
Chapter 1625: Proactively admit defeat

However, a family that can become a first-class hidden gate is not an impulsive person. Although angry, but did not rush to make a move. After all, Chen Fei defeated Jiang Ninghan and Jiang Hongjing one after another, and his strength was indeed amazing.

For a while, everyone looked at each other, but no one did it. Such a scene, but everyone did not expect it. Chen

Seeing this, Fei said, "If no one dares to do it, then I will be the chairman of the Hidden Door Presbyterian Church."

After speaking, Chen Fei looked directly at Chairman Wang and the others in the VIP table, asking them to announce the result immediately.

Upon seeing this, even if the people of the first-class hidden door were calm, they couldn't sit still at this moment.

A sturdy man stood up and said to Chen Fei: "Young man, you want to be the president of the hidden gate, I'm afraid you think too much. Go past me first!"

During the conversation, the strong man stepped out, bumping his fists against each other, and said to Chen Fei: "My name is Lei Meng, I am a first-class hidden door Lei family—" Chen

Fei waved his hand and directly interrupted Lei Meng's introduction, "I am not interested in knowing who you are. If you want to hit it, just do it!"

"You—" Lei Meng, as a master of the first-class hidden gate family, had a mid-celestial cultivation base that was considered a powerful existence in the entire hidden gate. When did he ever be so despised. Chen

Fei's attitude suddenly made his face sink, and his expression was very ugly. Then he gritted his teeth, stared at Chen Fei fiercely, and said sharply: "Arrogant kid, let me see how good you are."

During the conversation, Lei Meng shocked fiercely. This Lei Meng is strong in stature, and his personal fighting style is extremely fierce. The whole person is like a roaring wild beast, rushing in with heavy steps. Chen

Fei squinted slightly, stood still in the distance, raised his arms, and directly resisted the thunder and fierce move.

Under the impact of the tremendous force, Chen Fei's body slid back more than one meter. Chen Fei waved his hand and said: "The strength is indeed greater, more than that of the old fellow Jiang Hongjing. It seems that it is indeed a little bit. Strength, I'm going to be a little real." Chen

Fei sighed, and Lei Meng, who was opposite, was surprised at this moment, and his gaze at Chen Fei was full of consternation. You know, the move he used just now used about 80% of his strength, and the strength of a punch can smash a thick wall, but now it hit Chen Fei, but it caused almost no harm. "

What are you—" Lei Meng was still amazed by Chen Fei's mighty strength. At this time, Chen Fei had already rushed out, slamming out with a punch.

Upon seeing this, he quickly raised his arms to resist. But with a bang, Lei Meng's sturdy body flew upside down and fell to the ground. After struggling for a few times, he couldn't stand up.

When the rest of the Lei family saw this, they rushed over, helped Lei Meng up, and at the same time glared at Chen Fei, "You actually—" Chen

Fei Leng snorted and watched them say, "If you don't agree, you can also challenge me."

As soon as these words came out, Lei's family all shut up and left the ring carrying Lei Meng.

There were only a few first-class hidden gates. Now that the Lei family retires, there are even fewer people left. When Chen Fei's gaze fell on them again, many people directly lowered their heads, not wanting to look at Chen Fei at all.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Zhiqiu, the Patriarch of the Zhou family, came out.

This made Chen Fei a little surprised. However, Zhou Zhiqiu immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, after seeing your fight just now, I know that Mr. Chen is very good. I shouldn't have much chance. However, the family father asked me to try my best. So, I want to ask Mr. Chen. Discuss one or two with me."

Chen Fei understood Zhou Zhiqiu's thoughts and nodded when he heard the words, and said to Zhou Zhiqiu: "Please, Patriarch Zhou."

"Mr. Chen, then I'm offended." Zhou Zhiqiu was very polite, and immediately opened up his posture in public. The mid-Tian-level energy exploded, and he was about to attack Chen Fei. but

At this moment, Chen Fei took a step forward and his body shook slightly. instant

Suddenly, Zhou Zhiqiu's face sank and his expression became serious. and

At this time, Chen Fei kept walking and continued to stride towards Zhou Zhiqiu. At this moment, as Chen Fei's footsteps approached step by step, Zhou Zhiqiu's face became heavier and heavier, and finally became hideous and deformed. Crowd

People don't understand why Zhou Zhiqiu is like this, only he can feel the majestic and huge pressure on Chen Fei. Chen Fei's step closer to his own, every step of the approach, the real vitality that enveloped him became more and more terrifying. It was an existence that Zhou Zhiqiu couldn't resist. most

In the end, when Chen Fei took five steps, he was still five meters away from Zhou Zhiqiu. Zhou Zhiqiu could no longer withstand Chen Fei's coercion, and gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Chen, I am defeated."

Hearing this, Chen Fei immediately shook his body, unraveling the coercion of the true vitality, and said to Zhou Zhiqiu: "Patriarch Zhou, you are offended." Zhou

Zhiqiu smiled bitterly, and said: "Mr. Chen is polite. It was Mr. Chen who was merciful and made me retreat. I should thank Mr. Chen for it."

After speaking, Zhou Zhiqiu bowed his hand to Chen Fei, and then took the rest of the Zhou family back from the ring. beat

When the other registered players on the stage saw this, their expressions became even more serious. You know, Zhou Zhiqiu is the second most popular candidate in the presidential election after Lin Jialin Zhongyue.

Legend has it that his strength is only slightly inferior to Lin Zhongyue, and if he fights, there is even a 40% chance of winning. Originally, everyone expected that he might be able to make a small upset, defeat Lin Zhongyue, and win the position of president. but

Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhiqiu would be defeated in the dark horse of Chen Fei. Moreover, it was defeated in this incredible way. He didn't make a move at all, and he was defeated directly. One

Over time, heated discussions continued. "

Patriarch Zhou also lost, then Chen Fei, is it really that powerful? "

"I have defeated two mid-day celestial players one after another. Did he also reach the mid-day celestial realm, or even higher?"

Higher should be impossible. Less than 30 years old, late in the sky. This is considered to be a genius disciple of the four great heavenly sects, there are not many of them! "

"I think it is really possible. You must know that he just defeated Zhou Zhiqiu! The well-known strong man in the Mesozoic era of our Hidden Sect family exists on the same level as Lin Zhongyue!"

"This, maybe, maybe—something else!"


Yesterday, I saw Zhou Hao, Zhou Zhiqiu and Chen Fei walking very close, as if I wanted to win him over. Perhaps, in the previous test, Zhou Zhiqiu deliberately released the water, just to win over Chen Fei. ""

This is really possible! After all, the possibility of Zhou Zhiqiu defeating Lin Zhongyue is not high, so it is better to sell Chen Fei a favor and recruit him into Zhou's family. That is a huge gain! ""

It should be true, and this can explain Zhou Zhiqiu's bizarre defeat. After all, he surrendered without even doing it. It was impossible. "


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