
Chapter 2029: Unwilling Zong Han

This sudden change surprised everyone at the scene. They looked at Chen Fei's departure direction with some unknown reason, and they were all stunned for a while.

"How is this going?

Why did Chen Fei leave suddenly? "

"Chen Fei obviously had the upper hand just now!"

"Could it be that there is no emergency?

Make Chen Fei have to leave? "

………Amidst the discussion, his eyes were scarlet and extremely angry, Zong Han, who was about to explode, also froze for a moment, and then got up, trying to chase him out.

But at this moment, Sun Wuhan behind him screamed, preventing Zong Han from pursuing, "Zong Han, don't chase, come back!"

"Elder Sun, I--" Zong Han looked excited, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

But Sun Wuhou's expression was very serious, and he said solemnly: "Go back and calm down."

Although Zong Han was unwilling to do so, he did not dare to disobey Sun Wuguan's orders, so he could only endure his anger and retreat.

Then, Sun Wuhan looked at the guests and said: "Sorry, let all the distinguished guests see such a farce."

When speaking, Sun Wuhui bowed his hands to everyone and apologized.

Then, he sighed softly and said inadvertently: "Then Chen Fei would escape fast, otherwise he would be--" When Zong Han moved his true character, he would—" When he said this, he deliberately closed his mouth and didn't go on. .

When all the guests heard the words, their eyes lit up and they started talking.

"It turns out that Zong Han hasn't gotten real, why did I say that Chen Fei had the upper hand?"

"No wonder Chen Fei is going to flee, then Zong Han will make a big move."

"Tian Wuzong deserves to be Tian Wuzong, then Chen Feikong has the name of Master Chen, and when he meets a real master, he can only run away."

"Hehe, how can a master who is blown out by a loose cultivator be compared with a true Tian-level sect disciple."

"That Chen Fei said so violently just now, it turned out to be a rant!"

………For a time, all the guests on the scene's evaluation of this competition, following the guidance of Sun Wuguan's words, the direction directly changed.

It became a mockery of Chen Fei's escape, and a flattering and heated discussion of Tian Wuzong.

After all, most of the guests didn't know much about martial arts, and naturally they couldn't see the essence of Chen Fei and Zong Han just now.

I can only listen to what a master like Sun Wuhui says.

As for a very small part of the martial arts, seeing some unusual guests, naturally they wouldn't say anything at this moment.

After all, it was Sun Wuhua's words, and no one would be tired of refuting Sun Wuhua's words. It was completely self-defeating.

Sun Wuhan saw the situation at the scene, and then turned around and went back to the house.

Finding Zong Han who was still angry, Sun Wugan said: "Why, haven't you calmed down yet?"

Zong Han saw Sun Wuhan coming in, and quickly stood up and saluted: "Elder Sun, you are here.

I, I didn't—" "In front of me, don't hide. "

Sun Wu regret waved his hand.

Zong Han took a breath, and then said unwillingly: "Elder Sun, I don't understand, why didn't you let me chase Chen Fei just now.

Just let him escape? "


Hearing this, Sun Wuhui's expression sank, looked at Zong Han, and asked directly, "Do you really think Chen Fei escaped?"

"Elder Sun, aren't you talking outside--how now--" Zong Han looked at Sun Wu regret in surprise.

Sun Wuhui looked serious, looked at Zong Han, and said solemnly: "Those people outside don't understand martial arts, believe my words are normal.

You are a martial artist in the mid-level heavenly realm. You have also fought Chen Fei, don't you still understand the situation? "

"Elder Sun, you, what you mean--I'm not Chen Fei's opponent."

Zong Han looked a little ugly, as if he didn't want to admit this kind of thing.

Sun Wuhan snorted softly and said, "Of course not."

Zong Han was taken aback by such categorical remarks, and then he felt a little unacceptable, "Elder Sun, I, I haven't gotten real yet.

As long as I get serious, I can definitely defeat Chen Fei.

He—" "Moving really? "

Sun Wuhan sneered again, "You said you didn't move the true style, do you think Chen Fei did the true style?"

"Elder, I--" "Stop talking, when you were fighting just now.

I took a closer look, and Chen Fei is better than you in terms of his true essence and his physical strength.

If you continue to fight, you will undoubtedly lose. "

Sun Wu regret said.

Zong Han was a little hard to accept this conclusion, "How come, I--" Sun Wugan looked at Zong Han, and said in a deep voice, "You have been in the Zongmen for too long, and the people who usually come into contact with each other are yourself or others. The people of the sect know too little about the outside world."

"Although our Celestial Sect is powerful, it doesn't mean that we are the only ones who are powerful.

There are more masters in this world than you think. Don't be too confident, it will suffer. "

"This Chen Fei is just the beginning.

Not only China, but also abroad, when you go to participate in the International Youth Warrior Competition, you will see that the real world is much broader than you think. "

After listening to Sun Wuhou's words, Zong Han was silent for a while, and then bowed down to salute Sun Wuhou, "Elder Sun, thank you for your lesson."

"If you can listen, that's a good thing!"

Sun Wu regret said.

Zong Han nodded and immediately asked: "Elder Sun, this time Chen Fei is leaving. I am afraid it will be difficult for us to find such an opportunity next time.

Brother Zhao and Brother Wu’s hatred, are we—" Sun Wu regret squinted his eyes and said: “I will not forget the hatred of Zhao Yi and Wu Zikong.

Besides, the face of my Tianwu Sect can't be beaten by anyone who wants to. We must get back some face. "

"Elder, do you have any plans?"

Zong Han couldn't help but think of something when he saw Sun Wuguan's confident expression, and asked.

Sun Wuhan smiled lightly and said: "There are some things, you will know soon."

"Now, calm down, go see Wu Zikong, and have a good chat with him, he is not in a good mood."


Zong Han nodded, then thought of something, and asked aloud, "Elder Sun, it hasn't been long since the game started.

When Junior Brother Wu’s leg was interrupted, will it affect his participation in the competition? At that time—" Sun Wuhan snorted, squinted his eyes, and said, "That's not true.

That Chen Fei was quite self-aware, and when he started to deal with Wu Zikong, he had a sense of measure.

Wu Zikong's leg injury should be cured within a month after treatment. "

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved."

Zong Han nodded.

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