
Chapter 2065: Zhenwu Family

"Zhen Wu Song Family!"

These four words made many team members look confused, completely unaware of what Zhao Kejin was talking about.

Only Zong Han and Hui Zheng vaguely thought of something, squinted their eyes, looked at Zhao Kejin, with a shocked expression on their faces, "Could it be the legendary Zhenwu family?"

Zhao Kejin nodded and said: "Their Song family belongs to the Zhenwu family."

"Hiss——" For a moment, Zong Han and Hui Zheng couldn't help taking a breath, shocked.

This situation immediately made the other team members more curious, "What the **** is this Zhenwu Zhao family, is it amazing?"

Zhao Kejin said solemnly: "Very powerful! The so-called True Martial Family is a few extremely secretive and powerful families, and their strength even exceeds the four heavenly sects."

"Beyond the heavenly sect, this, isn't it impossible?"

For a while, everyone was a little unbelievable.

Zhao Kejin continued to explain: "The four heavenly sects are also known as the ancient martial sects, which means they have inherited the ancient martial arts.

The word ‘zhenwu’ in the name of the Zhenwu clan takes the meaning of ‘true martial arts’, indicating that the martial arts of their clan is the real martial arts. "

"Only they are the real martial arts?

This is too arrogant! "

"That is, the ancient Wuzong sect, that is a large sect that has been passed down for hundreds of years, and there are many experts.

Is this true martial family really better than the four sects? "

………The players are still a little unbelievable.

Zhao Kejin nodded, and said with a serious expression: "It is indeed better than the four major sects!"

"Because all the members of the Zhenwu family and their ancestors have been to Forbidden Island. I heard that they have returned from the Forbidden Island and learned the true meaning of martial arts. That's why they have the name'Zhenwu'."

"Furthermore, in the Zhenwu family, every ten years, you can get ten places to enter the Forbidden Island."

Hearing this, even Zong Han and Hui Zheng, who knew a little bit, were shocked at this moment.

"Ten places, this, this is too much!"

"We have so many countries, so many players have made such a big game, and there are only ten places in the competition.

As a result, their real martial arts family can get ten places at will. "

"is this real?"

Zhao Kejin said solemnly: "It's true.

Taboo Island is the root of the strength of the Zhenwu family and the reason why their strength surpasses the four major sects. "

For a moment, everyone was silent.

At this time, Chen Fei thought of something, frowned slightly, and asked aloud: "Then since Song Hongyue comes from the Zhenwu Song family, his family has a taboo, why should he come to participate in the competition?"

"Yes, it's totally meaningless!"

"That's right, she suddenly added a stopper to the competition, which is totally detrimental to others and herself!"

………Looking at Chen Fei and the others, who were confused and frowning, Zhao Kejin coughed a few times, and finally said: "The superior said, yes, Song Hongyue was studying in the U.S. and felt too boring. Suddenly I heard about it this time. I’m interested in the competition, so I’m going to participate."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei and the others fell into a dead silence, without making a sound.

In the silence, a silent sadness and anger also surged in the hearts of everyone.

People like myself, working so hard and trying hard, finally got the opportunity to participate in the competition, fighting for the taboo.

As a result, on a whim, people can participate in the game with a hello.

This huge difference and contrast made the faces of all the team members sink down, and their expressions were very ugly.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Kejin knew that everyone was feeling uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to comfort him as much as possible: "Don't be discouraged, everyone, maybe Song Hongyue was on a whim and left after playing for two days."

"Furthermore, we can also chat with her.

If it’s time for the game to let her take the initiative to surrender, or simply abandon the game, we can still play as planned. "

As the team leader, although Chen Fei felt uncomfortable, he quickly recovered his emotions, clapped his hands, and encouraged his teammates: "Chairman Zhao is right, things are still going to turn around."

"Besides, the birth of others has nothing to do with us.

We are fighting for ourselves in martial arts, which no one can replace. "

"Yes, what do you do to me with other people's affairs!"

"My mentality is out of balance, I shouldn't think so much!"

"Just treat it as if there is no such person, without this thing."

………Everyone's mood improved, they arranged their things immediately, and followed Zhao Kejin to leave the airport.

Afterwards, everyone drove to the designated hotel to stay.

The hotel was packaged, and the players who stayed in were all contestants from all over the world.

When approaching the hotel, Zhao Kejin answered another call. After finishing the call, Zhao Kejin looked at the team members and said, "Well, Song Hongyue has already arrived at the hotel and will meet us soon.

At that time, everyone will get to know each other, and your attitude will be—" Needless to say, everyone understands what Zhao Kejin means.

"Chairman Zhao rest assured, no matter how to say, we are all Chinese, we are all teammates, we will be polite."

"As long as she is polite, I must be polite."

"I hope it's not a difficult guy!"

………While we were talking, the car arrived at the hotel, and everyone got out of the car with their luggage.

Zhao Kejin looked around at the door, looking for the trace of the other party.

However, after looking around for a while, no trace of the other party was found.

Just as Zhao Kejin was about to let the team members move in first, a rumbling engine sound quickly approached.

Afterwards, everyone saw a red streamer flying over, and there was a sudden stop at the entrance of the hotel, and finally stopped.

It was a red convertible Lamborghini with a blond young foreign man sitting in the driver's seat. He was tall and muscular, and he looked quite handsome.

However, Chen Fei and the others found out with a glance that this blond man was just an ordinary person, not a warrior.

In the passenger seat next to the blond man, a young Asian woman leaned over and kissed the blond man, then opened the door, walked out of the car, and waved to the blond man, "Jess, I have something else, we will see you tomorrow."

"Hongyue, goodbye, I will miss you."

In the sports car, a man named Jace blew a kiss, then started the car and galloped away.

Seeing the sports car leaving, the young woman turned around reluctantly, looked at the people in front of the hotel, and then walked towards the group of people like Zhao Kejin.

Chen Fei and the other team members looked at the woman and confirmed the identity of the woman in his heart. This should be Song Hongyue.

However, at the moment Song Hongyue's outfit made it impossible for Chen Fei and the others to connect her with the Zhenwu family.

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