
Chapter 2019: Sister Qingmei was hospitalized

Chen Ziling worked hard for a few days, but he was very tired.

On this day, Chen Fei gave Chen Ziling a day off and invited his friends out to gather together.

The reason for doing this is to allow Chen Ziling to rest for a while, and secondly, after Chen Fei's treatment of "white dew as frost", after a few days of recuperation, Luo Feng completely regained consciousness and now he can walk on the ground.

As friends, it is natural for everyone to gather and celebrate together.

The party didn't go to the hotel outside, but set up a barbecue buffet in the backyard of the villa at home, which made it more convenient for acquaintances to get together.

Before evening, friends came one after another.

Chen Fei warmly greeted everyone one by one and greeted everyone to the backyard.

At half past six in the evening, the sun had completely set, and the sky had gradually dimmed.

Chen Fei looked at his friends who were chatting, eating and drinking in the backyard, and felt a moment of peace and joy.

However, while busy, Chen Fei suddenly discovered that Yu Qingmei hadn't come yet.

"Sister Qingmei won't be so busy, right?

I've notified you in advance, and I'm still busy so late today! "

Chen Fei thought to himself, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Yu Qingmei's number.

However, after a beeping beep, the phone on the opposite side was turned off.

At this time, Chen Fei couldn't help but frowned, "Sister Qingmei is busy at work and has a lot of business, and she almost never shuts down.

what is it today? "

After searching for it, Chen Fei found out the company number of Qingmei Jewelry Company and called.

The phone rang for a long time, and when Chen Fei couldn't help hanging up, it was finally connected over there.

"Is it the Ome Jewelry Company?"

Chen Fei said.

When the other person heard this, he immediately said: "I'm sorry, our company is closed today. If something happens, please wait a few days before contacting us."

"Closed business?"

When Chen Fei heard this, a bad premonition surged in his heart, and he immediately said, "I am not a customer, I am Chen Fei, your friend, Mr. Yu."

"Chen Fei, Mr. Chen, Master Chen!"

The staff on the opposite side obviously knew Chen Fei, and when he heard Chen Fei's report about his home, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Chen Fei asked: "I called your President Yu's cell phone and she turned it off.

Do you know where Mr. Yu went?

Or, can someone contact her? "

"Mr. Chen, don't you know?

President Yu is hospitalized. "

The staff said.

"What, hospitalized?

How is this going? "

Chen Fei's expression sank, and he asked hurriedly.

The staff member said: "Mr. Chen, someone came to the store just now to make trouble, smashed our store and injured Mr. Yu.

Mr. Yu went to the hospital, and we handled the rest in the store. "

"Make trouble, smash the shop, what's the matter?"

Chen Fei was very surprised, but immediately said, "Which hospital Qingmei Sister is at, I will go there now."

The staff heard Chen Fei's anxiety and immediately explained the name of the hospital.

Chen Fei hung up the phone, looked at everyone, and said, "Everyone, I have something to go out. You can eat and drink yourself."

After speaking, Chen Fei was about to leave in a hurry.

Chen Ziling saw the protagonist's anomaly and hurriedly gathered, and asked worriedly: "Brother, is something wrong?

I will go with you? "

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "Sister Qingmei is hospitalized. I don't know the specifics, but it shouldn't be a big deal.

I can go alone. You can stay with everyone at home. This is your task, understand? "


Chen Ziling nodded, "Brother, if you need my help, please call me at any time."

"Don't worry, there are not a few things that your brother can't solve."

Chen Fei rubbed Chen Ziling's head with a smile, and then walked away quickly.

Driving, Chen Fei hurried to the hospital where Yu Qingmei was.

When he came directly to the ward, Chen Fei pushed the door and walked in. At a glance, he saw Yu Qingmei lying on the hospital bed with a bandage on his face.

"Who--" Yu Qingmei also noticed the movement, turned her head a little laboriously, and looked towards the door.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei hurried over, crouched on the edge of the hospital bed, and said softly, "Sister Qingmei, it's me."

"Chen Fei, you, you are here!"

Seeing that it was Chen Fei, Yu Qingmei showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, and then said, "A Fei, I'm sorry, I can't attend your party anymore."

"Sister Qingmei, it doesn't matter.

You, what is going on with you? "

Chen Fei looked at Yu Qingmei, who had a blue nose and a swollen face and both arms in a plaster cast, feeling distressed and angry.

Yu Qingmei moved her body, trying to say something, but it seemed to have affected the wound, her teeth were so painful that she grinned and her complexion changed drastically.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei quickly said: "Sister Qingmei, don't move.

Let's not talk about the matter first, I will treat you first. "

"I, I have nothing to do, Afei, you--" Yu Qingmei wanted to say something, but Chen Fei had already started preparing equipment, running Zhenyuan, and started to treat Yu Qingmei.

After closing the door, Chen Fei gently opened the quilt on the hospital bed, then looked at Yu Qingmei and said softly, "Sister Qingmei, I want to untie your clothes."

Yu Qingmei's face was stained with blush, and he nodded gently, and said: "Yeah!"

Immediately, Chen Fei moved very softly, unbuttoning Yu Qingmei's clothes a little bit.

As the clothes were separated, Yu Qingmei's body appeared in front of Chen Fei little by little.

But at this moment, Chen Fei didn't have any thoughts at all. Instead, his eyes turned red, with angry fire burning in his eyes.

Because Yu Qingmei's original white and clean skin was in a mess at the moment, with patches of bluish red bruises, and the wounds cut by the blade, which destroyed Yu Qingmei's body.

Resisting the impulse that erupted in his heart, Chen Fei took a deep breath and said to Yu Qingmei: "Sister Qingmei, I have started treatment. Maybe it hurts. You can bear with me a little bit."


Yu Qingmei responded softly.

Immediately, Chen Fei moved his hands, and the vitality was injected into Yu Qingmei's body, and began to warm up Yu Qingmei's injury a little bit.

And the deeper the treatment, the more and more anger in Chen Fei's heart.

Because Yu Qingmei's injury was more serious than it seemed on the outside, fractures, internal organ bleeding, and even a piece of sharp glass cut a hole in Yu Qingmei's chest, not far from the heart.

If you are slightly unlucky and the glass pierces the heart, even if Chen Fei's medical skills are superb, I am afraid there is nothing he can do.

In this way, it took a full five or six hours for Chen Fei to finally treat all the injuries of Yu Qingmei's body and stabilize Yu Qingmei's physical condition.

Moreover, this is also fortunate that Chen Fei has recently refined Bailu Rush, and learned that "white dew is frost", otherwise, the treatment will only be more difficult.

This also shows the fierceness and viciousness of the opponent's shots.

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