
Chapter 1676: Chen Fei appeared

Many ordinary viewers thought of this. Naturally, someone on Lisa's side was aware of this situation and couldn't help but look at Uchida Narumi.

Uchida Narumi looked serious and calm, and said, "Don't worry, after Chuner's defeat, we still have the cards."

Obviously, Uchida is not the real master of Lisa's finale. and

At this time, the battle on the martial arts field has begun. Inside

Tian Chun didn't keep Shi Qi in his eyes forever, it was a fierce attack from the beginning.

Shi Qi is indeed not Uchida Jun's opponent forever, so he can only deal with it passively, but the injuries on his body have increased a little, and the competition field is full of mottled blood sacrifices.

Originally Uchida Chun was going to solve each other within fifteen minutes, but the two shivered for more than 20 minutes, Shi Qi forever still persisted, although it seemed that the injury was not light.

"You old guy, it's quite long-lasting." Uchida Jun coldly snorted, and then rumbling again to explode the true essence aura, ready to give the opponent a fierce blow and directly defeat him.

The explosion of this machine attack was indeed not uncommon, and Shi Qi was permanently beaten to his knees on the ground with a bang, a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth. but

He was still clenching his teeth, fighting hard with Uchida Jun, and didn't mean to admit defeat at all.

"I don't know the good or bad old guy, don't admit defeat, then go to death!" Uchida Jun broke out with a fierce blow, and the violent real vitality directly enveloped Shi Qi forever, blasting the opponent to the ground.

But even in this case, Shi Qi never surrendered and stood up again.

"Looking for death!" Uchida Chun was really angry. He gritted his teeth and burst out, without hesitating his true vitality, and fiercely launched a permanent onslaught towards Shi Qi. stone

Qi Yongjiu was very difficult to take every move, and almost fell due to exhaustion, but in the end he still stood up. anti-

But on Uchida Jun's side, the successive bursts of attacks made his consumption very huge. The true vitality aura on his body was obviously weakened, and fine beads of sweat ooze out on his forehead. "

Atsushi Uchida did not consume lightly, and the other party's goal was achieved. ""

However, Shi Qi's permanent injury was serious. If this continues, I'm afraid it will take six months to lie down and recuperate. Don't think about further cultivation in the future. ""

The Akao family really can afford it, using Shi Qi to abolish Shi Qi permanently to consume Uchida Jun. "

"Although cruel, I have to say that this trick worked very well! Shi Qi was permanently defeated, Uchida Jun consumed a lot, and Akao Ken finished it. Relaxed."...


When almost everyone thought so, Akao Xian showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth and whispered to himself: "Do you really think that Shi Qi will lose forever?"

At that time, in the competition field, Uchida Jun was another fierce eruption, knocking Shi Qi to the ground again forever, almost unable to move. Follow

That is, Uchida Jun is ready to launch the final fatal blow. but

At this moment, Shi Qi, who bowed his head forever, suddenly surged in his vitality, and his true vitality aura expanded, causing a strong wind to envelop Uchitian Chun directly. "

how come? Why do you still have true vitality to burst out? "Atsushi Uchida felt this majestic breath, and couldn't help being surprised.

At this moment, Shi Qi smiled permanently with blood on his face. With the smile came a fierce attack, "There are so many things you can't think of."

With a heavy blow, Shi Qi made a permanent attack and blasted Chun Naitian's chest fiercely.

Tian Chun didn't have any defense at all, and his true vitality was not lightly consumed. When he was hit, the whole person flew upside down, and finally fell heavily to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his complexion paled for an instant. Like paper. "

Chuner! "Even the calm Uchida Narumi, when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

The audience was stunned for a while, and the scene was quiet. A few seconds later, this abnormal silence suddenly broke out again, turning into a boiling excitement.

"What's going on? Shi Qi won forever."

How could this happen, what happened? "

"Shi Qi permanently exploded too violently at the last moment and directly defeated Uchida Jun."

But isn't Shi Qi Yongjiu already exhausted just now? Why did he still have the strength to explode so fiercely in the end. "...


How could Shi Qi always explode at the last moment? This is almost everyone's doubts. But at this moment, they have no answer.

On Lisa's side, Uchida Narumi's expression at this time also became serious. Atsushi Uchida's accidental defeat has changed all his previous preparations. Present

Now, Lisa has only the last hole card left. It was a dark forbearance at the pinnacle of the earth level, the old president stayed behind and kept secretly protecting Lisa's safety. and

On the Akao family's side, besides Shi Qi Yong who is still in the competition field, Akao Ken on the bright side, as well as the masters trained by Akao Kento behind his back.

In terms of numbers, Lisa is already at a disadvantage with one enemy three. Not to mention, there might be people from the Akao family who didn't make a move. One

In time, Narumi Uchida's expression became solemn, and he didn't know how to make a decision. If you send the last Ninja, you must ask him to win all the way, otherwise, Lisa will lose in this competition, and the result is self-evident.

But even if secret forbearance was strong, Uchida Narumi couldn't guarantee that he would win the final victory with one enemy and three.

Uchida Narumi was unable to make a decision for a long time, Akao couldn't help smiling, and said: "Brother Uchida, why haven't you sent the next player! If there is no one, then give up!"

Uchida Narumi glared Akao Taketo, and said coldly, "I don't need you to worry about it."

With that, Narumi Uchida gritted his teeth and prepared to dispatch the last Annin. but

At this moment, a faint voice rang, "Next, let me go!"

Hearing the voice, Narumi Uchida looked over and found that it was Chen Fei who was speaking. He was shocked and overjoyed, "Mr. Chen, you are going to play!" Li

Sha was also taken aback, and then looked at Chen Fei and said, "Chen, it's okay if you don't get on. You've done enough for me, I don't want to—" Chen

Fei smiled and said to Lisa: "Don't worry, I won't lose. Besides, I played for my own reasons."

After that, Chen Fei stepped forward and walked directly to the competition arena. Follow

As Chen Fei entered the venue, the audience suddenly began to discuss. Knowing the identity of Chen Fei, some people couldn't help but point out, and they started talking with different expressions. However, many organizations and individuals from other places didn't know the identity of Chen Fei, so they couldn't help asking people around.

"Who is that person, I don't remember Lisa having such a master?"

"I am from Huaxia, I heard that Miss Lisa specially invited from Huaxia."

The largest underground organization in our island country is fighting, but it invites a Chinese person to come. That's not great! "

"That's it, it's nothing to rely on outsiders. Besides, it's not certain whether Huaxia Boy can do it?"

Look, anyway, the Akao family must have responded. I can see that 70% of the Akao family can win this time. "

"70%, let's say it is low. I think at least 90%."


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