
Chapter 1627: Champion of the ring

The extremely fast speed made it impossible for some warriors with weaker cultivation bases to capture Lin Zhongyue's movements. Let alone defense and counterattack.

This move can be said to be a decision made by Lin Zhongyue after thinking about it. he

I carefully watched all the battles in front of Chen Fei. These battles were almost of one type, that is, Chen Fei's random shots formed a kind of crush on the opponent and defeated the opponent within a few strokes.

And these fighting opponents also have one thing in common, that is, they are all powerful, but not fast. They almost face each other head-to-head against Chen Fei each time, and then they are crushed by Chen Fei.

That being the case, Lin Zhongyue thought he had understood Chen Fei's martial arts characteristics. Gravity Road, light and dexterous. The difference between him and the apparent frailty is that he is a strength-type warrior. So

Therefore, in order to target this kind of power martial artist, Lin Zhongyue chose the offensive of dexterity and agility, using flexibility and speed to restrain Chen Fei's power. forest

Zhongyue's consideration is not comprehensive and correct.

His dazzling agile offensive will really have a miraculous effect against a clumsy power player.

But unfortunately, he miscalculated Chen Fei's characteristics. Chen Fei is not a power player, he is an all-round warrior. So

Therefore, after seeing Lin Zhongyue's flexible movements, Chen Fei quickly saw his intentions, and suddenly the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he whispered to himself: "Do you play speed with me? If so, then I will Let you see what real speed and dexterity are."

Before the words fell, Chen Fei, who was standing in the same place, flashed his body and disappeared in the same place, turning into an afterimage, and rushed out. speed

The extremely fast Lin Zhongyue was about to launch an offensive, but the target suddenly disappeared, and he couldn't help being shocked and shocked.

Immediately, he heard a gust of wind coming from behind, he couldn't help but turned his head and found that Chen Fei was rushing from behind him. "

How could it—" Lin Zhongyue couldn't help being stunned, and then his figure flickered quickly, trying to avoid Chen Fei's attack. But

Just as he moved, Chen Fei's figure seemed to be teleporting and followed his movements. Lin Zhongyue couldn't get rid of Chen Fei's pursuit at all, and could only watch Chen Fei draw the distance between the two closer and closer. .

Seeing Chen Fei chased him up, he smashed out with a powerful punch. Lin Zhongyue's complexion sank, gritted her teeth, and then screamed, the true vitality aura all over her body violently, raised her arms to welcome Chen Fei's offensive.

"Boom!" One

The sound was muffled, and Chen Fei's fist hit Lin Zhongyue's arms. instant

Suddenly, Lin Zhongyue felt a huge force hit, that kind of oppressive force, smashing his own defenses like a rotten one.

Then, Lin Zhongyue felt like she was hit by a heavy hammer in her chest, and her body flew off the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted from her mouth, and her body flew upside down.

With a "pop", Lin Zhongyue hit the ground heavily, feeling that his internal organs were broken. The whole person felt a heart-piercing pain, like a porcelain covered with cracks, just a little movement, it will break apart.

At this moment, Chen Fei stepped forward and stood in front of Lin Zhongyue condescendingly, and said coldly, "You are defeated!" Lin said.

Zhongyue's complexion darkened, and a touch of unwillingness appeared in his eyes.

When Chen Fei saw this, his eyes were cold, and he said, "Don't admit defeat? Very good, then I will continue."

Well, Chen Fei is in a posture that he wants to continue his attack.

Seeing this, Lin Zhongyue was shocked, and quickly closed her eyes to reduce the color in her eyes, and then said quickly and hardly: "I, I surrender."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei glanced at the referee. The referee announced that Chen Fei had won, and he immediately walked away. Of course

After that, everyone in the Lin family, who had been waiting anxiously, rushed to the ring and hurriedly treated Lin Zhongyue. and

At this time, Chen Fei looked at Chairman Wang Ning and his party, and said: "I have won. Is it because I am the chairman of the Presbyterian Church?" Wen

That said, everyone couldn't help but was taken aback, and some looked at each other.

And the many viewers below have already exploded, and they didn't expect this result at all. "

Lin Zhongyue also lost, this, this is incredible. ""

The fineness of this dark horse is too much. "

"Does this Chen Fei really want to become the president of the Presbyterian Church?"...


Amidst the discussion, an older referee stood up and said, "If there are no other challengers, Chen Fei, you will have won the final victory. You are indeed eligible to be elected president of the Presbyterian Church."

When Chen Fei heard the words, he glanced at everyone in the audience and said loudly: "Is anyone going to challenge me? If you want to challenge, come up now."

The scene was silent, and no one dared to respond. open

Just kidding, even Lin Zhongyue, a top mid-level heavenly martial artist, was defeated. Who else would dare to challenge Chen Fei below, wouldn't that be a dead end?

"No one is challenging!" Chen Fei looked at the older referee. Cut

The judge coughed, and then announced: "I announce that this year's Presbyterian President election challenge, the final winner is Zhu Jia Chen Fei."

With the referee's announcement of the result, Zhu Yunkong and Xing Hongqi were excited and celebrated.

In other places, there was silence, and no one said anything. Especially in the seating areas of the Pei’s, Xing’s, and Jiang’s families, everyone was ashamed, with very ugly expressions.

Chen Fei didn't care about the neglect at the scene.

He looked towards the Jiang family, and then said: "Now, since I have become the president. The Jiang family, who is bullying and injuring others, can I deal with it now!"

Come, give me—"Jiang

After hearing this, everyone in the family couldn't help turning pale, their expressions nervous and ugly.

At this moment, Chairman Wang Ning stood up and hurriedly said to Chen Fei: "Chen, please wait a moment, Mr. Chen."

"Will President Wang stop me?" Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, his expression unkind. When Chen Fei exposed Jiang's evil deeds and asked the elders to deal with it before, President Wang Ning used an excuse to delay. Therefore, Chen Fei would not give him a good face.

Wang Ning understood Chen Fei's dissatisfaction with him, but he dared not say anything. After all, his strength is not as good as Lin Zhongyue, so how dare to do something with Chen Fei. cough

After a cough, Wang Ning forced himself to squeeze out a smile and said, "Chen, Mr. Chen, I'm not here to stop you."

"I, I'm here to remind you." Wang Ning said. "

Reminder? "Chen Fei asked.

Wang Ning said: "Mr. Chen, although you have now won the championship of the ring battle. It does not mean that you are now the president of the Presbyterian Church. According to the regulations, your new president qualification requires us. The joint signature of the Presbyterian Church is sent for review, and you are officially recognized only after you have obtained the official approval, and you can exercise the rights of the presbyterian chairman."

"If you arrest people now, I'm afraid it will be overwhelming. Then--" Without going on, Chen Fei could understand what Wang Ning's words meant.

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