
Chapter 2097: Starlight Hotel

Speaking of the trio of star chasers in the car, although Zuo Xuan also chased singer Dai Er, she also likes to listen to songs, often buys albums, and occasionally listens to concerts.

But Luo Rongrong was completely different. Every day he swiped Tommy's various information and related products with his mobile phone, and he didn't hesitate to buy them all.

The posture of a complete fan.

It's just that everyone is classmates after all, and they are still on the journey, so it is inconvenient to make things even worse.

However, in her heart, Zuo Xuan had already eliminated Luo Rongrong from the ranks of her close friends.

However, after getting off the bus, Chen Fei walked a distance, and indeed did not find a bus passing by.

Moreover, because the sky is getting darker, there are fewer and fewer vehicles and pedestrians on the road.

However, this is a good thing for Chen Fei.

Seeing that there was no one around, Chen Fei didn't hide his strength, carrying his luggage, his legs ran wildly.

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke rose behind Chen Fei.

Chen Fei's figure directly pulled out a straight line and rushed towards Los Angeles.

In less than half an hour, Chen Fei reached the Luocheng District to the end.

At this moment, the sky had dimmed, and the lights in Los Angeles were shining.

Because it is close to Hollywood, the nightlife of Los Angeles is very rich.

With just a glance, Chen Fei could see all kinds of exposed women and men walking together.

Of course, there are also two men holding rainbow flags, walking close to each other.

After walking on the street for a while, Chen Fei found what he called "Star Hotel" on the phone when he contacted Lin Qiuyuan's biological mother.

This star hotel is very high-grade, an international five-star hotel, and because it is close to Hollywood, many celebrities often stay here when they come and go.

Therefore, this magnificent hotel can be said to be a landmark building in Los Angeles.

It was precisely because of this that the other party asked Chen Fei to wait at the Starlight Hotel and said that he would come to pick up Chen Fei.

Entering the hotel, Chen Fei found a sofa in the hotel lobby and sat down, waiting for Lin Qiuyuan's biological mother Li Yujie to come and pick them up.

While Chen Fei was waiting, at the door of the Starlight Hotel, three young people walked towards the hotel, talking and laughing.

If Chen Fei looked here, he would immediately find that the three people in front of him were Zuo Xuan, Luo Rongrong and Ke Yan who had just hitchhiked.

At this moment, the three of them looked very excited at the magnificent Starlight Hotel in front of them.

Even Zuo Xuan, who was not in a high mood, had a little more brilliance in her eyes.

Ke Yan took the lead, with an expression of excitement and even showing off on his face, and said: "This Starlight Hotel is not a casual place to stay. Needless to say, a five-star hotel.

The most important thing is that you can see many stars here. "

"And this time, because of the charity gala, the Starlight Hotel is even more popular, and all the rooms were booked two months ago."

"If it weren't for my dad to get a spot through his relationship, it would be impossible for us to stay at the Starlight Hotel."

Hearing this, Luo Rongrong suddenly complimented and said: "Of course, Uncle Ke donated one million US dollars and got the tickets for the infield, that's a VIP.

Of course VIPs can stay in Starlight Hotel. "

"Hehe, nothing, a trifle, not worth mentioning."

Ke Yan waved his hand. Although the words on his lips were not worth mentioning, the excitement on his face couldn't be concealed.

Zuo Xuan is not in a high mood and is not very interested in this Starlight Hotel.

Upon seeing this, Ke Yan couldn't help but said, "Zuo Xuan, what's the matter with you?"

Uncomfortable? "

Zuo Xuan shook her head and said: "It's okay, I just think that we are still studying now, we are not making money, there is no need to live in such a high-end hotel, it is too wasteful."

"Just find some small hotels or homestays over there, that's fine."

Zuo Xuan pointed to the lights behind the hotel, the hillsides and the lights in the woods, and said.

Luo Rongrong pursed her lips when she heard the words, and said, "Xuan Xuan, what do you want to do so much! Besides, this time it is Ke Yan's treat, and we don't need to pay for it, it doesn't matter."

"But--" Zuo Xuan still felt a little uncomfortable.

Ke Yan said at the moment: "Zuo Xuan, I understand what you said.

But sometimes you make a mistake. The places you are referring to are not very homestays, and not everyone can stay.

Speaking of which, the price over there is much higher than the Starlight Hotel. "


At this moment, Zuo Xuan couldn't help being a little surprised.

And Luo Rongrong showed interest and said: "Ke Yan, are the houses in those places expensive?"

"Very expensive, not expensive in general!"

Ke Yan nodded, and then showed a look of yearning on his face, and said, "Those lights have a more well-known name, Beverly Hills."

"Billiard Hills, that is a well-known rich area in the United States."

Luo Rongrong said in surprise.

Zuo Xuan on the side also showed a look of surprise, apparently having heard the name.

Ke Yan continued to say: "The house in Bilever Hills is not something that ordinary rich people can buy.

Generally, the people who live in are the top celebrities and the rich. The price of a house can be as much as tens of millions of dollars, or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

Moreover, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it. After all, being able to live there is a symbol of identity and power. "

"My dad once wanted to buy a set there, but in the end he didn't get through and didn't get it.

Hey, what a pity. "

Ke Yan looked disappointed, shaking his head and sighing.

Luo Rongrong's eyes lit up and she said, "Ke Yan, it's amazing that Uncle Ke can afford a house in Bilever Hills."

Zuo Xuan saw what Ke Yan meant to show off, and didn't mean to take the conversation, but said indifferently: "I made a mistake.

It's getting late, let's go to the hotel and check in. "

"Well, let's go to the front desk to complete the procedures."

Ke Yan took the lead and walked into the hotel with his two daughters.

As a result, when they came in, Zuo Xuan glanced towards the lobby and saw a familiar figure at once, she couldn't help being stunned.

She rubbed her eyes and took a closer look before she was sure that the person sitting there was Chen Fei.

Suddenly, Zuo Xuan walked over excitedly, "Chen Fei, why are you here?"

Hearing the sound, Chen Fei looked up, and then saw Zuo Xuan, as well as Ke Yan and Luo Rongrong who heard the noise behind him and turned their heads to look over.

So Chen Fei said lightly: "It's you!"

"Chen Fei, why are you so fast and arrive earlier than us?"

Zuo Xuan asked.

Before Chen Fei could speak, Luo Rongrong let out a cold snort, and said disdainfully: "It must be a cheeky hitchhike, what's the point to ask!"

Ke Yan also came over and deliberately asked Chen Fei: "Mr. Chen also lives in Starlight Hotel?"

Chen Fei shook his head and said honestly: "No, I'm waiting for someone here, and the other party will pick me up."

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