
Chapter 2103: Manson family

Looking at Steward Lin, Hasen suppressed the anger in his heart and spoke as calmly as possible: "Steward Lin, this Mr. Chen can't leave."

"Can't go, why is this?"

Butler Lin couldn't help frowning.

Hasen gritted his teeth and said: "I am like this, he was the one who beat me.

I must ask him to give an explanation, otherwise, he cannot leave. "

"Ah, this—" Steward Lin couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard the words, and then turned to look at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei didn't deny it, and said lightly: "He insulted my friend and wanted to beat others, so I taught him a lesson."

"This—" For a moment, Steward Lin's expression sank slightly, his expression a little embarrassed.

After all, Hasson is the young master of the Hoyt family.

Even if the Manson family is powerful, they don't want to easily confront the Hoyt family.

Immediately, Steward Lin thought of something and said to Hasson: "This Mr. Chen is a distinguished guest of Mrs. Manson. I want to report this matter to Mrs. Manson.

Please also Master Hasen to wait a moment. "

"Butler Lin, please."

Hasen nodded, then gave Chen Fei a fierce look in his eyes.

Chen Fei ignored it, but stood aside with a calm expression.

Zuo Xuan on the side tightened his hands on Chen Fei's sleeves, looked at Chen Fei with a worried expression, and said, "Chen Fei, what can we do about this? Or, let's--" Chen Fei showed a touch of faintness. She smiled, patted Zuo Xuan's head softly, and said softly, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

At this time, Butler Lin was already on the phone with Mrs. Manson and explained the matter quickly and concisely.

Afterwards, Butler Lin handed the phone to Hasson and said: "Master Hasson, Mrs. Manson would like to say something to you."


Hasen took the phone and exchanged a few words.

When speaking, the expression on his face changed, a little angry, and then the anger gradually relieved, and finally he sighed and said: "I see, Mrs. Manson."

Then, he returned the phone to Steward Lin with a cold face, and said: "For Mrs. Manson's sake, this time, let's forget it for the time being."

"Thank you Master Hasen for understanding!"

Steward Lin nodded, then got in the car and drove away.

Seeing the car disappearing, the expression on Hasson's face was a bit ugly.

As for Ke Yan and Luo Rongrong, they came up at this moment and cautiously said, "Master Hasen, is it just that, let them leave like this?

That guy didn't know what it was, he actually hit you, you—" "Shut up! There is no point for you to speak here! go away! "

Hasen turned his head and shouted angrily, so scared that Ke Yan and Luo Rongrong's complexion changed drastically, they quickly bowed their heads and stepped aside, not daring to speak.

Immediately, Hasen left angrily.

Ke Yan and Luo Rongrong stayed where they were. They looked at the brightly lit night view of Los Angeles outside the hotel, and the emotions on their faces were somewhat unspeakable.

Luo Rongrong said in a puzzled and jealous tone: "I really don't know what kind of **** luck Chen Fei took. There was even the Manson family backing him. This time let him escape."

Ke Yan said solemnly: "Escaped?

It's not that simple.

You didn't see that Master Hasen was so angry, indicating that this time the matter is not over yet. "

"But, from the Manson family's side—" Luo Rongrong was a little puzzled.

Ke Yan snorted coldly: "The Manson family is amazing, but you know that Chen Fei is only a guest of the Manson family, and also a guest of Mrs. Manson."

"The position of this Mrs. Manson in the Manson family is not as high as you think."

Hearing this, Luo Rongrong couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "You mean, Master Hasen will definitely take revenge on Chen Fei."


Master Hasen has never suffered such a loss, even if he is in the United States.

This time I was beaten by a Chinese kid, can he swallow that breath? "

"Once that guy Chen Fei leaves the Manson family, that will be his unlucky day."

"I can wait for that day!"

Luo Rongrong said excitedly, and then thought of something, and said, "By the way, Xuan Xuan and that guy are leaving together, will she even Xuan Xuan—" Ke Yan said coldly, "That's what she deserves. .

Stupid woman, I don't know how to work, I don't know what to do.

At that time, no matter what the consequences are, it will be her retribution. "

Luo Rongrong heard the words and stopped talking.

......But said Chen Fei's side. About twenty minutes later, the car drove into a yard and then stopped.

Steward Lin got out of the car, then opened the door and invited Chen Fei and Zuo Xuan to get out of the car.

When the two got out of the car, they were stunned at the first glance by the brilliantly illuminated and magnificent residence in front of them.

The special equipment was Zuo Xuan, who was stunned for a few seconds before she came back to her senses, and then suddenly found out.

The location of this mansion is astonishingly the location of the wealthy area of ​​Bilever Hills that Ke Yan said when he was in the hotel.

However, considering that this is the seat of the Manson family, it seems natural.

"Mr. Chen, Miss Zuo, please come in!"

Steward Lin greeted the two to enter the house.

The servant standing at the door bowed neatly to say hello.

Entering the house, all kinds of gorgeous and expensive decorations made Zuo Xuan a little dizzy.

The servant brought the exquisite tea and snacks to him. Butler Lin smiled slightly at the two of them, and said: "Slowly, I will notify Mrs. Manson."

"Well, butler Lin, please."

Chen Fei nodded.

Chen Fei drank some tea casually, leaning on the soft sofa and waiting for Mrs. Manson's arrival.

Zuo Xuan seemed a little cautious. He tasted a small piece of pastry, which tasted very good, and couldn't help but want to eat more.

But seeing the environment in the living room and the servants around him, he withdrew his hands again and lowered his head in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but smiled, took the initiative to pick up a piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth, and then said to Zuo Xuan: "You taste this, it tastes good."

After hearing this, Zuo Xuan couldn't help but turned red. He picked up a piece of pastry and ate it in small bites.

About five minutes later, Steward Lin accompanied a middle-aged Asian woman in a Chinese dress to walk out.

The woman is about forty to fifty years old, but she is well maintained. It can be seen from the features on her face that when she was young, she should have been a beauty.

This is Mrs. Manson, who is Lin Qiuyuan's biological mother Li Yuehua.

Before Chen Fei got up to say hello, Li Yuehua, now Mrs. Manson, walked over with a smile, looked at Chen Fei, and said, "You are Chen Fei, right?"

"This is Chen Fei, Aunt Li is good."

Chen Fei got up and nodded.

Li Yuehua nodded and said: "Yes, not bad.

Sure enough, he is a talent, no wonder Qiu Han often mentions you in my ears! "

Chen Fei smiled, and then asked: "By the way, Aunt Li, where did Qiuhan go?

Why didn't you see her? "

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