
Chapter 2028: A lesson

Sun Wuhou looked serious, stared at Chen Fei fiercely, and gritted his teeth: "The arrogant and ignorant guy, it seems that if you don't teach you a lesson, you don't know what is good or bad."

Chen Fei moved his eyelids and looked at Sun Wu regret. There was no fear at all. On the contrary, he looked bored. He sighed and said: "If you want to fight, just do it from the beginning.

As a result, making these bends around and around, the end result is still the same.

I really don't know if you guys are too idle or too hypocritical. "

"You--" Sun Wuhua never expected Chen Fei to be so bold and dare to be so arrogant in front of him.

After all, when he was in the sect, no one dared to speak to him like that.

Seeing that Sun Wuguan was about to explode, Zong Han on the side took a step and said, "Elder Sun, this kind of arrogant guy is not worth your hands. Let me do it."

Hearing the words, Sun Wuhan nodded, his arms that had been stretched out were retracted at this moment, with his back behind him, he looked at Chen Fei with a calm expression with a very ugly expression.

Zong Han took a step forward, staring at Chen Fei with cold eyes, and said: "Chen Fei, I was waiting for this battle on the day of the special training.

Unexpectedly, it has been delayed until now to have a chance.

Perhaps, this is your luck, letting you get away with it for a few more days! "

While talking, Zong Han's aura surged, and his whole body was like a candle that was suddenly lit, emitting an invisible light and heat, making the surrounding guests feel dazzling, and he couldn't help pulling a distance away.

However, Chen Fei, who was facing Zong Han head-on, didn't seem to feel at all. He still stood in place, his expression almost unchanged.

He glanced sideways at Zong Han, waved his hand and said, "You do it?

just forget it.

I'm still a little interested in the old guy behind you doing it. You Zong Han is not my opponent, it's boring. "

For Chen Fei, these words seemed quite normal.

After all, Zong Han's realm of strength is only in the mid-celestial realm, and his strength at most is slightly stronger than Zhao Yi, and his overall level is about fifty in the Shenlong list.

This kind of strength is really meaningless to Chen Fei, who has already reached the peak of the heavenly level.

Sun Wu regret, ranked twentieth on the Shenlong list, was a bit interesting to Chen Fei.

However, these words became Chen Fei's wild words to others.

In particular, the introduction of Zong Han and Sun Wuhu in the ears became an insult to them and Tian Wuzong.

Zong Han was instantly furious, his eyes were scarlet, and the aura on his body suddenly became violent. The whole person yelled from the sky. With a sound of gold and iron, he drew out a long sword and pointed at Chen Fei, "Funatic, die! "

The long sword was like the wind, stirring the air, bursting out countless small qi glows, attacking Chen Fei whirr.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei sighed softly, forward with his right hand, patted a few breaths, and greeted him.

Suddenly, the energies of the two collided, and bursts of banging and blasting sounded one after another, as if a firecracker was exploding.

Zong Han's long sword danced more densely, like flowers, wind, and rain, unpredictable and extremely dexterous, attacking Chen Fei with one blow.

Such a complicated and exquisite sword technique dazzled and amazed many guests.

"As expected of Zong Han, this swordsmanship, he is amazing."

"Tian Wuzong was originally known for his swordsmanship, Zong Han, as a direct disciple of the sect, needless to say about his swordsmanship."

"Such swordsmanship, I want to know, how can Chen Fei resist?"

...... In the eyes of everyone's expectation, Chen Fei met Zong Han's swordsmanship.

He didn't have any fancy movements, nor did he have any dexterous body skills. He just squinted slightly, looked at the complicated shadow of the long sword, and volleyed with his right hand, grabbing it.

"What does Chen Fei want to do?"

"He is going to pick up Zong Han's sword with his hands?

What a fool! "

"Is this crazy?"

Such a move not only surprised many spectators, but also Zong Han.

"You--find your own dead end! This is what you asked for. You interrupted Junior Brother Wu's legs, so now, leave your right arm first!"

Zong Han gritted his teeth and screamed, his right arm flicked slightly, the speed of the long sword in his hand was faster, and a burst of vigor burst out around the sword body, turning into a fierce blade, and cutting towards Chen Fei fiercely. .

At this moment, on Chen Fei's palm, the True Essence was stimulated, forming a thin and fitting protective cover, covering Chen Fei's palm.

Relying on this invisible glove, Chen Fei reached out with his right hand and directly reached into the flying sword flowers, grabbing hard.


Suddenly, the long sword flickered, and the long sword with afterimages stopped abruptly, and the tip was firmly held by Chen Fei.

"You--" At this moment, Zong Han couldn't help being shocked, and then gritted his teeth, his arm exerted force, and he wanted to draw out the long sword.

But under the force, he felt that his long sword was clamped by a pair of iron tongs, and he couldn't move at all.

"how come?"

Zong Han was shocked again, gritted his teeth, aroused his true essence, and rushed towards Chen Fei along the sword.

Around the blade, the true vitality aura turned into sword lights and burst out, trying to penetrate Chen Fei's palm.

But these extremely sharp sword lights, after hitting Chen Fei's palm, looked like a mud cow into the sea, instantly turning into nothingness, and could not feel any power at all.

"How is it possible, you, what are you--" Zong Han was shocked, Chen Fei's move completely exceeded his expectations.

And just when he was surprised, Chen Fei twisted his right hand slightly, a huge force struck, Zong Han's precious sword, instantly turned into a steel twist, and then cracked and fell to the grass. There is no interest.

"My sword!"

Zong Han looked at the broken sword, feeling distressed in his heart, and his gaze at Chen Fei became more and more resentful.

"Chen Fei, I want to kill you!"

Zong Han screamed, his scarlet eyes almost burst out, his whole body exploded, his whole body was like a mad lion, he wanted to tear Chen Fei in front of him completely.

At this moment, behind Zong Han, Sun Wuhui's expression sank, and his eyes looked a little strange at Chen Fei.

Because he could see that Chen Fei's strength was stronger than he had imagined.

Moreover, he is almost certain that Zong Han is definitely not Chen Fei's opponent. If he continues to fight, Zong Han will undoubtedly lose.

Therefore, Sun Wuhua wanted to speak and called Zong Han back.

But just as he was about to speak, Chen Fei, who was originally indifferent, twitched abruptly, then his complexion changed, his eyebrows stood upside down, and his expression became solemn.

"That feeling just now?

The amulet on Zi Ling's body was aroused! Did Zi Ling encounter danger, or did she accidentally activate the amulet? "

Chen Fei frowned and thought about it, and even wanted to get out the phone, call the junior sister and ask what's going on.

However, Chen Fei hadn't moved yet. Suddenly, his body trembled slightly.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's complexion changed drastically, "This feeling is the amulet on Zhuo Qingyu, Yu Qingmei and Wei Ling."

If only one person's amulet was touched, it might be an accident.

So now, the four amulets are touched almost at the same time, it is absolutely impossible to be an accident.

"Something happened to Zi Ling and the others!"

Chen Fei decided in his heart that he would not care about the competition in front of him.

Looking up at Zong Han, Chen Fei said, "I have an urgent matter, and today's matter will be calculated later!"

After speaking, Chen Fei did not stay for a moment, his figure turned into an afterimage, and he rushed out quickly.

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