
Chapter 2064: Temporary Cypriot

But at this moment, Wu Zikong suddenly thought of something and said: "Then we are one less person, only nine people, will we—" Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and he couldn't help but shut up and watched nervously. Xiang Chen Fei.

After all, Long Wutian, who was missing, withdrew from the participating team because of a conflict with Chen Fei.

After the Long Family Rebellion, there was no trace of Long Wutian, and he has not been found yet.

Chen Fei didn't think there was anything, and looked at Zhao Kejin in confusion, and said: "Chairman Zhao, we still have a quota, why didn't we add another person?"

"Yes, with one more person, we can join a team of ten people to participate in the team competition, and our chances of winning are better!"

………Zhao Kejin shook his head and said, “It’s not that simple. After special training on offshore drilling platforms, you are familiar and have a tacit understanding, and you can cooperate with each other.”

"At this time, adding another person temporarily will make it difficult to quickly cooperate with your familiarity. On the contrary, it may affect the overall performance because of the unfamiliarity."

"Besides, the ten of you are carefully selected by us.

It is difficult to find someone who is stronger than you and suitable for the competition.

If it is only equal in strength, or even slightly inferior, it would be meaningless to join temporarily. "

"So, after Long Wutian withdrew, after we discussed, we didn't decide to add more people, so we entered the competition in a team of nine people."

After listening to Zhao Kejin's explanation, everyone understood and couldn't help but nod.

"Okay, there are still a few more hours, so rest!"

After speaking, Zhao Kejin got up and said goodbye.

Afterwards, the team members did not chat, and took a break on the plane to adjust, and strive to adjust their own state to the best.

After a few hours, the plane landed in the United States, and everyone got off the plane with their luggage.

As the team leader, Zhao Kejin confirmed everyone's state and was about to lead the team away.

At this moment, a phone call came in, Zhao Kejin gestured to the team members, then took out the mobile phone and connected to the phone, "Hey, this is Zhao Kejin."

"What, how could this be?"

"This is totally nonsense. When is it now? There are less than three days before the game. How can there be any Cypriots at this time!"

"Yes, my opinion is that I disagree, and I firmly disagree!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Kejin looked angry.

The team members were suddenly surprised and curious, ready to ask what happened.

‘But before they could speak, Zhao Kejin’s cell phone rang again. When he looked at the number, his expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly connected the phone, "General Liu, I’m Zhao Kejin."

"I just learned about that."

"This is too nonsense, I don't--"... "Yes, I will complete the task."

Zhao Kejin stood still and stood up straight.

Afterwards, Zhao Kejin hung up the phone, his face sinking like water, standing in the original position, was stunned for more than ten seconds without speaking.

Until Zhao Hu stepped forward and asked: "President Zhao, what happened?"

Zhao Kejin's face trembled a few times, and he said: "The superior just called and said that we would add another person to our team."

"What, add people now?"

"It's a joke, it's this time, but now it's suddenly added!"

"Then what should we do with our familiarity and cooperation?"

"Chairman Zhao, isn't this bad? You just said that the temporary addition of people is more harmful than good, but now--"...All the team members looked surprised and incredulous. .

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Zhao Kejin's mouth, and said, "I can't help it, it's just an order from the superior."

"We make it clear, maybe the superiors will understand us."

Zhao Hu said hard.

Zhao Kejin shook his head and said, "I just said what I meant on the phone.

But the latter call came from General Liu Zhenjiang, General Liu, saying that this was an order from a superior and must be executed. "

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the team members could not help but sink.

Liu Zhenjiang General Liu, that is the existence second only to Xu Junshan in the army, the absolute second-in-command in the army, the powerhouse of the heavenly peak realm, and the seventh in the Shenlong list.

In the previous Zhao family incident, when Chen Fei killed Zhao Enze, he also confronted Liu Zhenjiang.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't help but raised his head, looked at Zhao Kejin, and said: "Chairman Zhao, General Xu is personally responsible for the competition.

It’s better to report this to General Xu and let him come--" Before Chen Fei finished speaking, Zhao Kejin shook his head with a wry smile: "General Liu told me on the phone. General Xu agreed with this matter. Understand. "


At this time, even Chen Fei was really shocked, with a puzzled look on his face.

After all, the bad effects of temporary Cypriots can be seen at a glance.

It is impossible for Xu Junshan not to understand this, but he still agreed to this obviously unreasonable order, which is really puzzling.

"How is this going?

Are General Liu and General Xu confused collectively? "

Chen Ziling couldn't help but vomit.

Although other people didn't say it, they basically had this idea in their minds.

Zhao Kejin sighed, trying to appease the players, but he didn't know what to say.

At this moment, a subordinate handed over a tablet computer and said to Zhao Ke Jin: "Chairman Zhao, General Liu sent a piece of information."


Zhao Kejin immediately took the computer and checked the transferred data.

A few minutes later, after reading the information, he couldn't help sighing, and said with emotion: "It turns out that it is, no wonder General Liu and General Xu agreed."

Listening to Zhao Kejin's emotion, the team members asked curiously.

"Chairman Zhao, what is going on?"

"What information is that, is it an introduction from the people of Gasser?"

………Faced with everyone’s questions, Zhao Kejin nodded and said, “It’s the other party’s information.”

At this time, everyone immediately became interested, and they all looked at Zhao Kejin, "Who is it?"

Zhao Kejin said solemnly: "The newcomer is called Song Hongyue. He is 21 years old this year and his cultivation is in the early stage of the heavenly level."

Speaking of this, the team members on the scene couldn't help but explode, and they started talking.

"In the early days of the heavenly level, this is too low!"

"What do General Xu and General Liu think, even if the Cypriots, they have to get a good one!"

"Yes, what's going on in the early days of the heavenly rank?

I took a look at the information. Players from several major countries have basically reached the mid-day state, which is not a hindrance. "

"Chairman Zhao, how could this kind of person be stuffed in?"

Everyone looked at Zhao Kejin puzzledly.

Zhao Kejin took a breath and said, "Because she comes from Zhenwu Song's family."

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