
Chapter 2068: Enemy of the year

Song Hongyue curled her lips disdainfully and said: "The injury is because he is too weak. What does it have to do with me."

"You--" Wu Zi was flushed with air, "If there is no Fu Zhuan, you are not my opponent at all?"

"Hehe, there is no if in this world!"

Song Hongyue sneered.

On the side, Zhao Kejin couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but say: "Song Hongyue, relying on Fu Zhuan alone is very difficult in the game. After all, Fu Zhuan is not his own strength, and his performance is very limited."

"Besides, this kind of heavenly-level talisman seal is very precious.

The quantity can't be too much, you are wasting it now, it is really inappropriate. "

"President Zhao, you think too much.

Heaven-level talisman is only, I have too many. "

Song Hongyue said, and then took out a thick stack of talisman seals from her arms, at least more than twenty.

At this time, everyone was stunned, and the audience was silent.

After a few seconds of silence, Chen Fei looked at Song Hongyue and said, "Fu Zhuan is a foreign object, and relying too much on Fu Zhuan can sometimes backfire."

"That's just a lie for some poor ghosts to comfort themselves."

Song Hongyue said in a disdainful tone, "I have Fu Zhuan. When I meet an opponent, I just smash it by myself. If one is not enough, there will be ten.

Even if he was a master at the pinnacle of heaven, I would smash him down. "

Seeing Song Hongyue's self-confident and even arrogant expression, Chen Fei shook his head, said nothing, and said coldly: "It's fine for you to be happy."

At this moment, Zhao Kejin couldn't help feeling a headache, rubbed his head, waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's end the discussion.

Next, everyone arranges by themselves. "

After speaking, Zhao Kejin took out the phone and left while dialing.

The team members also left immediately. Everyone was in groups, and no one was willing to team up with Song Hongyue.

Chen Fei wanted to talk to Song Hongyue, but Song Hongyue started a video chat with her mobile phone, and laughed haha.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei could only shook his head and sighed, and said in his heart: "I hope that Song Hongyue will not do bad things during the game!"

……… At noon, Zhao Kejin and the team members ate in the restaurant.

The hustle and bustle in the restaurant is very lively, compared to yesterday, there are more people today.

Obviously, as the game approaches, more teams will arrive.

Some of them acquainted with each other greeted each other, various languages ​​echoed in the restaurant, it was so lively.

Zhao Kejin didn't know too many people. After greeted a few acquaintances, he sat down to eat.

But just this time, a weird Chinese accent with exaggerated laughter approached him, "Hey, isn't this Mr. Zhao Kejin Zhao from China?"

Hearing the sound, Zhao Kejin and the other team members looked up, and then saw a tall foreign man in his forties and fifties walking over with an exaggerated smile.

The man is burly in shape, his clothes are bulged up by muscles, and he looks extremely powerful.

Beside this burly man, stood a middle-aged man wearing a suit, oxford shoes, and a top hat.

The man was tall, with a smile at the corner of his mouth. He didn't look like a warrior, but a gentleman businessman.

Behind the two, there were also a few young men and women following each other.

They looked arrogant, curious and even arrogantly looking at Chen Fei and others.

Seeing the person, Zhao Kejin couldn't help frowning, and then said coldly: "Nock, Louis, what are you doing here?"

Upon hearing these two names, the team members immediately remembered the various materials they had learned yesterday.

Knock is the leader of the American team, and Louis is the leader of the film nation.

Back then, it was these two teams that jointly launched a black hand against the Huaxia team.

What's more, what made the players' eyes even colder was that the American team leader Knock was a member of the American team in that year's game, that is to say, he and Zhao Kejin once played against him.

As for the young people behind the two, you can think of it without guessing, they are naturally players from the United States and the film country.

At this moment, Knok heard Zhao Kejin's words and smiled: "Zhao, why are you so serious?

Anyway, everyone is an acquaintance, I'll come over to say hello to you. "

Zhao Kejin said coldly: "I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with you."

"is it?

When we fought each other back then, but I fought against you.

If I remember correctly, you got three teeth knocked out by me, and you got this left arm.

Is it restored now? "

Nock was concerned about his expression, but his tone was sarcastic and ostentatious.

Zhao Kejin's face became cold, and he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Back then, certain teams did not follow the rules and joined shamelessly."

"The rules don't say that unity is not allowed. Besides, if we can find people to unite, that is also a kind of strength.

Nock laughed, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot.

Huaxia doesn't seem to have many friends in the world. You can't find someone to unite with. "

After speaking, Knok laughed exaggeratedly, and the players behind him also laughed, with obvious irony in his expression.

Such a big movement made everyone else in the restaurant look over here.

When everyone learned that it was the conflict between the Chinese and American teams, they watched with great interest, and some even hoped that they would fight on the spot.

After all, the strength of the Chinese and American teams has almost always been the top three.

If they can kill each other now and consume a portion of their strength, it is definitely a good thing for other teams.

In the exaggerated laughter, Zhao Kejin snorted coldly, stood up, and said loudly: "How about someone uniting?

You know, in the team competition that year, it was China Huaxia who won in the end. "

The sonorous and powerful words echoed in the restaurant, causing Knocker and Louis's faces to sink, and their expressions were not very good.

Indeed, the United States team ranked first and the third-ranked movie country team united, and in a good situation, they lost to the Huaxia team. Many people did not expect it, but also caused a lot of the two teams that year Criticism and ridicule.

Now, Zhao Kejin brought up the old things again, and the anger in the eyes of Knok and Louis was immediately steaming.

However, the two are team leaders after all, even if they are angry, it is impossible to do anything here.

With a cold snort, Nok said: "It was the same year, and there is only one Xu Junshan in China.

This year, the same situation is unlikely to happen. "

"is it?

Not always! "

Zhao Kejin said coldly, without giving in.

Knok didn't make a sound, but Louis on the side smiled at this moment and stood up and said: "I heard that the Huaxia team recently joined a new player, like Song Hongyue.

I heard that she came from the Chinese Zhenwu family, only in the early stage of the heavenly realm, but she had a lot of treasures on her body.

No wonder Mr. Zhao is so confident! "

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