
Chapter 2020: The store was smashed

Originally, Chen Fei wanted to ask what happened.

But Yu Qingmei fell asleep, and Chen Fei couldn't bear to wake her up, and stayed quietly by the hospital bed until the sky became clear.

At 8 o’clock in the morning, Yu Qingmei in the hospital bed woke up. After Chen Fei’s treatment, her pain improved a lot. The whole person was much more relaxed, and she was able to move her body gently. Unlike before, almost Any small movement will cause intense pain.

Gently moving her body, Yu Qingmei suddenly saw Chen Fei lying next to the hospital bed, her heart warmed, and her mouth raised a smile.

She gently tugged at Chen Fei's slipped clothes, trying to help him cover it.

But this slight movement caused Chen Fei to wake up.

"Sister Qingmei, you are awake."

Chen Fei looked at Yu Qingmei in surprise.

Yu Qingmei nodded gently, "A Fei, I'm sorry, I don't want to wake you up."

"Sister Qingmei, I'm fine, I'm a martial arts master, staying up late is nothing to me."

Chen Fei smiled.

Immediately, his face became dark and he looked at Yu Qingmei and said, "Sister Qingmei, what is going on?

How could you—" When it comes to this, Yu Qingmei's face darkened, she was silent for a few seconds, and slowly said: "Yesterday afternoon, I wanted to get off work early and go to your party. "

"But I didn't expect it, just before the end of get off work.

A customer came to the store, a young girl.

She wanted to buy a necklace, walked around the store, and finally selected a jade pendant that I was wearing, and said she wanted to buy it. "

"The pendant was given to me by you, ALFY. It has a special meaning to me.

So, I rejected the girl, saying that it was not for sale.

As a result, the girl did not haunt me, she just wanted to buy my pendant. "

"In desperation, I can only ask the clerk to drive the other person out.

Then began to clean up and close the shop. "

"But what I didn't expect was that the girl was driven out less than twenty minutes later.

An extravagantly dressed young man rushed in with ordinary people, and he smashed in the shop without saying a word. I stepped forward to stop them, and they acted on me. In the end, I just—"Although Yu Qingmei said in a tone Very calm, but Chen Fei can still imagine the scene at that time in his mind.

Yu Qingmei, a weak woman, was so desperate at the time when faced with an attack by a group of wicked people.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't help taking a deep breath, then squeezed out a smile, and said, "Sister Qingmei, take a good rest. I will take care of the things in the store."

"A Fei, don't be impulsive--" Yu Qingmei looked at Chen Fei with some worry.

Chen Fei said: "Sister Qingmei, don't you know what I am?

I have a sense of measure, you can rest assured. "

After speaking, Chen Fei left the ward.

In the corridor, Chen Fei immediately called Chen Ziling, and briefly explained the things here.

Then let Chen Ziling come to the hospital to protect Yu Qingmei.

Immediately, Chen Fei drove towards Qingmei Jewelry Company by himself.

When Chen Fei arrived at the company, he had already sent someone to deal with it.

But the original luxury shop is in a mess at the moment.

Only a few staff members are still cleaning the debris on the scene.

Chen Fei entered the store, asked the clerk to find out about the situation, and then got the surveillance from the store yesterday evening.

Afterwards, Chen Fei directly sent the surveillance content to Xing Rui, asking him to check the identity of the person in the surveillance video.

This kind of thing, don't bother Mu Ningbian, Xing Rui, as the captain of the Golden Team of the Linglong Five Elements Team, has the legal right to check these things.

Xing Rui's speed was very fast. In less than five minutes, the result was sent to Chen Fei's mobile phone.

The two parties involved last night, the first woman was an internet celebrity named "Mo Xiaowei". She usually broadcasts live on the Internet. She is quite famous. The number of fans is as high as 8 million. It's a mixed breeze.

Later, the rich son of the rich family who brought people to the shop was also extraordinary. He was called Cai Qi, the son of the Cai family.

The Cai family in the capital was originally a second-rate family in the capital.

However, after Chen Fei entered the capital two years ago, the original big families of the capital Zhao, Ding, Zhong, and Jiang were destroyed one after another.

The Cai family took advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of the momentum and develop rapidly. In the past six months, it has gained a certain position in the capital.

It's just that after returning to the capital this time, Chen Fei basically dealt with the top powers such as the clan committee, the martial arts league, and various sects, so Chen Fei didn't know much about the ordinary powers rising below.

The identity of the Cai family was discovered, but Chen Fei was surprised by one thing.

That is Cai Qi, and there is no conflict with Qingmei Jewelry itself.

As for the Internet celebrity Mo Xiaowei, although it seems to be infinite on the surface.

But for a rich son of Cai Qi's level, it was just a woman who had caught it.

After all, at this level, let alone these Internet celebrities, even some popular celebrities have a way to get them.

In this case, if Cai Qi smashed the high-end shop of Qingmei Jewelry in an angry way for an internet celebrity, this seems a little unexplainable.

After all, as a local high-end jewellery brand, Qingmei Jewelry is quite famous in Beijing, and many bosses and celebrities have been met.

In this case, Cai Qi still smashed the Qingmei Jewelry Company without hesitation.

Either Cai Qi is an idiot and didn't think about it so much; or there is something inside.

However, Chen Fei quickly sank these thoughts down.

No matter if the other party is really stupid or has some inside information, just find someone and ask them directly.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei stopped delaying time and drove out.

At this time, in the luxurious private room on the third floor of the famous "Wild Rose" clubhouse in Beijing, several luxuriously dressed rich and young, each holding a nakedly dressed woman, holding a red wine glass, and drinking with a smile on their faces .

"Brother Qi, I heard that you were so angry that you were a beauty last night!"

"That's right, I heard that too.

Brother Qi, you took someone to smash the Qingmei jewelry and beat up the boss Yu Qingmei. "

Listening to everyone's voices, a young man with a Mohican hairstyle is Cai Qi.

He leaned on the sofa with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I did it."

"Damn, Brother Qi, it's true!"

"Brother Qi, Qingmei jewelry is quite famous. Yu Qingmei seems to know a lot of people. If you smashed the shop like this, I'm afraid the other party won't let it go!"

"Hehe, what can you do if you don't give up?

It's just a female streamer, any moves are directed at me. "

Cai Qi looked disapproving, and said with arrogance.

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