fei nodded, then opened the plastic bag and took out the contents one by one. "This is cabbage, bought from an organic vegetable shop in the south of the city." This kind of sea prawns are very fresh, so you should put them in the refrigerator. There is also milk tea with this flavor. I bought your favorite strawberry flavor. However, for milk tea, you should drink less..." Chen

The things that Fei took out were nothing precious, they were all ordinary things for eating and wearing. But what surprised Song Yi was that these things were very much in line with Song Yi's preferences, and they were almost tailor-made for her.

Even Song Yi himself, I'm afraid he can't think of it all for a while. "

Chen Fei, you, how do you know I like these things? "Song Yi looked at Chen Fei and asked. Chen

Fei smiled, took out the last medicine in the vial, and handed it to Song Yi, "Finally, this is to replenish your body. You are a star, and you often travel on business and run around, stay up late and live irregularly. You need Take care."

"This, this—" Song Yi held the medicine bottle, a warm current surged in his heart, and at the same time stared at Chen Fei more curiously.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei explained: "Sister Song, in fact, I was entrusted by someone to give you these things."

Entrusted by others? Who! "Song Yi was a little curious.

Chen Fei scratched his head and said: "Sister Song, your father, Academician Song Ganlin Song. He specially made a list for me and asked me to buy these things for you."

"Ah, my dad!" Song Yi yelled out in surprise, even more curious, "How did you meet my dad. He even asked you to buy things for me, what is going on?"

Chen Fei immediately participated in the research by himself, and told Song Yi what happened with Song Ganlin.

Of course, Chen Fei would not speak about specific research content. After all, that is the secret of the military. Knowing too much is not good for Song Yi. Song

Yi only knew that his father was engaged in biological genetic research, but he didn't know exactly what he was doing. She had never been to where her father worked.

Now I didn't expect that during the period of Chen Fei's disappearance, he would go to work with his father. Song Yi couldn't help being surprised. Song

Gan Lin didn't spend much time with Song Yi because of his work. Even the reason for his divorce with Song Yi's mother was mostly because of Song Ganlin's work. From

As far as his father is concerned, Song Ganlin is not qualified. When he was young, Song Yi did resent his father. But later, she grew up and understood more, and gradually understood her father. and

Now, when his father asked Chen Fei to buy something for himself, Song Yi couldn't help but feel warm. Thinking of his father, his eyes were a little moist. "

Me, I go to the bathroom. "Song Yi rushed into the bathroom.

Chen Fei sorted out the contents in the bag, entered the kitchen, and began to prepare breakfast for Song Yi. half

In about an hour, Chen Fei had prepared a steaming breakfast and brought it to Song Yi. Song

Looking at the fragrant breakfast, Yi couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of her mouth, thanked Chen Fei, and then began to eat. Chen

Fei was also welcome, and had breakfast with Song Yi. eat

After breakfast, the two cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks together. Chen Fei took off his apron and looked at Song Yi, "Sister Song, what do you want to do next?"

Me, this—" For a moment, Song Yi really couldn't figure out what he wanted to do.

Today is her rare day of rest. Under normal circumstances, on this day of rest, Song Yi sleeps at home and will not go out at all. But the arrival of Chen Fei today made her feel a different kind of warmth.

"Well, the weather is good today. Let's go out and go around." Chen Fei said. Song

Yi did not refuse, entered the house and changed his clothes, then came out with a hat and sunglasses. Although the dress is exaggerated, for a big star like Song Yi, this is a must-have equipment for going out. two

After leaving the community, the person did not go far, and came to a bustling shopping mall nearby. although

It is said that big stars like Song Yi are not short of money, but there are really not many opportunities for this kind of leisure to go shopping in the mall. Walking side by side with Chen Fei, walking aimlessly in the mall, for Song Yi, it was a long-lost feeling and made her feel at ease. idle

During the stroll, the two came to a Chanel luxury store. Walking into the store, even with a star like Song Yi, he couldn't help his eyes shining brightly, flipping through various bags.

Before long, Song Yi chose a new leather bag and prepared to take it to the counter to check out.

But at this moment, suddenly, a beautiful voice rang, "Azhe, I want that bag." Shun

With the sound, Chen Fei and Song Yi turned their heads to look, and then they saw a fashionable and charming young woman walking over with a man in her thirties. male

Although the child looks average, but all of his outfits are all luxury items, and he is definitely a rich person.

Sure enough, hearing the woman's request, the man waved his hand indifferently and said, "You want it, then buy it."

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