
Chapter 2098: Check in storm

"Wait for someone! Oh, it really is."

Ke Yan said in an arrogant tone, and finally did not forget to add with emotion, "Starlight Hotel, not everyone can stay."

After hearing what Ke Yan said, Zuo Xuan couldn't help frowning, trying to refute a few words.

But Chen Fei smiled lightly at her, then waved his hand and shook his head, indicating that it was unnecessary.

On the other side, Luo Rongrong hugged Ke Yan's arm and said coquettishly: "Ke Yan, I'm tired, let's check in quickly."

"Go, let's go through the formalities."

Ke Yan deliberately spoke loudly, not forgetting to glance at Chen Fei while speaking.

Chen Fei did not respond.

The three came to the front desk to check in.

But after some operation, the waiter at the front desk shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, the room you booked has already been checked in."

"how come?

The room was clearly reserved by me. I haven't come yet. How can anyone move in? "

Ke Yan frowned and asked.

The waiter said: "I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on.

But the system shows that someone has indeed moved in. "

"What did you do?

Ask your manager to come out, we want an explanation. "

Luo Rongrong pointed to the waiter and questioned loudly, which attracted the attention of everyone in the lobby.

Even Chen Fei couldn't help but look over there.

Ke Yan observed Chen Fei's movements, his face sank, worried that Chen Fei would be taunted, so he stretched out his hand to La Luo Rongrong and told her to shut up.

Then he calmed his face and said to the waiter: "Then I will rebook the room now, you can go through the formalities for me."

With that, Ke Yan took out his credit card.

But the waiter shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, sir.

Our hotel is full.

There are no vacant rooms now. "

At this moment, Ke Yan's expression solidified, anger, embarrassment, and eagerness, all emotions condensed on his face.

Ke Yan slapped a palm on the table and shouted coldly: "I want to know, what is going on?"

The waiter had to check the relevant records and explained aloud: "This room, two hours ago.

Miss Mia checked in. "

"Who is Mia?

Why should she stay in? "

Ke Yan asked.

The waiter didn't know how to explain for a while.

At this time, the lobby manager came over and said to Ke Yan: "Sir, this matter may be a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding, the room I reserved is occupied by someone else. I want to know what misunderstanding is this?"

Ke Yan said coldly.

The lobby manager whispered: "Sir, you really ordered that room.

But it is Miss Mia who stayed in, you hope you can understand. "

"I care about her, Mia or Mia, I don't know, I can't understand."

Ke Yan dissatisfied.

The lobby manager said solemnly: "Sir, this Miss Mia is a friend of Mr. Tommy.

Put it this way, can you understand? "

"Tommy, what to do—you mean, that rapper Tommy?"

Ke Yan frowned and asked.

The lobby manager nodded and said, "It's the singer and star Tommy.

Miss Mia is a friend of Mr. Tommy. She moved in because she came here temporarily and didn't have enough rooms. "

"What, it turned out to be Tommy, Tommy is my favorite.

Is he there?

Can I see him, ask for an autograph. "

Luo Rongrong's brain-remnant fan attribute had occurred, and she couldn't distinguish the priority from the secondary for a while.

Ke Yan glared at her and motioned to her to shut up.

Zuo Xuan, on the other side, looked serious, and said in a deep voice to the lobby manager: "Does the reason you mentioned have anything to do with the occupation of our room?

No matter who the other party is, there is no reason to occupy our room. "

Hearing this, the lobby manager couldn't help frowning and was silent for a few seconds.

Then he said: "In this matter, our work was negligent.

Well, I will refund your room rate to you. "

As he said, the lobby manager waved his hand and asked the waiter to go to the computer to deal with it.

Upon seeing this, Ke Yan's expression sank, and slapped a palm on the front desk, sternly: "What do you think of me! Am I someone who lacks this money?"

"What I want is my room. Money is not a problem at all.

If you don't solve the problem of the room, the matter will never end. "

Ke Yan said proudly.

In this situation, the lobby manager frowned.

At this moment, the elevator jingled, the elevator door opened, and a young man with a peaked cap and wide-leg pants walked out from inside.

The man was also holding a beautiful woman with a **** body.

The two kissed passionately, and even the guests in the lobby could hear the sound.

Ke Yan and Zuo Xuan glanced at the two of them, then averted their gazes.

But Luo Rongrong seemed to have thought of something. He stared at the man in the peaked cap for a few seconds, and then said in a surprised tone: "Tommy, that's Tommy.

Tommy, I'm your fan, I—" While talking, Luo Rongrong was going to run towards the man in the peaked cap.

When Ke Yan and Zuo Xuan heard Luo Rongrong's words, they couldn't help turning their heads and looked over there.

Hearing the shouting man in the peaked cap, he also just raised his head and looked over here.

Suddenly, Ke Yan and Zuo Xuan saw each other's faces clearly. They were none other than Tommy, the rap star.

In an instant, Ke Yan's complexion sank, and he looked at the lobby manager and said coldly: "The one next to Tommy is the Miss Mia you mentioned!"

The lobby manager's complexion changed, his expression a little worried, and he wanted to stop Ke Yan.

But at this moment, Ke Yan has already strode forward to Tommy and the girl. He pulled Luo Rongrong back, who was about to sign, and then said coldly: "Are you Tommy and Mia?"

Tommy glanced at Ke Yan, waved his hand, and said, "I don't have the time to sign."

Ke Yan said solemnly: "I am not a fan of yours, I did not ask you for an autograph."

"Then what are you doing?

I still have something to do, let me go! "

Tommy shouted to Ke Yan unceremoniously.

Ke Yan did not back down, pointed at Mia, and said, "Your friend Mia has occupied the room I reserved. I now ask you to withdraw the room immediately."

"check out?

Are you joking? "

Tommy frowned.

At this moment, Zuo Xuan also stepped forward and said with a serious face: "Mr. Tommy, we checked the corresponding records at the front desk just now, and that room was predetermined by us.

Your friend Mia does occupy our room. "

Tommy said, "I know, that room, I let Mia live in."

"That's my room, how can you—" Ke Yan said angrily.

Hearing this, Tommy laughed, "Your room?

Huaxia, you have to figure out the status quo, I’m Tommy, what if I take up your room? "

"You, you are too much.

I want to call the police and expose this incident. "

Zuo Xuan was also angry and took out the phone.

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