
Chapter 1626: Battle Lin Zhongyue

It seems that a good reason has been found, and many people believe this statement without thinking about it. After all, it is undoubtedly the most instinctive way for many people to find an excuse for something that is difficult to understand. field

There are a lot of discussions about this, and it spreads more and more widely, which has become the reason that most audiences agree.

In the seat of the Zhu family, the little girl Zhu Ling heard the discussion around her, her face bulged with anger, and her face was full of dissatisfaction, "These people are too much, and they are not strong enough, so they say that Brother Chen's victory is someone It's horrible to release water." Xing

Rui also looked dissatisfied, and said coldly: "They think they are used to it. Seeing such a genius as Chen Fei, they naturally can't understand it."

Next, Xing Hongqi looked at the two juniors and said, "There is nothing to be angry about. When Mr. Chen wins the championship and becomes the president of the Presbyterian Church, they will know what it feels like to be beaten in the face."...


At this time, there are not many players left in the ring. Only the biggest popular Lin family, there are two other first-class hidden doors. It's just that the strength of these two first-class hidden gates is not as good as that of the Zhou family, and the most sent players are Jiang Hongjing. They had no confidence at all against Chen Fei, who had just won a winning streak. but

If you let them give up this opportunity and go on. They felt it was a pity, after all, the reason for the discussion in the audience is also possible, and they may still have a chance to win.

These emotions entangled in their minds, making them unable to make a decision for a while, whether or not to compete with Chen Fei. on

When the audience was waiting a little impatient, Lin Zhongyue took a step, looked at the two players who hesitated on both sides, and said coldly: "Either play or go down. Don't waste time here."

Upon hearing this, the two families suddenly turned pale. After a pause, they immediately bowed their heads and stepped down. This also means that they gave up the opportunity to challenge. complete

After all, whether it is the dark horse Chen Fei or the biggest favorite Lin Zhongyue, they can't deal with them. Follow

Following the resignation of these two families, Lin Zhongyue also let the Lin family resign. On the ring, only Chen Fei and Lin Zhongyue were left.

Lin Zhongyue looked at Chen Fei with an expressionless face and a calm tone, "You can defeat my son Lin Xiang and Jiang Hongjing. Your strength is really good."

He didn't mention Zhou Zhiqiu because he was in Lin Zhongyue's heart. Zhou Zhiqiu's initiative to surrender was not purely due to his inferior strength, there must be other reasons.

As for Chen Fei, no matter how strong he is, at best, he and Zhou Zhiqiu are in the same position, so he should be slightly worse than himself. So

Therefore, even if Chen Fei's dark horse is very fierce, Lin Zhongyue still has little to worry about. After all, he has been in the mid-Tiantian realm for more than ten years, and he has almost reached the realm of perfection in this small realm. He thinks that few people can beat him in the same realm. surface

With a look of confidence, Lin Zhongyue looked at Chen Fei and said, "I don't care about your injury to Xiang'er. I can even promise you here that as long as you join my Lin family, the conditions can be mentioned. You can consider it! "

Obviously, Lin Zhongyue also believed that Zhou Zhiqiu's initiative to surrender was to win over Chen Fei, so at this time he set the conditions and wanted to win over Chen Fei. Do not

However, his self-confident appearance looked ridiculous to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei snorted coldly and said with disdain: "Just mention it? Then I want you Lin Zhongyue to abolish the cultivation base immediately and apologize to me. Would you consider it too?"

Lin Zhongyue, who had a calm complexion, instantly changed her face when she heard this, and said in a deep voice, "I was kind enough to give you a chance. But you used my kindness in vain, so don't blame me for being impolite."

"Goodwill!" Chen Fei sneered. "These two words came out of your mouth, Lin Zhongyue, don't you think it's a bit ridiculous?"

"You--" Lin Zhongyue didn't quite understand that he had no grievances with him, why this Chen Fei was so malicious to him.

However, he didn't think much about it. This kind of arrogant who doesn't know what is good or bad, he has already given him a chance, since he can't catch it by himself, then prepare to die.

Immediately, Lin Zhongyue took a step and said loudly: "I will challenge you."

Chen Fei squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Zhongyue without speaking. Look

When the challenge to referee matters was effective, Lin Zhongyue immediately trembled. In an instant, a breath of true vitality that was visible to the naked eye rose to the sky, forming a cyclone of true vitality directly on the ring, which was shocking. only

It was this hand that shocked everyone in an instant. Such as

This majestic aura of true vitality, even some martial artists in the late stage of the sky, I am afraid it is difficult to reach the level of Lin Zhongyue.

For a while, almost everyone thought that Lin Zhongyue was set to win this competition. complete

After all, this vigorous vigor is too shocking, and it has exceeded everyone's previous expectations of Lin Zhongyue. Even Zhou Zhiqiu, who had already stepped down, his expression became slightly solemn at this moment.

Zhou Hao on the side saw his father's expression like this, and couldn't help but say: "Dad, Lin Zhongyue's strength is beyond expectation. Then will Chen Fei lose?" Wen

Said, Zhou Zhiqiu shook his head and said with a serious face: "Although Lin Zhongyue is very strong, I still think that Chen Fei will win!" Listen

Zhou Hao was a little surprised when his father said so decisively, "But, Dad. No matter how strong Chen Fei is, he is only 30 years old. Now Lin Zhongyue can—"

I know what you mean. Not to mention you, even before I came to power, I couldn't understand Chen Fei's strength. "Zhou Zhiqiu interrupted his son's words directly, and said with a serious face, "But when I stood on the ring, stood opposite Chen Fei, and greeted the pressure of his breath, I immediately understood. ""

Chen Fei's strength is far stronger than we imagined. That is a kind of strength that completely crushes me, so defeating Lin Zhongyue, I take it for granted. "week

Hao didn't expect that his father's evaluation of Chen Fei's strength would be so high, he couldn't help but his eyes widened, "Crush your existence, Dad, then, wouldn't it have reached the late stage of the heavenly stage. Less than 30 years old, the late stage of the heavenly stage." , This, this is too scary!" Zhou

Zhiqiu said with emotion: "In this world, there are always some geniuses that we can't understand."...


In the meantime, the two people on stage, the battle has already begun at this moment. forest

After the mid-moon breath surged, an offensive was launched instantly. with

The difference between Jiang Hongjing and Zhou Zhiqiu before was that Lin Zhongyue's offensive was incredibly fast as soon as he shot, and the whole person seemed to turn into a flying sword, with a fierce sword energy, shuttled and jumped on the ring.

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