
Chapter 1588: Identification

"Azhe, you are the best." The woman pressed a kiss on the man's face, and then yelled to the clerk, "Quickly, help me get the bag, I want it."

The clerk looked at Song Yi and Chen Fei, with a touch of embarrassment on their faces, and explained: "Miss, I'm sorry, that is the latest bag. There is only one in our store, and the customer has already asked for it. If you want it, We can make an order for you, and in three days, we will have the goods here.""

After three days, when will it have to wait? I want it now! "The girl said dissatisfiedly, then she hugged the man's arm and shook her coquettishly, "Azhe, I want that bag now." After three days, it's not new. ""

You also know that in our business, we must follow the latest trends. Wait three days, it's out of date, I don't want it! "The woman said coquettishly. The man

Zi patted the woman, and then said: "Okay, okay. I'll get you the bag."

Immediately, the man came to Chen Fei and Song Yi with an arrogant appearance, and said, "I want this bag. Take it."

Song Yi carried the purse and did not speak. Chen Fei's expression sank, and he said coldly, "We have already asked for this bag. If you want, go and buy it yourself."

After that, Chen Fei directly took out his credit card and said to the clerk: "Swipe the card and check out." See you

In response, the man frowned and snorted coldly: "Don't you just want money? I'll give you fifty thousand and give it to me." Chen

Fei glanced at the man, ignored him, and continued to say to the clerk: "Check out, now!"

Seeing that the clerk was about to check out, the charming girl suddenly became anxious. Holding the man's arm, he shook his head and acted like a baby, "Azhe, I want this bag, do I want it!"

The man named A Zhe was also a little angry at this time, staring at Chen Fei, and said: "One hundred thousand, give me the package right away."

Chen Fei gave a sneer and threw out a bank card, and said coldly: "I will give you one million, you immediately kneel down and apologize to me."

The bank card fell on his face, the man's expression suddenly became angry, he stared at Chen Fei fiercely, and sternly said: "Boy, you dare to hit me. Do you know who I am? I killed you and just moved The finger thing."

The charming woman also said viciously: "You can see clearly with your dog eyes wide open. I am a star. You two unknown men, dare to move me and Azhe, do you want to die?"

Celebrity! "Chen Fei looked at the woman, then shook his head and sneered, "I don't know which star of the eighteenth line." "

"You, you—Azhe, he bullied me. You must teach him a lesson!" The woman hugged the man's arm and started acting like a baby. male

Zi sneered again and again, and shouted: "Give me up and kill him." Shun

At that moment, a bodyguard rushed over, confronted Chen Fei, and started fiercely. Do not

However, in front of Chen Fei, his strengths seemed a little ridiculous. In less than three seconds, Chen Fei was knocked to the ground and lost his combat effectiveness. Such as

In this situation, the man couldn't help being shocked, and his body couldn't help taking two steps back. and

Chen Fei kept walking, stepping forward, and he was about to do something to the man, ready to teach him a lesson. but

At this moment, Song Yi suddenly grabbed Chen Fei and said, "Chen Fei, forget it."

That is, Song Yi pointed to the leather bag again and said: "Leather bag, I don't want it. You want it, go buy it."

After speaking, Song Yi took Chen Fei and turned around to walk out of the store.

Chen Fei was a little bit upset, but Song Yi had made such a decision, and he could only turn around and walk out.

Such behavior made the other party a little dazed, and for a while, some didn't want to understand what was going on.

"Azhe, they are scared, you are really amazing. I want this bag, and you can buy it for me." The girl smiled again and again. but

At this time, the man named A Zhe, staring at Song Yi, frowned, as if thinking about something. Suddenly, he thought of something and shouted: "Song Yi, it's you!"

Song Yi, who had just walked out of the store, couldn't help but pause when he heard the call. She wanted to pretend that she hadn't heard, and moved on to leave. but

Then Ah Zhe came over and continued to speak loudly: "Singer and star Song Yi, come here to go shopping! With a little white face beside him, this is big news!" He

Such a shout immediately attracted the attention of many people, and they all looked over here, showing curiosity.

Song Yi paused, her eyes cold under the sunglasses. Then he turned around, walked into the store, took off his sunglasses, looked at the man, and said coldly: "Liu Zhe, what do you want to do?"

Taking off the sunglasses, Song Yi's face was exposed, and the clerk and the charming woman were immediately recognized, and she couldn't help but exclaim.

"It's really Song Yi!"

Big star! "

"That singer, sings very well."


The man named Liu Zhe confirmed Song Yi's identity, raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, looked Song Yi up and down, and said: "It's really a superstar Song Yi! I'm still thinking, I've admitted the wrong person!" "

Miss Song, who has always been known for her innocence, how can she sneak a man out to go shopping! "Liu Zhe smiled."

You don't need to worry about it. "Song Yi said coldly. Liu

Zhe smiled and said, "Don't care about it, naturally there will be paparazzi to take care of it. Song Star, you said, if today's things are sent out by paparazzi, what effect will it have!"

You--" Song Yi stared at Liu Zhe with a cold expression, then glanced at the girl next to him, gritted his teeth and said, "The son of Dolphin Entertainment will come out with the female artists under the banner. If this kind of news breaks out, it will be nothing to you. Good thing! "

Facing Song Yi’s slightly threatening remarks, Liu Zhe didn’t care and said, “It’s no good, but I don’t care. There are too many reports about female artists. Everyone has long been used to it. As for her, a scandal broke out. The big deal is that I will change another one. There are not many other companies in our company. There are still many such third- and fourth-tier actresses.

The charming girl who was nestling next to Liu Zhe couldn't help but shudder when she heard this, and a strange color flashed in her eyes. But he dared not say anything at all.

Upon hearing this, Song Yi gritted his teeth, looked at Liu Zhe, and said, "Liu Zhe, what do you want to do?" Liu

Zhe raised his eyebrows and said, "Actually, you know what I want to do, Star Song, you know very well. Three days later, there will be a family banquet in the Liu family. I look forward to the participation of Star Song. Oh, no, it shouldn't. It’s called Daxing Song, that’s too strange, she should be called sister Song, right! Hahaha!

"I won't participate in the family banquet of your Liu family. I won't agree to the things you think." Song Yi gritted his teeth. Liu

Zhe smiled and said, "Sister Song, such a thing. Go and talk to Aunt Die by yourself, she is very much looking forward to your arrival!"

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