
Chapter 1675: White-hot

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "There is no way to remind that the player on the opposite side is the junior of the person who hurt his brother yesterday. This hatred keeps him from stopping."

Moreover, his current true vitality aura is not small. Even if it stops, I am afraid it is not the opponent's opponent. Instead, he gritted his teeth and attacked, and perhaps there is still a glimmer of hope to defeat the opponent. "

Hearing this, many people on Lisa's face couldn't help but sink, and their expressions became worried. inverted

It was Uchida Jun. After hearing the words, he glanced at Chen Fei dissatisfiedly, and said coldly: "The test is not over yet, just sing our own people here, what are your intentions?"

I'm just telling the truth. Chen Fei glanced at Uchida Jun and said lightly.

"What the truth, I think you are just shaking people's hearts." Uchida Jun dissatisfied.

Chen Fei gave a cold snort and didn't argue with him anymore. and

At this time, the two on the field had been fighting for fifteen minutes. During this period of time, Yokoyama Shimura has been attacking fiercely, but the opponent has been defending, without any attack. and

At this moment, the true vitality of Yokoyama Zhicun obviously declined, and the offensive was not as fierce as before. Even ordinary people can see that Hengshan Zhicun has no strength anymore. Correct

Fang is a prefecture-level master, so he naturally noticed this change and immediately changed his actions and launched an attack. Pang

His body was as big as a mountain of meat, and he rushed toward Hengshan Zhicun fiercely. The sturdy arms smashed over, and the huge force seemed to be cast from steel and iron, directly smashing the hard stone slabs on the ground. One

Time, the situation on the field reversed instantly. The Hengshan Zhicun, which had been attacking all the time, had only to dodge and flee at this moment.

But the previous consumption was too great, and at this moment, his escape speed was getting slower and slower.

Before long, Hengshan Zhicun was forced to a corner, and there was almost no way to escape. The other party screamed, and the huge body rushed over. horizontal

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Shanzhi Village showed a stern look in his eyes, gritted his teeth fiercely, and his body's vitality aura suddenly exploded, preparing to force the last true vitality to force a desperate fight with the opponent. but

At this moment, Narumi Uchida said: "Don't be foolish, give up!"

But—"Yokoyama Shimura didn't want to admit defeat. But

Uchida Narumi looked directly at the Akao family, "This time, we surrender. Yokoyama Shimura, come down!"

Although Shanzhi Village was full of unwillingness, in the end he gave up and walked down silently. "

You have done a good job. "Uchida Narumi patted Yokoyama Shimura on the shoulder, encouraging.

Yokoyama Shimura was depressed, nodded, came to Lisa, and said, "Miss Lisa, I am defeated."

"You have won two games, it's pretty good." Lisa smiled and encouraged. and

At this moment, Narumi Uchida looked at Atsushi Uchida next to him, and said: "Next, you go on!"

When Uchida heard the words, his expression couldn't help but his expression changed. but

In the end, he nodded and stepped out.

With the appearance of Uchida Jun, the discussion on the scene smashed, like boiling hot water, surging up. "

Atsushi Uchida is on the court, and Lisa seems to be really moving. ""

What is true, I think there is no hole card. Even Master Uchida was on the court. ""

That is, look at the Akao family. Akao Ken is still as stable as Mount Tai and doesn't need to play at all. Ha ha! "

"That's different. Akao Ken is the elder of the Akao family, and he is considered the prince. Naturally, he can't play casually. And Uchida Jun, although he is prepared, he can only be regarded as Lisa's senior bodyguard, and his status is still different."


These words spread to the martial arts field, making Uchida Jun's face look even more ugly, and he glared at the opposite Taiyou, and said sternly: "You, **** it."

During the conversation, Uchida Junzhenyuan's breath burst out suddenly and directly attacked.

On the other hand, Dayong shrank and defended again. The situation turned out to be the same as the previous game against Shimura Yokoyama, blindly defensive, no longer attacking. "

Do this trick again? ""

Could it be that this brave is about to win again? "

"Now, I see what Uchida should do."...

……Do not

Few people are worried, but Chen Fei is not so worried at this moment. "At this time, Uchida Jun will win. Uchida Jun's martial arts realm has reached the late prefecture level, a small realm higher than Yokoyama Shimura. It is not the opponent who can resist defense. Coming down.""

In addition, the battle between Dayong and Yokoyama Shimura has been exhausted, and now he can't defend much. His current goal is to consume Uchida Jun's strength as much as possible. "fruit

Unexpectedly, Chen Fei had just finished speaking for less than three minutes. Atsushi Uchida kicked a pile of fat-like heroes out of the competition field with a handsome and unrestrained side kick, vomiting blood, lying on the ground unable to move, obviously because of serious injuries.

Such an action immediately caused a cheers, and the atmosphere on the court became enthusiastic. and

A smile appeared on Uchida's face, obviously enjoying the cheer. he

With a smile on his face, he waved to everyone, then his eyes fell on Akao Ken and said, "Akao Ken, do you dare to come down and stand with me?"

In the face of Uchida Jun’s provocation, Akao Ken sat down firmly on Mount Tarzan with a smile on his mouth, and said: "Our Akao family has so many talents, it is not my turn to end."

After speaking, Akao Ken waved his hand, and a capable middle-aged samurai stepped onto the ring.

Seeing this samurai, Uchida Jun's mouth showed a sneer, and he said with disdain: "Shi Qi Yongjiu, an old guy who just broke through to the late pre-level realm half a year ago, you let him fight with me, it's almost let him die." Show

Of course, Atsushi Uchida knew the opponent. View

In the audience, many people also knew Shi Qi forever. "

Shi Qi has been following the old man of the Akao family forever. He has been with Akao Kento for more than 20 years, and it has been very good since a small member of the original office has achieved his current status. "

"The qualifications are old, but the strength is not very good? It has been so many years, more than 40 years old, before he can reach the late prefecture level. If it weren't for the relationship with Akao Kento, how could he sit in his current position? ."

"Master Uchida entered the late prefecture-level realm two years ago. He is a veritable martial arts genius, not something Shi Qi can ever compare to."

"In this battle, the Akao family has come to admit defeat."

"I think it is to consume Uchida Jun. In the next game, Akao Ken will come out to harvest, Uchida Jun will lose. This is the Akao family's strategy."

"I originally wanted to watch Uchida Jun and Akao Ken fight, to see the two martial geniuses of the Yakikai, who is more powerful. Now I can't see it anymore."


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