
Chapter 2033: Trial by the Clan Council

After hearing this, Chen Ziling also thought about it, and then said: "Brother, your guess is reasonable.

But among those who did it at the time, there were indeed no women. "

"And, if Long Wutian really did it directly.

Or she knew about this a long time ago, so when she was in the private room just now, she could have mobilized the people from the Long Family, lay in ambush there, and directly acted on you. "

"Why did you rush to the end and let the disciples of the Long Family die?"

Especially Long Zetian, that's her brother! "

After listening to Chen Ziling's words, Chen Fei also frowned.

Zi Ling's words are correct. Judging from the reality, Long Wutian does not seem to know this in advance, because it makes no sense to go backwards from the final result.

But in the bottom of his heart, Chen Fei had some doubts about Long Wutian.

Faintly, he felt as if he had overlooked something.

But for a while, I couldn't remember it.

There was really no clue. In the end, Chen Fei could only shake his head, put the matter behind for a while, and then said to Chen Ziling: "Ziling, the person above will definitely investigate this matter.

When the time comes, they ask, you are honest. "

"With me, don't worry."

Chen Ziling nodded, "Yes, brother! I believe you."

As a result, just as Chen Fei's voice fell, there was a sound of footsteps at the door, and the servant walked in and reported: "Mr. Chen, there are two civil servants at the door.

They claim to be members of the clan committee, and they say that they have official business and they want you to cooperate, but they don't know you—" "Unexpectedly, they came so quickly! "

Chen Fei smiled, then got up, "Just say, I'll be here soon."

An hour later, Chen Fei, Chen Ziling, and Wei Ling were taken to the headquarters of the clan committee.

When they walked into a room similar to a courtroom, everyone's eyes all looked at them with a crash.

Chen Fei glanced a little, and immediately found many acquaintances.

There are disciples of the heavenly sects such as Zong Han, Wu Zikong, Yu Qin, and Zou Pu, as well as the heads of major organizations such as Zhu Kuishan, Shao Donghua, and Mu Ningbian.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the anger of the people on the Long Family who stared at Chen Fei with scarlet anger.

Long Haoyun, Zhou Mei, and Long Wutian, all dressed in black, stood mournfully on the opposite side.

"Murder, murderer.

You paid my son's life. "

"Chen Fei, I want you to pay for my life."

When Long Haoyun and Zhou Mei saw Chen Fei coming in, they were so excited that they shouted in indignation.

Chen Fei's expression was cold, and he didn't avoid the other's gaze, and said coldly: "He, **** it!"

"You, you—" As soon as these words came out, Long Haoyun and Zhou Mei's complexion changed drastically, their chests rose and fell violently, and they almost wanted to rush out towards Chen Fei.

Seeing that the scene was about to become chaotic, at this moment, Zhao Kejin, who was sitting on the stage, sternly said, "Quiet!"

The majestic vigor spread, and the scene suddenly became quiet, all eyes focused on Zhao Kejin.

Zhao Kejin glanced across the crowd, and then said: "Today, here, it is for the murder of Long Zetian and others."

"Regarding this case, what happened is..." Because it is not a regular court, there is no too strict procedural rules.

Zhao Kejin quickly told the story of the case.

The audience watched quietly, without much change in their expressions.

Obviously, everyone present has known about this a long time ago.

However, many people looked at Chen Fei with a slightly strange look.

They knew that Chen Fei was arrogant and powerful, but they didn't expect that he would be so bold that he directly attacked the Long Family and killed the Long Family Prince.

After introducing the case, Zhao Kejin looked at Long's side and asked, "As the plaintiff, what do you want to say?"

Zhou Mei said with great excitement: "We demand that Chen Fei be executed, one life worth one life."

Long Haoyun pulled his extremely excited wife, and said solemnly: "Chairman Zhao, regarding the case of my son being killed by Chen Fei.

We ask the clan committee to make a fair judgment and deal with the murderer severely. "

Long Wutian finally added, "The murderer must be severely punished."

After speaking, Zhao Kejin looked at Chen Fei and said, "Chen Fei, as the defendant in this case, what do you want to say?"

Chen Fei did not shy away from it, and said directly: "I killed Long Zetian and the others!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar at the scene, and everyone looked astonished.

Although everyone was basically sure that Chen Fei killed him, he didn't expect him to admit it in public.

Long Haoyun and Zhou Mei also became excited immediately.

"Chairman Zhao, you heard, he admitted, kill him soon, kill him to pay for my son!"

"Catch it, he is the murderer, catch it immediately."

...However, at this moment, Chen Fei gave a cold snort and said again: "I killed Long Zetian!"

"But, I killed him for a reason!"

After speaking, Chen Fei handed in all the causes and consequences, as well as various evidences, of the things he had prepared long ago.

As a result, Chen Ziling's daughters were knocked out and taken away. The antecedent of the intent to infringe was revealed.

Suddenly, there was another uproar at the scene, and everyone started to discuss.

Chen Fei said: "It was the Long Family who invaded my relatives and friends first. What I did was just a legitimate defense."

"You fart, why do you say that it was made by my Long family?

Those in black can't see who it is! "

Zhou Mei became excited.

Chen Fei's eyes were cold, and he stared directly at Zhou Mei, and said coldly: "It wasn't made by your Long Family, so why did Chen Ziling and others eventually appear in Long Zetian's private room?"

"This, this—" Zhou Mei was speechless for a while.

On the side, Long Haoyun said solemnly: "Even so, they haven't suffered any harm.

You killed my son. This is not just defense, this is murder. "

Chen Fei coldly snorted, "I was not violated, it was because I arrived in time to prevent the violation from happening.

Otherwise, don’t you know what will happen! "

"You killed my son, this can't be changed anyway!"

Long Haoyun gritted his teeth.

"He's **** it!"

Chen Fei is not polite.

"The **** thing is you, you murderer, I want you to pay for my life."

Zhou Mei became excited.

… Seeing that the scene is about to become a quarrel, Zhao Ke screamed and quieted the scene, "Quiet, quiet down.

Regarding the confession of both parties, as well as the evidence provided by each, we will make a judgment and make a judgment.

Now, take a break. "

After that, Zhao Kejin took a group of staff and left directly.

The people in the house suddenly burst into excitement.

Everyone was discussing the matter one after another, wondering about the outcome of the judgment that would happen.

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