
Chapter 2024: Someone broke in

After eating, Mo Xiaowei asked a middle-aged man dressed as a housekeeper: "When will Young Master Wu come over?"

The housekeeper bowed respectfully to Mo Xiaowei, then looked at his watch and said, "Miss Mo, Master Wu will be here in a quarter of an hour."

Hearing this, Mo Xiaowei jumped for joy, walked into her bedroom, and came to the dressing table, ready to dress up again.

But at this moment, suddenly, there was a loud bang, which shocked Mo Xiaowei's body, with a worried expression on her face.

The butler on the side also darkened when he saw this, but immediately calmed down, picked up the walkie-talkie, and asked aloud, "What happened?

Report the situation immediately. "

"Someone broke in, we don't--ah--" Before the words were finished, a scream came from the walkie-talkie, and even the banging sound of the weight of the flesh falling on the ground could be heard.

This situation made Mo Xiaowei tense, her body tense, "Here, what's going on?

Has an enemy come to the door? "

The butler looked at Mo Xiaowei and comforted: "Miss Mo, don't worry.

No matter who it is, nothing will happen with us. "

After speaking, the butler quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "All security personnel, be in place immediately to guard against the enemy's invasion."

Soon, Mo Xiaowei heard neat footsteps, and more than 20 strong bodyguards gathered quickly.

The breath of these people radiated without concealment, and immediately gave Mo Xiaowei a sense of security. The heart that had just been suspended also fell back into his stomach at this moment.

The butler directed the bodyguards to approach the entrance.

Dozens of people guarded the entrance and stood ready.

With an extremely confident look on his face, the housekeeper once again comforted Mo Xiaowei: "Miss Mo, our security personnel are all personally selected by Young Master Wu. They are powerful, so don't worry.

No matter who the opponent is, it is impossible to break through our line of defense. "

Mo Xiaowei was about to nod when she heard the words.

But at this moment, a scream suddenly rang.

The housekeeper and Mo Xiaowei were shocked at the same time, looked up, and then found a thin-looking figure appearing at the entrance.

And a burly bodyguard flew high at this moment, pulled out a blood line, and finally crossed the crowd, and slammed in front of the housekeeper and Mo Xiaowei with a loud noise.

Mo Xiaowei was so frightened that she screamed, and her footsteps backed back again and again.

The butler's expression sank, and he hurriedly shouted, "Do it, take down the enemy."

In an instant, dozens of bodyguards moved together.

It's just that these capable bodyguards, facing the thin figure, are completely maneuvering, and they can't stop the opponent's progress at all.

In less than three minutes, after a burst of crackling noises, the bodyguards guarding the door were all knocked to the ground, twisting in pain one by one and losing their combat effectiveness.

At this time, the housekeeper and Mo Xiaowei were even more shocked, and they couldn't help but back up a few steps.

The person on the opposite side stepped over the sloppy bodyguard, looked at the two of them, and finally fell on Mo Xiaowei, saying: "Are you Mo Xiaowei?"

Mo Xiaowei nodded, but then she was taken aback, shut up immediately, and looked at the figure on the opposite side with horror.

But the butler looked dark, stepped up to greet him, and said solemnly: "Young man, this is not where you should be, I advise you to leave by yourself, otherwise--" "Go away!"

Chen Fei screamed and waved his right hand. The majestic force directly knocked the butler into the air. His body smashed the door of the side room, and with the broken door, he fell directly into the room.

This situation made Mo Xiaowei even more horrified. He stepped back again and again, and muttered: "You, don't come over, you—" Chen Fei forced Mo Xiaowei to the end of the corridor, and his eyes fell on Mo Xiaowei's chest. On the jade pendant in front, his eyes condensed suddenly, and he said in a deep voice, "You are Mo Xiaowei!"

"Who are you, what do you want to do?"

Mo Xiaowei's tone was trembling, and she looked at Chen Fei in horror.

Chen Fei squinted his eyes, stretched out his right hand, and tore off the pendant on Mo Xiaowei's chest, "This is not your thing, you shouldn't wear it on your body."

Mo Xiaowei was taken aback for a moment, and then thought of something, she quickly looked at Chen Fei and said, "You are from Qingmei Jewelry, and Yu Qingmei asked you to come."

"I didn't do the thing about smashing the shop and hitting Yu Qingmei, it was all done by Cai Shao. If you want revenge, go to him, it has nothing to do with me."

Mo Xiaowei quickly defended herself.

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but sneered, "It has nothing to do with you?

You have put aside the responsibility cleanly! "

"Besides, Cai Zhengqi, I have been there, and his legs were interrupted by me.

Now it is your turn. "

Chen Fei said.

Mo Xiaowei's face turned dark when she heard the words, with a look of fear on her face, "You, me, I was wrong.

Pendant, I will return it to you, and I will lose money—" "Losing money? "

Chen Fei sneered, "Do you think that at this point in the matter, can losing money solve the problem?"

"In other words, I beat you violently and broke all fours.

Then you lose money, are you willing? "

Chen Fei asked coldly, and continued to approach Mo Xiaowei.

Mo Xiaowei was terrified, her body retreated to the wall, and there was no way of retreating at all, "You, you can't move me.

I am from Young Master Wu, if you touch me, Young Master Wu will not let you go. "

"Young Master Wu?"

Chen Fei frowned.

Mo Xiaowei quickly said, "Master Wu is a member of the martial arts sect, and he is also a member of the four heavenly sects.

I am Wu Gongzi's woman, if you do something to me, Wu Gongzi will definitely not let you go. "

Chen Fei shook his head and said solemnly: "Do you think this can scare me?

It seems that you still don't understand me! "

Suddenly, Chen Fei's eyes sharpened, "When did I, Chen Fei, be afraid of others?

Don't talk about your Young Master Wu, even if his master comes over, I'm not afraid. "

After speaking, Chen Fei's momentum skyrocketed, and a terrifying aura came under pressure, which made Mo Xiaowei feel a little difficult to breathe.

But at this moment, she looked at Chen Fei's face and suddenly thought of something, her expression changed drastically, "You, your name is Chen Fei.

Could it be that you are Master Chen Chen Fei, and you--" "Congratulations, you got the right answer."

However, there is no reward. "

Chen Fei said solemnly, sticking out his right hand and attacking Mo Xiaowei.

Mo Xiaowei was frightened, her expression was terrified, and she hurriedly shouted: "No, don't move me, don't—" It's just that Chen Fei's movements didn't stop, and he continued to move forward and attacked Mo Xiaowei.

Just when Chen Fei's Qi Jin was about to hit Mo Xiaowei's arm, a majestic burst of Qi Jin, accompanied by a scream, rushed towards Chen Fei, "Stop!"

Chen Fei turned his head and looked over, and suddenly saw a familiar cheek, not someone else, but Wu Zikong, a disciple of Tian Wuzong.

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