
Chapter 2035: Dissatisfied with the verdict

Insiders know that Long Laona is the real big man in the Red Wall with great power.

Moreover, Lao Long had a good relationship with the elders of the Long family.

Long Haoyun mentioned Lao Long now, obviously trying to put pressure on Zhao Kejin.

Hearing this, Zhao Kejin's expression couldn't help but sink. He looked at Long Haoyun and said in a deep voice: "Do you want to use Long Lao to press me?"

Long Haoyun said coldly: "Chairman Zhao, I don't mean this, but I just want the clan committee to give me a fair judgment from the Long family.

If the clan committee cannot give it, then I can only ask Mr. Long to give it. "

Zhao Kejin's face was low and silent, and he didn't speak, as if he was thinking about how to deal with this matter.

And just as he was thinking, Long Wutian also stood up and said loudly: "Chairman Zhao, as a member of the participating team, Long Wutian can also be regarded as playing for the country.

But if this case cannot give my Long family a fair judgment, then I can only withdraw from the participating team.

Mr. Zhao, please ask him to be clever. "

As soon as this remark came out, there were surprise calls and heated discussions on the scene.

"The Long Family is getting fierce!"

"No, I moved out of Long Lao first.

With Long Wutian's threat of retirement, President Zhao may be embarrassed this time. "

"Long Wutian is a disciple of Lingyan Pavilion. She is very strong. I heard that among the ten contestants, she is second only to Zong Han.

If she quits, I am afraid that no suitable substitute can be found! "

"Now, Chairman Zhao will be embarrassed."

………There was a heated discussion, and Zhao Kejin frowned.

At this moment, Long Wutian didn't give in, looked at Yu Qin beside him, and raised his eyebrows to remind him.

When Yu Qin saw the senior sister's expression, she naturally knew what she meant, and her face couldn't help showing a look of embarrassment, and she hesitated and didn't know how to speak.

Upon seeing this, Long Wutian glared at Yu Qin fiercely, and then said to himself: "If the clan committee treats me so unfairly, I will not sit idly by, Master Lingyan Pavilion."

At this time, he moved out of Lingyan Pavilion again, and the pressure on Zhao Kejin suddenly increased.

Everyone's eyes are on Zhao Kejin, wanting to see how he makes a choice in this situation.

However, without waiting for Zhao Kejin to speak.

In the crowd behind Long Wutian, another person stood up and said loudly: "Chairman Zhao, although this case has nothing to do with my Zong Han.

But there is one thing, I want to talk to Chairman Zhao. "

"Just a few days ago, Mr. Chen Fei and Chen interrupted my junior and disciple Wu Zikong's legs for no reason, and he is still lying on the hospital bed to recuperate."

"We are both teammates in the competition. It is really chilling for Mr. Chen to act like this.

If you want to work with such a team member, please pardon me, I am very worried about my safety. "

Zong Han's coming forward and carrying forward once again aroused heated discussions on the scene.

"Zong Han has also come forward and put pressure on Chairman Zhao. Now, it is difficult for him to handle it."

"Listening to Zong Han's meaning, he is also very dissatisfied with Chen Fei. This means that he is going to retire!"

"The strongest Zong Han and Long Wutian retired at the same time, and the executives don't want to see this result!"

"In other words, I can only blame that Chen Fei offended too many people. This time, he has driven himself to a desperate situation."

"Even if Chairman Zhao and League Master Zhu are optimistic about him, under this pressure, I am afraid I have to change my mind!"

………Amidst the people's discussion, Zhao Kejin's face was serious, so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

Shutting up and being silent, Zhao Kejin seemed to be caught off guard by the situation in front of him.

On the Long Family's side, Long Wutian continued to be aggressive and humane: "If President Zhao can't decide, then report it to the person who can decide."

"Of course, if Chairman Zhao insists on such an unfair judgment.

Then I can only quit. "

On the side, Zong Han said with help: "I, Zong Han, have the same intention."

Faced with such a huge pressure, Zhao Kejin raised his head, looked at everyone, and said: "We need to discuss and discuss this matter."

After speaking, Zhao Kejin exited again.

At this time, the scene fell into a heated discussion again.

It's just that, at this moment, the faces of the people in the Long Family were obviously much better than before, and from Chen Fei's side, they all showed complacency.

Not only the Long Family, but even a lot of neutral people, at this moment, they are inclined to Zhao Kejin to change his judgment.

After all, under the threat of Long Lao, Long Wutian, and Zong Han withdrawing from the competition, it is unreasonable no matter how you look at it, to forcibly protect a Chen Fei.

For a time, many people's eyes changed, and they unconsciously distanced themselves from Chen Fei, and moved closer to the Long family.

Long Wutian, Zong Han and others looked at Chen Fei with revenge.

But at this time, Chen Fei's complexion was still indifferent, the expression on his face hardly changed, and he had no worries about what happened next.

In this situation, many people secretly complained to him.

"Look at Chen Fei, he's still doing his best! I see, it won't last long!"

"It's still too young, the rise is too much, too high-profile.

It will happen sooner or later to offend such a big man and powerful force. "

"Too arrogant, thinking that if you have some strength, you can look at the world.

But I don’t know, there are mountains outside of people, there are mountains outside of mountains! "

"The sentence will definitely be changed. I think the expulsion of Chen Fei is only the most basic. The sentence should not escape.

As to whether the cultivation base will be abolished, it depends on the big man behind Chen Fei. "

"Anyway, this time, Chen Fei is set to lose."

………Amidst the discussion, Zhao Kejin unexpectedly returned in less than ten minutes.

The scene fell silent for an instant, and everyone's eyes were cast on Zhao Kejin at once.

Especially the members of the Long Family and Zong Han, with pride and self-confidence on their faces at this moment.

Zhao Kejin's eyes swept the crowd, and he said in a deep voice: "After our discussion, the verdict remains unchanged and Chen Fei is not guilty.

Hearing this, the scene suddenly burst into flames.

Almost everyone looked surprised.

"how can that be?"

"Maintain the original verdict. Is President Zhao determined to support Chen Fei?"

"Could it be that he is really not afraid of Lao Long, and is not worried about Long Wutian and Zong Han retiring?"

……… On the Long Family’s side, everyone was even more shocked, completely unexpected that this would be the result.

After the surprise, Long Wutian looked gloomy, looked at Zhao Kejin, and said: "Chairman Zhao, are you forcing me to withdraw from the team?"

On the side, Zong Han also stood up and said solemnly: "Chairman Zhao, if the verdict is so unfair.

Then I can only withdraw from the participating team. "

The two directly threatened to retire, and the scene froze.

But Zhao Kejin looked cold and did not hesitate. He looked at the two of them, waved his hands, threw out two documents, and said coldly: "If you want to retire, you can sign this withdrawal agreement."

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