
Chapter 2032: To kill

"I--" Long Wutian wanted to defend, but was interrupted by Chen Fei.

"Needless to say, since your Long Family has no idea to repent.

Then, I will send you to **** and let you confess there! "

After speaking, Chen Fei moved his hands together, bursting into the sky with dense air bursts like raindrops.

At this time, even Long Wutian couldn't stop Chen Fei's offensive at all.

Because, at this moment, she is already very reluctant to protect herself and Long Zetian.

As a result, a scream of screams sounded one after another, and the few cousins ​​other than the two, under Chen Fei's intensive vigor, none of them could escape. They fell in a pool of blood and lost their breath.

Seeing the cousins ​​who were still chatting and laughing with him just now, each of them breathed off at this moment, Long Zetian suddenly felt a chill in his heart, his legs softened, and his whole person collapsed on the ground.

But Chen Fei kept moving, turning his eyes, looking at Long Zetian, surging with energy, ready to attack Long Zetian.

Upon seeing this, Long Wutian's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly drank, "Chen Fei, you killed so many people in my Long family, isn't it enough?

You are too resolute. "

"Long Zetian's immortality is not enough."

Chen Fei's voice was cold, his hands kept moving, and he attacked Long Zetian one after another.

Long Zetian was limp on the ground, unable to dodge at all.

Long Wutian could only grit his teeth and shoot out a breath, blocking all the offensive for his younger brother.

After all, he is a disciple of Lingyan Pavilion, Long Wutian's strength is still very good, although it was a bit difficult, but still blocked Chen Fei's attack, leaving Long Zetian not harmed.

But just when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Chen Fei launched an attack here, and this offensive was even more fierce than before.

Every attack, with an extremely cold killing intent, fiercely attacked Long Zetian.

Upon seeing this, Long Wutian gritted his teeth and rushed towards Chen Fei with an angry fire in his eyes, "Chen Fei, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

She knows that if she keeps on defensively like this, she must make mistakes.

At that time, it was when his younger brother Long Zetian died.

Therefore, she can only attack, and strive to kill Chen Fei before Chen Fei kills her younger brother.

However, Long Wutian overestimated his own strength.

Facing her fierce offensive, Chen Fei moved his right hand quickly and flexibly, with a series of complicated afterimages, blocking Long Wutian's offensive.

On the palm of his left hand, a glow of energy condensed, and it burst out in the direction of Long Zetian.

"No--" Upon seeing this, Long Wutian yelled wildly.

But it was impossible to stop him, and he could only watch the aura flying towards Long Zetian.

"Zetian, hide away!"

Long Wutian screamed.

But at this time, Long Zetian, who had been completely frightened, could not escape Chen Fei's attack.

I could only watch the energetic energy coming from the air, which became bigger in my own eyes, and finally passed through Long Zetian's forehead with a "shoo".

Immediately, with a "bang", Long Zetian blasted a big hole directly behind his head, and the red and white things burst open.

Long Zetian fell to the ground, blood flowed and his breath dissipated.


Upon seeing this, Long Wutian let out a miserable and angry roar, then stared at Chen Fei with scarlet eyes, his teeth creaked, "Chen Fei, my Long family, and you are not at odds."

Chen Fei stood on the spot with a grim expression, "For your Lingyange disciple's sake, I didn't kill you."

"However, if you are looking for death by yourself, I won't even kill you."

Chen Fei's words were extremely calm, as if in his mouth, killing Long Wutian was not a major event at all.

Looking at Chen Fei's indifferent eyes, Long Wutian couldn't help but shiver for a while, and finally retracted the Qi Jin inspired by his palm, then leaned down and picked up Long Zetian and their corpses.

Chen Fei did not stay, and left the club with Chen Ziling's daughters.

…… This homicide conflict that occurred in the clubhouse did not appear in the major news media in Beijing the next day, and there was not even the slightest report on it.

Regarding the death of Long Zetian, who was the prince of the Long Family, who had just passed the Long Dragon Banquet, ordinary people had no idea about it.

As for Chen Fei, after he rescued Chen Ziling and the others, they checked their bodies, but they were slightly wounded. Chen Fei was soon healed and there were no other injuries.

Later, Chen Fei asked about the cause and effect of the incident.

It turned out that Chen Ziling went to school to deal with things that day, thinking about attending Zong Han's dinner with Chen Fei in the afternoon.

But I didn't expect that all kinds of trivial things suddenly appeared in the school, and they all found Chen Ziling's head, so that she could not be cloned at all, so she could only tell Chen Fei not to attend the dinner.

After a busy afternoon at school, until the evening, after dealing with everything, Chen Ziling went home alone. However, on the road, several people in black suddenly rushed out and directly attacked Chen Ziling.

Although Chen Ziling fought hard, but in the end he lost to the opponent and was knocked out by them and caught.

When he was in the car midway, Chen Ziling woke up for a while and saw Yu Qingmei, Zhuo Qingyu, and Wei Ling next to him. He immediately knew that something was not good, and it was aimed at Chen Fei.

She wanted to escape and wanted to inform Chen Fei that something had happened.

But before he had time to act, he was noticed by the opponent and knocked out again.

Next, Chen Fei asked Yu Qingmei, Zhuo Qingyu and the others again, and the results were similar. They were suddenly attacked by a man in black, knocked out and brought to the clubhouse.

After listening to it, Chen Fei couldn't help but frowned and thought for a while.

Finally, he looked at Chen Ziling and asked, "Ziling, can you recognize the man in black who did it?"

After all, Chen Ziling has the cultivation base of the mid-Tian-level realm, and his strength is definitely not weak.

Although the opponent was besieged by a few people, they could quickly knock Chen Fei out and take away. The strength was definitely not bad, at least around the mid-Tiantian realm.

People with such strength may not be too few, but there are not many people who can still be driven by the Long Family at such a realm.

Chen Ziling thought about it carefully, and finally shook his head and said: "The face of the man in black is so tightly shielded that he can't see his face at all."

"Gender, age, or body size?"

Chen Fei asked again.

Chen Ziling thought for a while, and then said: "It should be a man. Listen to the voice. He is about forty or fifty years old. Others are not clear."

"There are no women, none of them?"

Chen Fei asked.

Chen Ziling looked at Chen Fei, "Brother, are you suspicious of Long Wutian?"

Chen Fei nodded and said, "Zong Han invited me to the dinner. You were suddenly delayed by chores at school, and then we separated, and you happened to be taken away. This must be premeditated."

"Also, I think about it now.

At Zong Han's dinner, Huizheng, Huiming, and Zou Pu all appeared, but Long Wutian did not appear.

Therefore, I suspect that she had communicated with Zong Han or Sun Wuhua in advance and had such a play together. "

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