
Chapter 2215: Doubt in mind

This narration took a full hour and a half and finally ended.

After that, it was the process of celebrating Chen Fei's entry into the Demigod Realm.

Xu Junshan personally took the stage to preside over the matter, and then a high-level leader personally took the stage and presented Chen Fei with a red certificate of honor and a medal to commend and encourage Chen Fei's contribution.

After the celebration was over, the meeting ended, and all participants left one after another.

Chen Fei and Xu Junshan stayed for the end.

The two left together, Chen Fei holding the honor certificate and medal in his hand.

Xu Junshan smiled and asked, "How do you feel?

Excited? "

Chen Fei curled his lips and said: "A piece of paper and a piece of iron are just verbal rewards, there is nothing substantive. Is such a big leader still so deducted?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Junshan was so angry that he almost didn't punch Chen Fei, "You kid, what nonsense."

"General Xu, I'm not talking nonsense, I'm serious.

I have made such a great contribution to the country this time. Is there really no substantive reward at all? "

Chen Fei blinked and looked at Xu Junshan.

Xu Junshan slapped Chen Fei with anger, and said, "You kid, you don't know the blessing in the blessing! This certificate and medal are the biggest rewards."

"What kind of reward is this?

It's useless at all, and there isn't really a wad of banknotes yet. "

Chen Fei curled his lips.

"You kid! I tell you, these certificates and medals were personally issued by the senior leaders. They are very high-level. Do you understand what it means?"

Xu Junshan Road.

"What does it mean?"

Chen Fei looked at Xu Junshan with a puzzled expression.

Xu Junshan's tone was a little excited, and he said, "This certificate and medal are the symbol and representative of your hero status.

In the future, you can rely on these to enter and exit some important state secret agencies and learn some secret information. "

"Also, some exercises, materials, or medicines you want, you can also rely on these to go directly to the treasury to find them."

"Isn't this benefit huge enough?"

Xu Junshan stared at Chen Fei.

"Go to the treasury to get something, this—" Chen Fei almost stared out, looking at Xu Junshan, "General Xu, can I go now? I'm just short of some medicinal materials, maybe—" With these words, Xu Junshan slapped Chen Fei's head with anger and stared, "You kid, climb up the pole! Although certificates and medals have this effect, you are not allowed to mess around.

It is really urgent to get things after going through strict procedures. "

"That's it!"

Chen Fei was a little disappointed, but still happily put away the certificates and medals.

The two continued to walk side by side. Suddenly, Xu Junshan thought of something and asked Chen Fei, "Xiao Chen, during a meeting just now, you mentioned the first time you vomited blood when you were fighting against Beria.

At that time, you didn't seem to say in detail about that point. Is there any situation? "

Upon hearing this question, Chen Fei's complexion couldn't help but sink.

He looked serious, looked at Xu Junshan, and whispered: "General Xu, if you want to know about this, I hope you can keep it secret for me."


Hearing this word, Xu Junshan's complexion couldn't help but also became serious, as if thinking of something.

He nodded to Chen Fei and said: "Yes, go to my office and say."


Chen Fei nodded, and then left with Xu Junshan quickly.

Half an hour later, Chen Fei appeared in Xu Junshan's office.

After closing the office door, Xu Junshan poured a cup of tea for Chen Fei, and then asked seriously, "Xiao Chen, what is going on?"

Chen Fei took a breath, then looked at Xu Junshan and said, "General Xu, I was hit by Beria and vomited blood because at that time, I was attacked by someone, injured my body, and suffered a brief loss of consciousness. Beria's death sickle hit."

"Sneak attack?"

Xu Junshan frowned and seemed to feel a little confused. It seems that this kind of thing doesn't need to be kept secret.

Seeing Xu Junshan's doubts, Chen Fei said: "The person who attacked me is from Huaxia."


Hearing this, Xu Junshan was shocked, "Xiao Chen, are you sure?"

Chen Fei nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Basically it is certain."

"Although Chinese warriors and foreign warriors are also warriors, the basic principles of cultivation are the same.

However, in some details, there are still some differences, coupled with the difference in cultivation methods, environment and other factors, making Huaxia domestic warriors, in terms of true vitality, still have some differences with foreign warriors. "

"At that time, the Qi Jin that attacked me was a Qi Jin that belonged to a Chinese martial artist."

Xu Junshan was silent for a moment. After a few seconds, he said: "Could it be the Chinese warriors from the U.S.? They secretly--" Chen Fei shook his head and said, "This possibility shouldn't be great.

Because the strength of the sneak attacker is very strong, and the strength has basically reached the peak of the heavenly level, even if it has not reached it, it will not be far away. "

"A master of this level, if he transfers from China to the United States, he shouldn't be silent."

"Furthermore, in the American style of doing things.

If there is such a candidate, he should have been sent out when Herman dealt with me in the first place.

After all, using compatriots to deal with compatriots and undermine the other's self-confidence is the best practice in the United States. "

After listening, Xu Junshan was also silent for a while, his expression even more serious.

Because, he also knew in his heart that Chen Fei should be right.

Containing the characteristics of Huaxia breath, it shows that the sneak attacker has been practicing in Huaxia for a long time.

And the other party has reached the pinnacle realm of heavenly rank, to such an extent, in the country will definitely not be a lonely unknown person.

Not to mention switching to the United States. If there is, it will definitely be recorded by the domestic key.

But now, above the domestic record, there is no such person.

Therefore, it is almost certain that the sneak attacker is from Huaxia.

Thinking of this, Xu Junshan looked at Chen Fei seriously, and said seriously: "What do you think, Xiao Chen, about this?"

Chen Fei squinted his eyes slightly, his tone was flat but serious, and said: "China is very big and there are many martial artists.

But there are not many martial artists of this level at the peak of the sky.

If you want to check it, I believe it can definitely be checked. "

"Besides, General Xu, you told me about the last meeting. I already have some guesses in my heart."

Hearing this, Xu Junshan couldn't help but his cheeks trembled, "Xiao Chen, do you suspect Song Zhengqing and Song Lao?"

"At present, the Song family is the biggest suspect."

Chen Fei said lightly.

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