
Chapter 2099: Rapper Tommy

Tommy waved his hand, and two burly suit bodyguards suddenly rushed out behind him, knocked the phone in Zuo Xuan's hand to the ground, and then stepped on it to pieces.

"Now, do you still call the police?"

Tommy looked at a few people arrogantly, and said, "Go back, this is the United States, not where you are staying, understand?"

"You--" Ke Yan was so angry that he was about to do it, but seeing the two burly bodyguards, he could only swallow his voice, and then said to the lobby manager, "I'm here for this charity dinner, I have tickets. .

Is that how you treat distinguished guests? "

Hearing this, the lobby manager couldn't help but was taken aback, his face a little nervous.

Tommy's face also darkened.

After all, this dinner has a very high standard, and there are many VIPs, including many bigwigs.

If these few people are really VIPs, then I am afraid it will be really troublesome.

But when Tommy was worried, the lobby manager quickly checked it, and then the nervous expression on his face relaxed, and said: "Mr. Tommy, we just found out that this Mr. Ke is indeed the dinner party. Guests.

But his ticket was obtained by donating one million US dollars, which is only the outermost ticket. "

As soon as he said this, Tommy's worries flashed, and his face was instantly filled with a relaxed smile and deep disdain.

"What kind of VIP, it turns out that it was just a ticket bought by money. This kind of people dare to call themselves VIP, it's a joke."

Tommy sarcasm mercilessly.

After all, in his impression.

The real VIPs at this banquet were all personally invited by the host Mr. Hoyt.

Those who spend money on tickets like Ke Yan are only the most peripheral spectators, and they cannot be called guests.

At this moment, Ke Yan's expression sank after hearing these words, his expression very ugly.

His father spent a million dollars to get this ticket. He was triumphant and considered himself an internal VIP, but he did not expect that in the eyes of others, he was just the lowest-level spectator.

For a while, Ke Yan felt angry and aggrieved, but very helpless.

Tommy made no secret of his mocking smile, pushed Ke Yan away, and said: "People must be self-knowledge, not your class, don't try hard.

Otherwise, it's just a joke. "

After speaking, Tommy was about to leave with his wife Mia in his arms.

But at this time, Zuo Xuan stopped in front of Tommy, and said with a serious face: "Whether we are VIPs or not, but in the hotel, we have booked the room first. This should be our room. You can’t Seize.

At this point, you must apologize and explain. "

Upon hearing this, Ke Yan also stood up.

By the way, Luo Rongrong, who was still stunned, also pulled over.

Looking at the three people in front of him, Tommy waved his hand impatiently and said to the bodyguard: "I don't like trouble, solve them."

After speaking, two burly bodyguards stepped forward and directly mentioned the three of them, and they were about to be thrown out.

The three struggled hard, but they weren't opponents of strong security at all.

While shouting, Zuo Xuan looked in the direction of the lobby manager and shouted: "We are the guests who paid for the room reservation. Is this the way Starlight Hotel treats guests?"

The lobby manager was unmoved, and said coldly: "Sorry, Mr. Tommy is a distinguished guest.

As for the few of you, it is not enough to qualify for our Starlight Hotel. "

"This is discrimination, this is bullying, I want to call the police, I want to expose—" Zuo Xuan shouted.

But neither Tommy nor the lobby manager took Zuo Xuan seriously.

After all, as Tommy's big star, he doesn't worry about such trivial matters.

As for the lobby manager, he is not worried. After all, no one will care about such so-called trouble cases.

As for the other guests in the hall, they all have a high-hanging attitude, and they have no idea of ​​managing affairs at all.

As a result, the three young men were about to be thrown out by the bodyguards.

At this moment, there was a sharp shout, "Stop it."

Immediately, everyone saw a young man with an Asian face standing up with a luggage bag.

The surrounding guests pointed and talked laughingly.

And Zuo Xuan, Ke Yan, and Luo Rongrong couldn’t help being stunned when they saw the person who was in their early stages, "Chen Fei, you—" Chen Fei nodded to the three of them, then walked directly in front of Tommy, and said: "Let your people , Let them go!"

"who are you?"

Tommy frowned.

Chen Fei said coldly: "It doesn't matter who I am, but you have to bully others if you do something wrong, it's not right."


Tommy sneered, with a disdainful face, "Is Tommy doing things right? It's not your turn to comment.

Get away from me right away, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "

"I'll give you one last chance and release people immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Chen Fei's tone became increasingly cold.

"Ha, you guy, you have to get up and down, so you dare to threaten me! Get out of Laozi--" As he said, Tommy reached out and pushed Chen Fei away.

At the moment Tommy started his hand, Chen Fei's eyes were cold, and his right hand raised, "I said, this is the last chance."

Immediately, with a crisp "pop", Chen Fei's right palm slammed on Tommy's face fiercely, and the huge force directly caused Tommy's left cheek to become red and swollen.

Tommy was beaten up at once, and he was stunned for a few seconds before he came back to his senses, clutching his cheeks, staring at Chen Fei fiercely, and gritted his teeth: "Do you dare to hit me, do you know who I am? Whose turf is it, you—" "Pop!"

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Fei slapped his backhand again, causing Tommy's cheek to become red and swollen, instantly turning into a pig's head.

"Ah, you dare to hit me and kill him, hurry up, kill him!"

Tommy yelled frantically.

The two burly bodyguards immediately let go of Zuo Xuan and the three of them, and rushed towards Chen Fei fiercely.

When Zuo Xuan saw this, before she stood still, she shouted to Chen Fei worriedly, "Chen Fei, run away."

Chen Fei glanced at Zuo Xuan and smiled softly: "Don't worry, they can't hurt me."

Then, looking at the two strong men coming in front of him with punches, Chen Fei kicked out.

"Bang, bang", two strong men over two hundred catties were kicked out by Chen Fei one by one. They slammed into the fountain in the middle of the hotel lobby, smashing the marble fountain to pieces. Come, blast scattered all over the place.

Such a scene instantly made everyone present look stupid.

Zuo Xuan and the three of them looked at Chen Fei's gaze, and they were also full of incredible color at this time. They didn't expect Chen Fei, who seemed ordinary and incomparable, to have such a skill.

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