
Chapter 2216: Secret plan

Xu Junshan frowned and said, "No, although Zhenwu Song Family has some contradictions with Xiao Chen.

But after all, it's just a trivial matter. The Song family wouldn't do it like this! "

"General Xu, people's minds are the most complicated, you can't guess them at all.

Some things seem impossible, but they happen, maybe just because of some ridiculous reasons. "

Chen Fei said solemnly.

Xu Junshan frowned for a while in contemplation. After a while, he said to Chen Fei with a serious face: "Xiao Chen, I will investigate this matter clearly and give you a satisfactory answer.

On your side, don't be impulsive, can you promise me? "

Xu Junshan looked at Chen Fei seriously, the worry in his eyes was beyond words.

Chen Fei was silent for a few seconds, then nodded, "General Xu, I know what to do."

Hearing this, Xu Junshan was relieved, paused again, and then asked Chen Fei: "Xiao Chen, what are your plans next?"

"There is no arrangement, it's nothing more than self-cultivation, so that your physical condition can be restored to its best."

Chen Fei said.

Hearing this, Xu Junshan thought of something and asked aloud: "Xiao Chen, how are you injured now?"

Chen Fei said, "It's nothing serious. It can even be said that there is basically no injury. It's nothing."

Xu Junshan rolled his eyes, lowered his voice, and approached Chen Fei: "Xiao Chen, did you talk to outsiders about your physical condition?"

"Except for my wife, I didn't say anything."

Chen Fei said, "General Xu, why are you asking this suddenly?"

Xu Junshan said: "Xiao Chen, the general view of you now is that although you have won several battles in the United States, your body must still be injured, especially the two vomiting blood during the battle against Beria. ."

"But in fact, your physical condition is very good.

If this kind of information is used well, it may have a miraculous effect. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood Xu Junshan's thoughts, and said, "General Xu, what do you mean, deliberately use the news of my physical injury to draw out possible unruly people."

Xu Junshan nodded and said in a deep voice: "This time your first battle in the U.S., although you have gained a great reputation, you also won very beautifully.

But at the same time, he has made many enemies for himself.

Needless to say, foreign countries, the U.S. definitely wants to attack you.

Although other countries have no direct enmity, if they have a chance to eliminate this opponent, they will definitely not be soft. "

"On the domestic front, although the overall situation is inclined to Xiao Chen you.

But after all, some people will fight against everyone.

This includes the sneak attackers you mentioned. "

"Make good use of this opportunity, and perhaps draw these people out."

Chen Fei listened carefully, his eyes rolled, and his mind quickly thought, "General Xu, what are you going to do?"

Xu Junshan paused, and then said: "The capital city may not be suitable. This is the capital. There are many masters. Even if the enemy comes, I am afraid that I will not dare to do it easily.

Therefore, you should find an opportunity to leave the capital and create a chance for the opponent. "

"Then, we secretly arranged personnel and strength, waited for the other party to take action, and after showing our feet, we swept them all at once."

"Treason, be punishable!"

When he said this, Xu Junshan's tone was fierce, showing his toughness as a soldier.

Chen Fei nodded and said, "Okay, I will be out soon."

"Well, for the specific situation, please contact me as soon as possible after you have decided, and I will arrange the follow-up."

Xu Junshan Road.

Chen Fei agreed, and then left the military headquarters under Xu Junshan's personal farewell.

After returning home, his wife Lin Qiuhan squatted over with a cup of hot water, and said with gentle concern, "Is it okay?"

"Fortunately, it's okay, don't worry."

Chen Fei directly held his wife's hand, pulled the person and the water cup into his arms together, and took his wife into his arms with his big hand.

Lin Qiuhan exclaimed, then his cheeks flushed, "What are you doing in broad daylight?"

Chen Fei took out the water glass and put it aside, then he held his wife tighter with his big hands, and then gently waved his hand, the curtains in the room automatically fell down, and the room suddenly fell into darkness.

Then, Chen Fei climbed onto his wife's beautiful body with big hands, and said with a chuckle: "Now, it's dark, you can make trouble."

"You--" Lin Qiuhan's cheeks were hot, and he stubbed slightly, but couldn't break free from Chen Fei's embrace.

"My wife, here I am!"

With a gentle cry, accompanied by the scorching body temperature, Chen Fei rushed over.

………After a lot of thunder and fire, Chen Fei lay on the bed and looked at his wife who was too tired to fall asleep next to him. A warm current surged in his heart, and he said to himself: “Find the attackers as soon as possible. Don't let people around you be in unknown danger."

Just when Chen Fei secretly made up his mind, the phone rang.

Chen Fei quickly grabbed the phone, turned it on silent, and then walked out of the room.

In the living room, as soon as Chen Fei got on the phone, a hearty voice came from the other end, "Brother Fei, you're back home!"

Chen Fei heard that it was Huang Wei and Huang Fatty's voice, so he smiled and said, "I just got back yesterday, where are you Fatty?

I haven't seen you come to pick me up! "

"Brother Fei, you can't blame me for this.

I'm not in the capital now, so I can't pick you up.

After waiting for a while, I went back to the capital, and I will definitely treat you to Fei. "

Fatty Huang said with a grin, and did not change at all because of Chen Fei's fame.

Chen Fei said, "Not in the capital, where did you go?"

"I'm in Sichuan Province."

Huang Fatty said.

"Sichuan Province, where did you go?"

Chen Fei was a little strange.

Fatty Huang said, "Of course it's work. I'm the boss of an entertainment company. I'm not a vagrant like you. Of course I have to go to work!"

"You kid, I believe you?

I think you just went to the waves in Sichuan Province. There are many beautiful women in Sichuan Province. Did you go to Hutianhaidi again? "

Chen Fei joked.

Fatty Huang suddenly cried out for his injustice, "Brother Fei, you have wronged me. I really came to work in Sichuan Province.

Besides, Wei Tian and Du Cang are with me, how could I be messed up. "

"Wei Tian and Du Cang are also in Sichuan Province, what are they doing there?"

Chen Fei was really surprised.

"Of course I came to work. We all happened to be in Sichuan Province, so we made an appointment to come together."

Fatty Huang said, and then handed the phone to the two people around him.

Wei Tian and Du Cang greeted Chen Fei over the phone, and finally convinced Chen Fei that Fatty Huang was not talking nonsense.

"Brother Fei, we will finish our work as soon as possible. After we go back, we will pick you up together."

Huang Fatty said.

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