
Chapter 2102: I am waiting for

Upon seeing this, all of them shuddered.

Immediately, Ke Yan said nervously: "Chen Fei, you, what do you want to do?"

Chen Fei said coldly: "I just said that if you do something wrong, you must kneel down and apologize."

Hasen shook his somewhat pale cheeks, looked at Chen Fei with a calm face, and said coldly: "I am Hasen Hoyt, you must know my identity, you can't move it."

"I don't care what your status is, if you don't kneel down and apologize, then I will hit you until you kneel down and apologize."

Chen Fei's voice was cold, and his right hand was raised at the same time, a surge of vigor surged in his palm.

Upon seeing this, Hasson's eyes flickered a few times.

After all, their big family like Hoyt naturally knew something about martial artists.

Now that Chen Fei was running vigorously, he immediately recognized Chen Fei as a warrior.

Although frightened, Hasen held on and said: "I warn you again, I am a member of the Hoyt family, if you dare to do it to me.

My Hoyt family won't let it go--" No matter how Hasson finished, Chen Fei hit Hasson's face directly with a fist.

Hasen was caught off guard and was hit directly. He suddenly uttered a scream, clutching the bridge of his nose, blood pouring from his fingers, "You, how dare you really--" Chen Fei said coldly: "Kneel, apologize! "

"You dare to hit me, I—" Hasen was still yelling.

Chen Fei was not polite, and blasted out another punch, and once again hit Hasen's face.

At this time, Hasson heard a clicking sound, and the towering bridge of his nose collapsed.

With blood on his face, the whole person yelled in pain.

"Kneel and apologize!"

Chen Fei's voice is still cold.

Seeing Chen Fei's cold and even cruel eyes, Hasen was really scared, and quickly waved his hand and said, "I kneel and I apologize.

Stop fighting—" Chen Fei looked at Hasen coldly.

Hasen looked at the people around him, then looked at Chen Fei, and finally gritted his teeth, clattered, and knelt on the ground, saying, "I'm sorry, I was wrong."


Chen Fei ordered coldly.

Hasen gritted his teeth, but still bent over and knocked his head three times on the ground "bang-bang".

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei turned around, came to Zuo Xuan, and said: "I want to leave here, are you with me?"

Zuo Xuan looked at Luo Rongrong and Ke Yan, and knew that she couldn't stay here anymore, so she nodded and said to Chen Fei: "Yeah!"

So, the two walked towards the entrance of the Starlight Hotel together.

Behind them, Ke Yan and Luo Rongrong rushed to Master Hasen and greeted them graciously.

At this moment, Hasen, full of pain and resentment, took out his cell phone, ready to make a call.

But at this moment, a black Mercedes parked at the door of the hotel.

The car was not very luxurious, but the olive shield logo on the car was immediately welcomed by the hotel people respectfully, "Please come in!"

The car door was opened, and a man with an Asian face in his 50s and 60s stepped out.

"Steward Lin, please come in!"

The hotel staff is very respectful.

The lobby manager couldn't help but greeted him. Even Hasen, who was on the phone, had a slight change in his face at the moment, and his eyes looked over.

When the people in the lobby saw this, they couldn't help but started talking with great curiosity.

"What is this person's status, is he very powerful?"

"Don't you know the signs?

That's from the Manson family! "

"The Manson family, the Manson family that is as famous as the Hoyt family, even more powerful than the Hoyt family?"

"Yes, that's the Manson family."

"That's not right, when is there an Asian in the Manson family?"

"You don't know this! It was brought by the Asian wife Mr. Manson invited to marry. Now he is one of the housekeepers in the Manson family. He is called Butler Lin and has a high status."

"So, no wonder even Master Hasen greeted him."

"But what is Steward Lin doing here?"

"The Manson family has a house nearby. He won't come to stay in a hotel, will he?"

"Who knows, look at it!"

...... Everyone talked a lot, and all their eyes turned to the Steward Lin of the Manson family.

Chen Fei also stared at the other person, and then thought of something, so he took the initiative to walk up.

Upon seeing this, everyone in the lobby couldn't help but their complexion changed.

Ke Yan gritted his teeth and said, "What is that guy doing? He walked over to Steward Lin!"

"The Manson family didn't make trouble. Does he want to make trouble again?"

"He wants to die by himself, then go!"

Luo Rongrong gritted his teeth resentfully.

Zuo Xuan, who was following Chen Fei, couldn't help but become worried when she heard the surrounding discussion, gently pulled Chen Fei's sleeve, and whispered: "Chen Fei, that's a big man, we--" Chen Fei turned his head and smiled at her, and said: "It's okay, I said waiting for someone, it's him."

"Wait for him?"

Zuo Xuan was surprised for a while, and she couldn't believe it.

Ke Yan and Luo Rongrong were also taken aback, stunned for a moment, and then shook their heads desperately.

"Impossible, then Chen Fei is a poor boy, why is he related to the Manson family?"

"That kid is lying, let me see how he works!"

………Even Master Hasen, who greeted him, frowned at this moment, his expression a little ugly.

But Chen Fei kept walking, walked directly in front of Steward Lin, and said: "This is Chen Fei, are you here to pick me up?"

Steward Lin looked at Chen Fei, confirmed Chen Fei's face, then smiled and nodded: "Hello, Mr. Chen.

I’m Lin Yue, Mrs. Manson’s butler. "

"Well, Steward Lin, let's go!"

Chen Fei nodded and said, then he thought of something, pointed to Zuo Xuan next to him, and said, "This is my friend Zuo Xuan, can we go together?"

"If it's Mr. Chen's friend, that's fine.

Miss Zuo please! "

Steward Lin smiled at Zuo Xuan.

Zuo Xuan felt a little overwhelmed in his head. After all, this steward Lin, but a big man who Young Master Hasen must pay attention to, turned out to be so respectful to herself.

Could it be that Chen Fei's status is not ordinary, he is very powerful, or a distinguished guest of the Manson family.

For a moment, Zuo Xuan couldn't help turning her head to look at Chen Fei, her expression full of surprise and confusion.

Ke Yan, Luo Rongrong, and Hasen were all surprised at this moment, with a deep unbelievable color written on their faces.

But at this time, Steward Lin had personally opened the door of the car, let Chen Fei and Zuo Xuan get into the car, and then sat in the passenger seat and prepared to leave.

Under such circumstances, they had to believe that Chen Fei's words were true.

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Hasen thought of something, rushed up, and said in a deep voice, "Steward Lin, please wait a moment."

"Master Hasen, what can you do?"

Manager Lin was a little surprised when he saw the blood-stained face of Hasson, but his tone was very good.

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