
Chapter 2066: Proud teammate

Song Hongyue has long red hair, intensely drawn eyebrows, scarlet lipstick on her lips, and exaggerated nail art on her hands.

She puts on a tight T-shirt on her upper body, which is tightly attached to her body to outline the curve of her upper body.

At the waist, the short T-shirt shrank up, revealing his belly button.

The lower body is a pair of tight jeans, which is also tightly attached to the body.

A pair of sneakers without laces are stepped on their feet.

The whole outfit is completely the trend in the United States.

If they hadn't known her identity, Chen Fei and the others would have thought that this was an overseas student or Chinese, and would never have thought that she was a member of the Zhenwu family.

When the team members were looking at Song Hongyue, she came to the crowd, glanced at them, and then looked at Zhao Kejin, and said with a carefree voice: "Are you from the Huaxia team?"

This kind of direct questioning made many team members frowned.

However, Zhao Kejin did not get angry, nodded, and said: "We are.

I am the team leader of China, Zhao Kejin.

Are you Song Hongyue Miss Song?

I just received--" Song Hongyue waved her hand with an impatient look: "I am.

Okay, stop talking nonsense, I didn't sleep well last night.

Hurry up and go through the procedures, I want to sleep. "

This attitude made the team members frown even deeper.

Zhao Kejin glanced at the team members, gently made a gesture of pressing down with both hands, and then said: "In that case, let's move in first."

Immediately, Zhao Kejin led everyone into the hotel, quickly completed the check-in procedures, and then asked the team members to go back to the room to rest. It was set at 7 o'clock in the evening for everyone to have a meeting together.

In the evening, everyone had finished their meal and came to the meeting room, where Zhao Kejin was already waiting.

At seven o'clock, everyone except Song Hongyue was there.

When Zhao Kejin saw this, his face was a little unsightly, and he asked, "Does anyone know why Song Hongyue didn't come?"

Yu Qin's room was next to Song Hongyue, and everyone looked at her.

She shook her head and said, "I, I don't know.

When I came down to eat just now, her door was closed. "

He looked at the others again, but all of them shook their heads, indicating that they did not know Song Hongyue's whereabouts.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Kejin said to Yu Qin, "Yu Qin, please go upstairs and see if Song Hongyue is in the room?"

Yu Qin nodded, then got up.

Chen Fei also stood up at this moment and said: "I'll go together too!"

"I am the captain and I am responsible to the players."

Zhao Kejin looked at Chen Fei and saw a look of worry in his eyes. He immediately understood Chen Fei's thoughts and said nothing. He nodded and said, "Well, let's go together!"

Soon, Chen Fei and Yu Qin came to the door of Song Hongyue's room.

Yu Qin knocked on the door, but there was no movement inside.

After waiting for a while, she knocked on the door again, but there was still no movement inside.

While Yu Qin was still hesitating whether to keep knocking on the door, Chen Fei directly said sharply: "Song Hongyue, we are going to have a meeting downstairs. We're just waiting for you. Go downstairs quickly."

The reason why Chen Fei spoke directly was because he had already felt it mentally that there was someone in Song Hongyue's room.

However, after Chen Fei finished speaking, there was still silence inside, without any response.

At this time, Chen Fei couldn't help frowning, and knocked on the door "bang-bang" heavily.

Finally, Song Hongyue in the room couldn't help it, and said impatiently: "What are you doing, I'm sleeping!"

"We have a meeting, everyone is waiting for you."

Chen Fei suppressed his anger and said.

"I'm not interested in having a meeting. If you don't participate, you will open yours."

Song Hongyue said.

Chen Fei kept moving his hands, and continued to knock on the door "bang bang", and said in a deep voice, "If you don't participate, then I will keep knocking."

At this moment, Song Hongyue couldn't help it anymore. With a bang, she opened the door with a bang, looked at Chen Fei and Yu Qin at the door, and shouted angrily: "What are you doing!"


Chen Fei said coldly.

"I said, I'm not interested!"

Song Hongyue shouted angrily.

Chen Fei suppressed the flame that was about to gush out in his eyes, and said, "This is not something that is of your personal interest, it is something that is related to the honor of the entire team.

If you don't want to participate, you can apply for withdrawal. "

"You--" Song Hongyue glared at Chen Fei angrily, about to get angry.

But at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and Zhao Kejin appeared at the door and said solemnly: "Song Hongyue, a meeting is about to be held."

Seeing Zhao Kejin, Song Hongyue's eyes shrank slightly, and finally suppressed the anger that was about to erupt, and said, "I know, I will come right away."

Immediately, with a "knock", the door of the room was severely closed.

Zhao Kejin glanced at Chen Fei and Yu Qin with a gloomy expression, sighed softly, and said helplessly, "Let's wait!"

In the conference room downstairs, everyone waited for nearly a quarter of an hour before seeing Song Hongyue yawning and walking in unhurriedly.

Suddenly, all the people on the scene looked at her and couldn't help but sink a little.

Song Hongyue glanced at the crowd, and when he saw it, he muttered with dissatisfaction: "It's just a game, I just come to play casually. What kind of meetings are there, funny!"

This indifferent tone immediately made the faces of the players at the scene sink down, staring at Song Hongyue fiercely, with an extremely ugly expression.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Kejin waved his hand and said, "Song Hongyue, take your seat soon. The meeting is about to begin."

Song Hongyue came to the back, found a seat casually and sat down.

Next, when the meeting began, it was basically opponent analysis, as well as the tactics of team competitions and other matters.

Only in terms of content, some adjustments have been made based on the latest information.

Of course, after these talks, another key point is how to cooperate in the team competition after Song Hongyue joins.

This was originally the focus of the meeting, and it was necessary to discuss it with Song Hongyue.

However, in the face of questions and discussions, Song Hongyue all responded with perfunctory words such as "um", "ah", and "you are free", without the meaning of discussion at all.

In this situation, Zhao Kejin could only helplessly end the meeting.

After a rest night, the next morning, after everyone had breakfast, they came to the gym for simple training.

Although Song Hongyue was not late this time, when the other team members were familiar with the training, she sat aside and made phone calls and played on her mobile phone. She laughed harshly from time to time, without any awareness of training.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei took a breath, walked to Song Hongyue, and said: "Song Hongyue, everyone is a teammate.

When participating in a team competition, everyone's cooperation is required.

Therefore, you need to show your strengths, get familiar with everyone, and it will be more convenient to cooperate. "

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