
Chapter 2021: Cai Jia Cai Shao

In Cai Qi's arms, the woman's mouth was jealous, and she said, "Brother Qi, there is something inferior to Mo Xiaowei. You have done so much for her, but I didn't buy a bag for me."

"Little Langhuo, don't be jealous."

Cai Qi grabbed a hand on the woman's body and said, "This action, I am not for Mo Xiaowei, an internet celebrity, how can I give up so much energy."

Hearing that, the other brothers also asked curiously.

"Brother Qi, who is this action for?"

"Who has such a big face, you can let Brother Qi do things specifically for him."

"That's right, now in Beijing, who doesn't know your name, Brother Qi!"

... Cai Qi has a smile on his mouth, but he still reminds: "Be low-key, don't talk nonsense.

What made me act this time was a big man, a real big man.

I did it for Mo Xiaowei because of him. "

With that said, everyone is even more curious.

"Big guy?

Brother Qi, what kind of person is that? "

"Could it be those elder brothers of several big families?"

"No, those brothers, would you like an internet celebrity like Mo Xiaowei?"

... Cai Qi took a sip of red wine and said, "I am not a member of the Jingcheng family, but came down from the mountain."

"It came down from the mountain, this—" At the beginning, the few people were a little confused, but soon recovered, realized something, and their faces were extremely surprised.

"Brother Qi, are the people from the martial arts sect who came down from the mountain you said?"

"People of the martial arts sect, no wonder Brother Qi you are so enthusiastic.

However, this is also a great opportunity. If you have a good relationship with them, then you will be well-developed Brother Qi. "

"However, I'm still proud. It's not easy for people from the sect to find a woman. How could they fall in love with Mo Xiaowei? Their vision is too bad!"

... Cai Qi smiled and said: "What do you know, people basically grew up in the mountains since childhood. Unlike us, who usually live in cities, there are so many Internet celebrities, so I naturally feel that Mo Xiao Wei is not very good."

"But the martial artist usually sees a lot of that kind of indifferent women, now coming down the mountain, it is the first time I see Mo Xiaowei such an active and enthusiastic woman, I naturally feel fresh."

"Furthermore, Mo Xiaowei is mediocre in other aspects, but that aspect is unique and feels very good.

You have tried it, and you should be able to understand the feeling. "

"Other martial artists seldom come into contact with women. I came with Mo Xiaowei once. It's normal to be fascinated."

After listening to Cai Qi's words, the elder brothers nodded suddenly, expressing their understanding.

At the same time they looked at each other, and there was a strange smug look in their eyes.

"I thought there were so many warriors in the Dazong sect, but when it comes to women, they are still young!"

"Haha, if we speak out, we are also the ones who have played with that warrior woman.

In this regard, we are on an equal footing with him. "

… After hearing the words, Cai Qi's complexion condensed, and he said: "For this kind of thing, you can just talk about it here, but don't go out and talk nonsense, otherwise we will all be finished if the other party knows about it."

"Brother Qi, we are not fools, we know what to say and what not to say."

"Brother Qi, don't worry, my brothers are just joking with their own people here, they won't talk nonsense everywhere."

Cai Qi nodded, and then looked at the women in the room, and threatened sternly: "Just now, you all buried me in your heart. You are not allowed to go out and chew your tongue, otherwise you will know the consequences if you let me know."

When several women heard the words, their faces were panicked, and they nodded respectfully, saying that they would not say these things if they were killed.

Upon seeing this, Cai Qi chuckled and nodded, holding up the wine glass, and said: "This time, let Mo Xiaowei take care of that person comfortably, and I can go further when that happens.

Brothers will follow me in the future, I will not treat you badly. "

"Thank you Brother Qi!"

"Following Brother Qi, the future is boundless."

……… Several people quickly agreed, toasted and clinked, and drank all in one fell swoop.

Suddenly, the private room was lively and harmonious.

But just in this matter, there was a sudden loud bang, and the expensive and thick door of the private room fell directly with a slam.

At the door, a tall and thin man walked in with a cold face.

The people in the private room were surprised at first, and then came back to their senses, put down their wine glasses, and looked at the figure at the door with cold eyes.

"who are you?"

Cai Qi asked with a solemn face and a serious voice.

The figure at the door was naturally Chen Fei. He did not answer, but squinted slightly, then locked Cai Qi to confirm that he was the person he was looking for, "Are you Cai Qi?"

"I am.

I ask you again, who are you?

If your answer does not satisfy me, the consequence is that you can only lie down and go out. "

While talking, Cai Qi hooked his finger, and a black-clothed bodyguard gathered here with a fierce aura.

At this moment, Chen Fei nodded after hearing the words, and then suddenly glared, and his figure pulled out an afterimage, and with a squeak, he appeared in front of Cai Qi as if he was teleporting.

Before Cai Qi had time to be surprised, he felt a huge force drawn to his cheeks. The majestic strength came directly and violently, with severe pain, he drew Cai Qi's whole body out, and slammed into the private room. There was a bang on the wall, and then it slid to the ground.

Now, the inside of the private room exploded.


"Damn, you dare to beat Brother Qi, and you will die!"

"While doing everything in a daze, let me come in and beat this kid to death."

………The bodyguards rushed in amidst the shouts.

However, without waiting for them to approach, Chen Fei waved a burst of vigor and directly knocked all the bodyguards into the air, and fell to the outside of the private room.

At the same time, Chen Fei said coldly without looking back: "Without my permission, dare to step into the private room one step further and die!"

The bodyguards who fell on the ground looked up at the more than a dozen deep cuts on the health care wall. There was a look of horror in their eyes, and they crawled back and did not dare to approach the private room at all.

In the private room, those friends of Cai Qi's friends and friends were very excited and indignant just now, but at the moment they saw this hand, they were completely frightened, and they didn't dare to move.

Chen Fei glanced at them and said coldly: "Don't act rashly, otherwise, die!"

After speaking, Chen Fei stepped towards Cai Qi and stepped on his chest, pressing him back to the ground, who was struggling to get up.

At this moment, Cai Qi wiped a handful of blood from the corner of his mouth, and calmed down a bit, looked at Chen Fei, and said, "Brother, I think you are a warrior.

I don't know what offended you?

Or did someone hire you to deal with me?

If it is the former, I am willing to apologize; if it is the latter, how much the other party pays, I will double it, and you will buy it.

what do you think? "

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