
Chapter 2036: I mean

At this time, even Long Wutian and Zong Han were directly shocked.

They didn't expect that Zhao Kejin would be so decisive that they really did not fear that they would retire.

"Chairman Zhao, can you think about it clearly?"

Long Wutian gritted his teeth.

Zong Han also said solemnly: "Chairman Zhao, we are responsible for retiring, you alone, I am afraid you can't bear it."

Zhao Kejin's face was cold and unmoved, "Sign if you want to retire, shut up if you don't want to retire."

"You--" For a while, Long Wutian and Zong Han's faces were as sinking as water, surprised and angry.

At this moment, a man in a green shirt walked out behind Zong Han, who was the great elder of Tian Wuzong, Sun Wu regret.

Sun Wuhui stood up with his hands on his back, looked at Zhao Kejin, and snorted coldly: "Zhao Kejin, the serious consequences of Tian Wuzong and Lingyan Pavilion's disciples retiring, can you think about it clearly?"

"I think very clearly!"

Zhao Kejin did not back down.

Sun Wuhan's face suddenly sank, he shut up and was silent for a few seconds, and then he said in a deep voice: "Zhao Kejin, the International Youth Warrior Competition is a major event related to the face of Chinese fighters. You are the chairman of the clan committee, I'm afraid Unable to decide such an important thing.

I doubt the authority of your decision? "

"Elder Sun is questioning the authority of my clan committee?"

Zhao Kejin asked back.

Sun Wuhan snorted coldly and did not back down, "Can you think so?"

The two big guys confronted each other, and for a while, the atmosphere in the court became extremely tense.

And at this moment of tension, a thick thunderous voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears, "The verdict is what I meant!"

Accompanied by the sound of words, a burly man appeared in front of everyone.

The man has black casual clothes, a flat head, and a majestic face. Before he looks up, he brings a great sense of coercion.

And Sun Wu regret, who heard the voice, was angry at the moment, and couldn't help stimulating the true essence, and directly faced the coercion and carried it back. At the same time, he said: "Who are you, what qualifications—" It was just, The questioning words were not finished yet. When Sun Wuhui looked up at the burly man, his complexion changed drastically, and he could not help but exclaimed, "Xu, Xu Junshan--" The name was uttered, and everyone on the scene looked at him. , They all gathered.

When they saw the man in the middle clearly, almost everyone's breathing was involuntarily screened, and they were shocked and shocked.

At this moment, everyone's hearts couldn't help beating violently.

"Xu Junshan, General Xu, Xu Junshen, he, how could he appear here?"

"This is a legendary character, the second best player on the Shenlong list, the Chinese Army God!"

"General Xu just said that the verdict was what he meant. In other words, did he support Chen Fei?"

"No wonder Chen Fei is so emboldened. I didn't expect General Xu to be his backer!"

...... This time, it is not only Sun Wu regret.

Zong Han and Long Wutian were immediately dumbfounded, looking at Xu Junshan, they couldn't speak at all.

Sun Wuhan’s face changed for a while, and he felt a great pressure, but in the end he stabilized his emotions, took a deep breath, looked at Xu Junshan, and said: "General Xu, I respect you very much, but about this The verdict of the case, please forgive me for not understanding.

Moreover, Chen Fei successively attacked my teammates such as Wu Zikong, Long Wutian, etc., such behavior, I think it will have a bad impact on the participating teams.

I--" But just before Sun Wuhui finished speaking, Zong Han on the side handed over a cell phone with a surprised expression, "Elder Sun, call! The head of Duan's phone. "

"No—" Sun Wuhua wanted to say that he would not answer, but when he heard the word "Head" behind, his complexion changed and he took the phone.

"Head, I—" Sun Wuhui said.

But without waiting for him to say more, Duan Guzhou, the head of Tian Wuzong on the phone, said directly: "Old Sun, no matter what happens to you, don't fight against Chen Fei.

If there is a conflict, it is best to apologize and reconcile immediately. "

Duan Guzhou’s words surprised Sun Wuguan, "The head, but Chen Fei--" Duan Guzhou's voice was stern before he could finish, "Old Sun, believe me, I do it for your own good, for your good. Good sect, I will not harm you."

Hearing this, Sun Wuhou was silent for a while, lived for a few seconds, nodded and said: "Head, I know."

Immediately, he hung up the phone, then looked at Xu Junshan, and said: "My Tian Wuzong believes in General Xu's decision!"

After that, Sun Wuhua took Zong Han and took a step back, no longer standing beside Long Wutian.

With Sun Wuhui's softness, everyone's eyes focused on Long Wutian.

Long Wutian's complexion changed for a while. He looked at his ugly parents and Xu Junshan with his majestic complexion. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "General Xu, you are a big man whom I and my family admire very much.

But with regard to the verdict in this case, I really cannot accept it.

If this is the result, I am determined to withdraw from the participating team. "

The audience was really surprised when he said this.

"Long Wutian, what is this going to do? Confront General Xu directly!"

"This courage is quite admirable!"

"This is aggrieved in my heart, I have to say something!"

……… After hearing Long Wutian’s words, Xu Junshan’s expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: “Your thoughts are yours, and no one can change them. I respect your thoughts.”

On the side, Zhao Kejin handed over the agreement.

Long Wutian pursed his mouth, finally picked up the pen, signed the paper with a slur, then turned and left.

Long Haoyun and others hurriedly followed, leaving the scene with a gloomy expression.

The verdict was finalized, and Zhao Kejin immediately announced the end of the case, and everyone left one after another.

Chen Fei deliberately stayed at the end and came to Zhao Kejin and smiled: "Chairman Zhao, thank you very much."

Zhao Kejin looked at Chen Fei and said, "This is what General Xu meant. If you want to thank you, please thank General Xu!"

"Thank you too, President Zhao!"

Chen Fei smiled, and then asked, "Chairman Zhao, where is General Xu?"

"In the back room, go to you!"

Chairman Zhao pointed in a direction.

Chen Fei hurried over and came to a room. Chen Fei knocked on the door, "General Xu, this is Chen Fei."

"come in!"

Chen Fei pushed the door and saw Xu Junshan leaning on the sofa at a glance.

He immediately walked up with a smile on his face, "General Xu, thank you very much this time."

Xu Junshan gave Chen Fei a blank look and said, "You kid, you will cause me trouble."

"General Xu, am I not being forced to be helpless?

It's not that I want to take the initiative to find things, but they--" Chen Fei defended with an aggrieved expression.

Xu Junshan waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't say anything, I know exactly how things are going.

Some people, too long at ease, make them a little bit proud. "

When speaking, Xu Junshan narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes revealed a hint of brilliance.

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