
Chapter 1624: One punch

Although Chen Fei's performance aroused dissatisfaction from many big hidden families, some people from the lower hidden families expressed appreciation for Chen Fei. After all, in their view, this kind of courage to challenge power is worthy of encouragement.

However, just as they admired and admired, there was a sneer beside them, "It's just a joke!"

That is, a young man in a robe stood up with his hands behind his back. see

Many people who supported Chen Fei's expressions were not very good at the moment. They looked at the young man and made a sound of dissatisfaction. "

Why is Chen Fei a joke? I feel that he is a representative of our small sects. "

"That is, there should be such a person who is not afraid of challenges. Otherwise, our hidden family has been ruled by large sects, and we will never have a chance to stand up."

What qualifications do you have to say about him? I think you are not as good as him! ""

Even if Chen Fei was defeated, the strength he showed now was already strong enough. It's not a joke! "


Hearing the rebuttals from the crowd, the robe young man sneered, shook his head, and said: "You hold him high and let him continue fighting. One sentence is simple. But I can say for sure, he If this continues, there is only a dead end.""

Even if he fought over the Jiang family, there are still first-rate hidden gates behind him, including the Zhou family and the Lin family. In the end, his ending was already doomed when he took the stage. "

Hearing that, the audience who admired Chen Fei just now couldn't help but change their faces, their mouths moved, and they wanted to refute something. But in the end, he could only shake his head and sigh, and there was nothing to say.

Someone looked at the young man and asked curiously: "Who are you? Why don't I remember that our hidden family has your number?" Nian

The light man didn't answer, but tossed his sleeves, revealing a sign of the twin towers, and then stepped away.

Seeing this sign, the people around couldn't help but their complexion changed and they were surprised. "

That, that is the mark of Wushuang Building. He is from the Heavenly Sect Wushuanglou! ""

No wonder he was so arrogant, he turned out to be a disciple of the four great heavenly sects. ""

The people in Wushuang Building have said so, and it seems that Chen Fei is really dangerous. ""

Oh, what a pity. Finally, such a evildoer appeared, but in the end—"...


Chen Fei did not pay attention to the movement in the audience. this

At that time, he looked at Jiang Hongjing, who was about to condense his true essence on the other side, who was about to do something to himself. The complexion was indifferent, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and even a smile of contempt. "

call! "Jiang Hongjing screamed, stature like a tiger, and strode towards Chen Fei with the sound of a violent wind."

It is this momentum, which is one level higher than Jiang Ninghan just now. It is worthy of being a veteran mid-level master of heaven, whether it is the vigor of the true vitality or the experience of fighting. Jiang Hongjing was very rich, and the moment he shot, he brought a deadly killer move, which made Chen Fei unavoidable. and

At this time, Chen Fei didn't mean to avoid it at all. surface

Chen Fei didn't evade Jiang Hongjing's fierce move, so he straightened his chest and rushed up to face the attack.

When everyone was surprised and what Chen Fei was going to do, Chen Fei was around for a while, and a whirlwind violently set off around him.

Others were a little strange about this sudden whirlwind, but it was about to attack Chen Fei's Jiang Hongjing. At this moment, he clearly felt that the whirlwind around Chen Fei was formed by the true vitality aura spreading from him. This

These true vitality breaths, a few meters away from the body, rotate without dissipating. Instead, a huge suction force was generated due to the rotation, which disturbed Jiang Hongjing's true vitality.

"This--" For a while, Jiang Hongjing felt that his righteous vitality was in a disorder, and he was a little out of control. Suddenly, I was very surprised, "What are you—" No

When he finished speaking, Chen Fei was rude, and stepped over directly, hitting Jiang Hongjing with a punch. Follow

In other words, everyone saw that Jiang Hongjing, who had just attacked aggressively, flew out directly at this moment. The body slid more than ten meters in the air, and finally fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

This result is something that everyone never expected. River

Hongjing, the Patriarch of the Tangtang Jiang Family, a warrior in the mid-Tian-level realm, was defeated, and he was defeated by Chen Fei with a punch. One

Time, the whole room was silent, everyone stared at Chen Fei silently, stunned.

It was Jiang Ningfei who recovered first and hurriedly helped his father up. After confirming that the father will not be in danger of life.

Jiang Ningfei raised his head, gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Fei, "Chen Fei, you are too much, hurting so many people in my Jiang family. My Jiang family and you are at odds."

Chen Fei paid no attention to this threat at all, and said indifferently: "If you want revenge, you can go now."

After this, Chen Fei seemed to have thought of something. He glanced at the Pei’s, Xing’s and others who were standing near Jiang’s house, and said, “That’s right, you are the same. If you want revenge, do it now. I don’t have the time to spend time with you. It’s convenient for me to solve it all at once."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the Pei and Xing families couldn't help but change their faces, and many people were so angry that they wanted to rush out and do something. but

When they were about to lift their feet, they saw Jiang Ninghan who was seriously injured, and Jiang Hongjing who was now vomiting blood. The anger in my heart seemed to be poured into a basin of cold water in an instant, and it cooled down. River

Ning Han is a warrior in the early days of the sky, and Jiang Hongjing is a warrior in the middle of the sky. Moreover, they are all the warriors of the second-rate hidden gates, much better than these third-rate or even non-influenced hidden gates. Knot

As a result, they were all defeated by Chen Fei. People of the Pei and Xing families, how dare to do it at this moment.

Jiang Hongjing was defeated by Chen Fei with a punch. If they did, he would be killed by Chen Fei with a punch. No matter how great the anger and hatred, in the face of death, it is still not worth mentioning. in

Yes, just before the beginning of the election, people who were ridiculing and arrogant towards Chen Fei one by one. Now one by one bowed their heads and remained silent, completely as if they had not heard Chen Fei's words, and did not dare to step out to challenge Chen Fei at all.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei gave a sneer, then turned around, looked at the few remaining members of the first-class hidden family, and said, "I suddenly want to be the president."

If you disagree, stand up! "Speaking, Chen Fei hooked them with an indifferent appearance, as if these first-class hidden doors were not worth mentioning.

This action immediately made several members of the first-class hidden door family full of anger, and the flames in their eyes flickered, and they stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

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