
Chapter 2023: "Princess" Mo Xiaowei

At the same time, Chen Fei drove to the Sovereign Hotel.

Without delay, Chen Fei went straight to the presidential suite on the top floor.

I have to say that the other party was very proud, but only asked Mo Xiaowei, an internet celebrity, to wrap up the entire top layer, leaving only for the two to enjoy.

At this moment in the luxurious presidential suite, soaking in the bathtub, looking at the bustling capital scenery outside through the transparent single-sided glass, Mo Xiaowei feels like she is in a dream, and now she still can't believe this is reality.

In fact, things were very simple at first. Two days ago, she ended the live broadcast. As usual, she came to the Briar Bar, ordered a cocktail and sat in the bar, ready to see if she could get lucky with one or two rich people. less.

As a result, she didn't seem to be very lucky that day. She had been doing it for two hours, but she didn't even meet a suitable one.

It wasn't until she wanted to get up and leave that she met Cai Zhengqi, whom she had known before.

To say that Cai Zhengqi, as the youngest son of the Cai family in Beijing, has a very good status and status. For Mo Xiaowei, he is definitely a big golden turtle son-in-law.

If there is a chance, Mo Xiaowei definitely wants to hook up and not let go.

But it is a pity that this Cai Zhengqi is also a veteran of nightclubs and can play, but it is absolutely impossible to marry into Cai's family.

Moreover, Cai Zhengqi also has some perverted hobbies, not only playing by herself, but sometimes sharing her Mo Xiaowei with her friends.

This experience made Mo Xiaowei a little jealous of Cai Zhengqi.

So, seeing Cai Zhengqi coming in, Mo Xiaowei got up and wanted to leave.

But Cai Zhengqi still found her and greeted her to pass.

Mo Xiaowei could only come forward and chat with Cai Zhengqi. At the same time, she also knew that Cai Zhengqi was here with a friend, and there was a strange face in it. The specific name was not introduced, but he was called Master Wu.

Although she didn't know the specific identity of the other party, Mo Xiaowei could also see that the other party was absolutely extraordinary, because Cai Zhengqi was very respectful in front of him.

After a few simple conversations, Cai Zhengqi went upstairs to the private room. After a while, he sent a message to Mo Xiaowei to also go up.

Mo Xiaowei thought it was another difficult night.

It will also endure the torture of Cai Zhengqi and the group of friends.

Although she didn't want it in her heart, Mo Xiaowei didn't dare to defy Cai Zhengqi's orders, so she could only dress up and went upstairs to the private room.

As a result, what she didn't expect was that this time Cai Zhengqi didn't play with everyone, but let her accompany the Wu Gongzi alone.

For Mo Xiaowei, it was not a difficult task. She did her best that night and had a spring night with Young Master Wu.

When Mo Xiaowei woke up early the next morning, that Young Master Wu had already left.

Mo Xiaowei didn't take it too seriously. After tidying up, she got up and prepared to leave.

But what she didn't expect was that Cai Zhengqi then found her and said that she did well last night, which made the Wu Gongzi very satisfied.

During the recent period, Young Master Wu needs her to accompany him.

Moreover, Cai Zhengqi has repeatedly emphasized that Young Master Wu's identity is extraordinary, and he is a real big man.

Be sure to please the other party and not make him dissatisfied at all.

Mo Xiaowei was too serious at first, but she saw the pride of this big man that day.

All kinds of brand-name leather clothes, all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, and even the luxury sports car mansion, the other party just waved and arranged for Mo Xiaowei.

In just one day, this Young Master Wu spent more than 50 million on Mo Xiaowei.

You know, Mo Xiaowei has been with Cai Zhengqi for more than a year, only to get a total of less than five million.

In just one day, he got ten times the reward from Young Master Wu.

This made Mo Xiaowei truly realize that she had really climbed into the golden thigh.

So, that evening, Mo Xiaowei was so excited that she bought all kinds of luxury goods that she couldn't usually afford.

Of course, there was a small accident in the middle of the way, that is, in the Qingmei jewelry store, Mo Xiaowei fell in love with a jade pendant, but the boss didn’t even sell it. She was eventually driven out by the excuse that it was a private collection. .

If it had been before, Mo Xiaowei would forget it.

But at that time, she had just learned of Wu Gongzi's pride and strength, and she was excited, so she didn't pay attention to the words of the other party's boss, and called Cai Zhengqi to help herself deal with the matter.

She also got the jade pendant smoothly.

When thinking of this, Mo Xiaowei couldn't help but touch the simple and beautiful jade pendant on her chest, and wiped it with love.

I don't know if it is psychological or effective. Mo Xiaowei felt that this jade pendant was very unusual. Just being close, he felt warm and comfortable.

After taking it, it feels like being immersed in a hot spring, and it is extremely comfortable.

And it's not just feeling.

Mo Xiaowei felt that after wearing the jade pendant, it seemed that her body had improved and her spirit had become more energetic.

For example, last night and the whole night of Wu Gongzi, if it was the previous Mo Xiaowei, after such a night, the next day will definitely be awake during the day.

But today she felt exceptionally mental, and her body aches quickly recovered. This is the magical effect of this jade pendant.

After touching the jade pendant again, Mo Xiaowei felt more comfortable and moodier.

He got up and got up from the bathtub. A professional service staff immediately stepped forward to wipe Mo Xiaowei's body and put on a smooth and comfortable silk bathrobe.

Then, the professional servants held up pieces of expensive and exquisite costumes and asked Mo Xiaowei's opinions.

After Mo Xiaowei chose the clothes, the maid delivered the meal. Exquisite presentation, fresh raw materials, and top-notch workmanship. These things that Mo Xiaowei can almost only dream of in life, one by one happened at this moment. On her.

Chewing delicious food in her mouth, thinking about the next good life, Mo Xiaowei could hardly help cheering.

If Mr. Wu's huge sums of money yesterday surprised Mo Xiaowei, then today's luxury hotels and top-level services have made Mo Xiaowei fascinated.

At this moment, she felt that she was living in a dreamlike fairy tale life.

He is the beautiful princess, and Young Master Wu is his prince charming.

The princess is destined to live a happy fairy tale life with Prince Charming.

Although Mo Xiaowei knew very well from the bottom of her heart, this kind of life could not last forever.

But in the limited time, she must enjoy it, and be her princess once again.

Of course, if possible, she would definitely want to hold Wu Gongzi, the prince charming, firmly in her hands and truly become his princess.

Therefore, the next performance today is very important.

What method do I use, I have to show that state, so that Young Master Wu likes and even falls in love with myself.

While eating, Mo Xiaowei was thinking about her "great plan" in her heart.

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