
Chapter 2067: Arrogance

"Familiar, cooperate!"

Song Hongyue looked at Chen Fei upon hearing this, then waved her hand, "No need, I always fight alone, there is no need to cooperate."

"That's a team competition. You can't fight alone."

Chen Fei suppressed his anger and said.

Song Hongyue had an expression of disapproval, and said: "What about the team competition, it is not impossible for me to single them all."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei's expression changed.

Even if he was himself, he didn't dare to say such big words at this moment.

And her Song Hongyue, a warrior in the early days of the heavenly rank, actually said that she would single-handedly challenge all of the opponents, which is really ridiculous.

Chen Ziling didn't know when he leaned in and said unabashedly, "It's just a joke to single out the team."

Wu Zikong couldn't help but questioned: "You are only in the early days of heaven, do you believe this when you say this?"

The other team members all gathered at this moment and looked at Song Hongyue with dissatisfaction.

Upon seeing this, Song Hongyue raised her eyebrows and said, "You don't believe me?

Do you want to practice? "

Wu Zikong directly stood up and said, "Practice as you practice, who is afraid of whom!"

At this time, Zong Hanmian hid the needle and said: "Zikong, Miss Song has a prominent family, you must be careful when you do it, so don't hurt Miss Song.

Otherwise, our Tian Wuzong can't bear the responsibility. "

"Brother, don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

Wu Zikong said.

Upon hearing this, Song Hongyue said unceremoniously: "Haha, hurt me! It depends on whether you have this ability."

At this time, Zhao Kejin also walked over and reminded him aloud: "Simple discussions are fine, don't really get hurt, understand?"


The two nodded.

Immediately, the crowd dispersed, leaving the empty space in the middle for the two of them.

Wu Zi's empty hand was like a tiger, and he attacked Song Hongyue with a bang.

Song Hongyue immediately responded.

Because it was a discussion, the two of them didn't use their true essence aura very much, and if they used it, it was a very small amount.

And the people around, watching the pairing of the two, carefully analyzed and observed.

Soon, the two had passed forty or fifty moves, and Wu Zikong gradually gained the upper hand.

Chen Fei also saw the martial arts characteristics of Song Hongyue.

Her moves are quite subtle, and she has a very good martial arts at first glance.

If it is of the same level, Song Hongyue's martial arts should be able to suppress Wu Zikong.

But Song Hongyue was not too proficient in the use of these martial arts, let alone mastery.

Therefore, although her moves were quite subtle, Wu Zikong gradually suppressed her, and was vaguely invincible.

The other players next to him couldn't help shaking their heads when they saw this, with disappointment in their eyes.

Wu Zikong was already considered the inferior strength of this group of players. As a result, Song Hongyue still couldn't beat Wu Zikong. Her strength was really not enough. In the team competition, I am afraid it will be delayed.

At this moment, Song Hongyue apparently found her own defeat, and looked at the disappointed, disdainful and even ironic eyes of the surrounding players, her eyes flickered, and she suddenly exploded with a breath of true vitality, and suddenly attacked Wu Zikong.

Wu Zikong did not expect the other party to suddenly explode with powerful True Qi. He was a little caught off guard for a while. He was repelled, and he staggered a few times. Then there was a touch of anger on his face, and the True Qi burst out, bursting towards Song Hongyue.

Under the same true essence burst, Wu Zikong is obviously stronger.

Not to mention that Wu Zikong's martial arts realm is one level higher than Song Hongyue.

Therefore, Song Hongyue's true vitality aura was suddenly exploded by Wu Zikong's aura, and continued to rush towards her.

This situation made Song Hongyue a little panicked.

Aside, Chen Fei's body tightened slightly, ready to take action at any time.

Although he wanted to teach Song Hongyue some lessons, it was impossible for her to really get hurt.

So I plan to take action when Song Hongyue can't bear it, and save her.

But what everyone did not expect was that Song Hongyue at this moment made a move that made everyone puzzled and surprised.

She stretched out her hand and fetched something out of her pocket, read it quickly, and smashed it to pieces.

Then, a gray-brown protective gas shield appeared in front of Song Hongyue, blocking Wu Zikong's Zhenyuan attack.

This scene directly made everyone look silly.

"Then, is that the Xuanwu Shield Talisman?"


"Xuanwu shield talisman, that's a heavenly seal talisman, it's not cheap!"

"This is just a discussion, is it necessary to directly use the sky-level basalt shield talisman?"

……Not to mention the team members, even Zhao Kejin was very surprised at Song Hongyue’s extravagance at this moment.

As a result, when everyone was astonished, the black shield talisman blocked Wu Zikong's attack.

Almost at the same time, Song Hongyue drew out another scarlet talisman seal and crushed it directly on her chest.

In an instant, a scarlet firebird burst out, with a scorching breath, and rushed towards Wu Zikong.

This time, everyone was even more surprised.

"Suzaku Fire Talisman!"

"Another heaven-level talisman, is she crazy?"

"This is a waste!"

…Everyone was still amazed and wasted, and Chen Fei at this moment suddenly discovered a crisis.

Because Wu Zikong was still immersed in the surprise of the basalt shield talisman just now, when the Vermillion Bird Fire Talisman broke out, he was caught off guard and too late to defend.

If he was directly hit by this Vermillion Bird Fire Talisman, even if Wu Zikong would not be in danger of life, he would definitely be injured, and it was not a minor injury.

Suddenly, Wu Zikong's expression condensed, with a look of horror on his face, trying hard to defend and dodge, but because of the dazed effort just now, it is too late at this moment.

Just as he almost desperately roared, Chen Fei pulled out an afterimage, rushed to Wu Zikong, and shot a burst of energy, hit the Suzaku Firebird, burst it, and turned it into scattered flames. Come.

At the same time, Zhao Kejin hurriedly said: "Stop the discussion after the discussion is over."

Wu Zikong came back to his senses, his face was gloomy, and there was a hint of lying down in his eyes.

He looked at Chen Fei, nodded earnestly and thanked him, then looked at Song Hongyue, and said angrily: "What are you doing?

Want to kill me? "

Song Hongyue said with an indifferent expression, "You said you want to learn from each other."

"That's a comparison, but you directly use the heavenly-level talisman seal, is this still a comparison?"

Wu Zikong gritted his teeth and asked.

Next to him, Zong Han and other players couldn't help but make a sound.

"Song Hongyue, this is for discussion. It is for the cooperation and familiarity of the players. You use talisman to defend and attack. It doesn't make any sense, it's just a waste."

"In the situation just now, Wu Zikong had no defense at all, but you directly broke out the Vermillion Bird Fire Talisman.

If Captain Chen didn't take the shot, Wu Zikong would be injured now. "


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